
The lycan king's lies

My life was turned upside down when I found out the truth of who I am.and then turn again when I found my mate. who was sent to kill me to make his father king of the lycans.... does he kill my or hid the truth to save the world and me

Jessica_Martuzas · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 9

I lay in his arms after we had sex for the 5th time sparks running along my body.

"I've missed you my queen these last 7 days have been so lonely."

I jump up " wait 7 days then my heat is over now."

" yes it is mi amore"

"i hope my uncle doesn't keep us apart you are mine just as I am yours"

" he won't I don't care if he is the king you are mine and forever will be mi amore"

we give into our lust one last time and then we start to get dressed. As soon as we are clothed my dad walks in

" I have to take him back to the cells. you my daughter must continue to scream until tomorrow. then the four of us will have a meeting at my request. No one will be without their mate when this is done. remember to keep screaming until tomorrow"

At this my father and mate leave I keep screaming like I'm in heat even though my throat hurts. I can't wait until tomorrow comes.