
The lycan king's lies

My life was turned upside down when I found out the truth of who I am.and then turn again when I found my mate. who was sent to kill me to make his father king of the lycans.... does he kill my or hid the truth to save the world and me

Jessica_Martuzas · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 10

Today couldn't come fast enough. My throat was raw from screaming and I couldn't scream anymore. I just hope I did a good enough job. There is a knock on my door the my uncle comes in with a servant that want carrying a tray with a glass of water and a pitcher. She handed me a glass and I drank it thirstily.

" come to my office in a hour we will talk about all of this" My uncle said. as he turned and walked out of the door. I drank most of the water brought to me my throat feeling better. I slowly took a shower and got dressed. Feeling nervous about the meeting. I walk to my uncle's office with a limb in my throat. Please let this go well. I said in silent prayer. I knock on the door and I hear my uncle's voice saying come in. I walk into his large office and behind the large mahogany desk. I look around and I see my dad and Thomas sitting in the chairs across form the desk I walk over and sit in the empty chair next to Thomas she reaches over and grabs my hand instantly calming me down.