
The Lycan King’s Primordial mate

" I have never loved you! You were just a poor toy to play with during my college years. Now, I have to marry the right woman for my impeccable status not a pathetic orphan like you." Tears rolled down Rhiannon's face as she watched her boyfriend of 5 years hug another woman in his arms. His harsh words nearly drove her crazy. Without a second thought she launched towards the blonde beauty in his arms, nearly tearing out her hair in the process. Before the police could be called, Rhiannon was already out the door, walking aimlessly threw the streets. It wasn't long before she came across a bridge, which beckoned her to jump off- so that she could end her years of suffering. Warm and large hands wrapped around her waist, nearly scaring her to death. In an instant she was pulled back into a broad chest. Warm tingles shot out throughout her body as those pair of hands gripped her tightly. "Darling, I can give you more than, that ex could ever give you." a husky voice murmured above her head. "Marry me, I need a wife and I'll help you get revenge."

OshunEshu6667 · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 33-- Birthday Meeting (3)

It didn't take long for the vampire's version of the infestation disease unit to come into the room and take the corpse away. They wore white hazmat suits. Rhiannon could barely tell the genders of the people in the suits. They used large foils and wrapped the corpse up, letting the foil export the toxic fuses being released from the body. 

Rhiannon and the others walked out of the room immediately. Then Giovanna called another team to disinfect the humans and give them another screening. They didn't want another outbreak like the one a century ago. It took a while for the witches and cultivators to remove the memory from the human population.

"Thank You Rye… we could have had another outbreak if blood was taken from that one." Victoria frowned. A lingering fear could be seen in her blue eyes.

Giovanna looked at her elder sister uneasily as they huddled together. The two of them were too young to know about such creatures but that didn't mean that the vampire community didn't warn their younglings about the danger of taking a bite out of just anybody. They didn't want to become a mindless bloodthirst beast. That would be worse than the Saraoni, who are the vampire's that choose to kill indiscriminately. They make up 30% of the human population going missing with their feeds being insatiable. 

Rhiannon hadn't heard of such creatures before but instinctively just by the smell of the young woman's blood, she could instantly tell the outcome if that bad blood would be passed around like a gourmet delicacy. It was like seeing the past recreate itself before her and her first instinct was to eradicate the first nuisance she came upon.

"Come less go see the men, hopefully we won't see a repeat." Giovanna 's eyes were filled with disgust as she looked at the closed door. She didn't have the appetite to drink or entertain anyone from that room. She could only hope that humans didn't affect anyone or else their entire life would have to be thrown out.

"Mhmm… make sure your very first test should be for that disease, that way a lot of time should not be wasted." Rhiannon stated. She followed them back on to the elevator.

"It's a pity, her original scent smelled too pure and mouthwatering. She had only been tainted for about 2 months." Rhiannon continued, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

"I wonder what lowlife has tainted such a precious commodity. Absolutely disgusting." Victoria made an irritated noise in the back of her throat.

"Sister Rye, why is it that you could smell it in her blood?" Giovanna asked a serious question. Her curious blue eyes looked up at her. "The rest of us can't."

"This… I don't have a clue. I just can." Rhiannon shrugged indifferently. "Maybe it's a laten talent or something."

They went one floor down, the corridor of the male lofts was considerably brighter. Their aura was cleaner and less depressing.

 They walked down the corridor and into the middle room on the right. The testosterone filled the air. The numerous men were all crowded around a group of four who were fighting. 

Louds hoops and hollering could be heard at the door's entrance. Rhiannon almost thought she was watching a gladiator's fight to the death.

However, no one stopped them and the female vampires in the room were very much intrigued. Rhiannon swept her eyes around the men; glad to see she didn't recognize anyone there.

However, before she could smile in satisfaction, a dangerous glint passed through her eyes. Her body moved before her brain could compute what was happening. 

She thundered through the men like a tornado, kicking the men away from each other. The man at the very bottom was full of blood and cuts, barely breathing with a hint of a smile on his face. An evil glint in his eyes.

"Vicky…Anna…Lock down the facility NOW!" Rhiannon's voice was urgent.

 Rhiannon lifted her hands, waving it over the dying man, freezing his muscles. Ice covered every inch of him and only his eyes could be seen moving frantically in horror.

"Who has come in contact with this man since he has entered this room. Stand to my left." Although the men didn't understand what was going on. 

They knew she held a high authority and was very powerful based on the energy she was putting out. Without another word the room split up with less than half of the men standing to her right.

"This isn't good." Giovanna grunted. She was already on the phone with a displeased look on her face.

Rhiannon looked at the groups, her sense of smell zoning in on more than 5 people there were infected that were not on her left. Only two that were on her left were infected, the odds were very discombobulated.

"Rye…this program has only just started. How is it that people with 1 in a million chance of having such a thing would win up here. Most of them would be in the hospital getting treated." Victoria looked warily at the men before her. Her fingernails bit into her hand.

"I don't know but this is very strange. It's not only that disease but another that is similar. It's like someone made a synthetic Verizon to cause a mass outbreak. `` As Rhiannon spoke, she waved her hands over the crowd, freezing the infected in one go.

"Damn it… We are going to have to check everyone here." Victoria folded her arms impatiently. "But that would take months to test everyone out.

"Not necessary…How many floors are occupied by the new entries.?" Rhiannon asked.

"Hmm…two floors above us,17 floors below us and we have about 9 testing facilities above the two upstairs." Victoria pondered for a while.

Rhiannon nodded. "It's the layout of each floor like this one and the one above?"

"Hmm. yes. They're all exactly the same." Giovanna answered.

"That's good, I should be just in range then." Rhiannon waved her hand, producing a white portal. It looked like numerous clouds converging onto one another.

Where they couldn't see duplicate cloud portals appeared in every room and every floor. She made her senses merge with the clouds, sensing the infected from the rest. As soon as she found one; they would be frozen into place. 

"There, you only need your teams to each floor to pick them up." Rhiannon rubbed her temples in fatigue. "But a round of extra tests will be needed. I can sense those that have only just been infected."

"Got it." Giovanna nodded her head as she picked her cell phone and dialed another number.

Victoria walked up to the ice sculptures, running her eyes over the frozen man. She watched the frantic eyes of the man in amusement.

"This man… seems to know what he has." Victoria murmured. "Bastard wanted to kill us all. I'll get someone to investigate this immediately."

Victoria frowned, whipping out her phone in succession. The minute the line was picked up she started to speak in a foreign language.

The men in the room backed away towards the wall. Most of them had obvious confused expressions upon their faces. The other 10% percent had scrutinizing or fanatical gazes.

The entire room was quiet except for the incessant chatter of the Russo sisters who were on the phone. 

It didn't take long before another group of hazmat vampires entered the room and removed the frantic ice sculpture.

Rhiannon narrowed her eyes dangerously as she walked behind them, exiting the room. She followed the Russo sisters into the pedestrian elevator and went floor by floor to take a look at each floor.

Out of nearly 378 humans living in the underground apartments, only 133 were infected with the AIDS virus.

The three women were disgusted and wary about going through the program. It was clear someone wanted to kill off both the vampire and the human races.

Rhiannon was very curious at the start as she looked forward to getting herself a couple of blood slaves but now due to the tainted humans. 

She will have to think about something. Especially, thinking that the tainted humans could have potentially infected the others. She wasn't sure this stock was any good.

"Birthday girl, it's almost time for your meeting." Victoria reminded her. Her phone lit up showing the time 1:50pm.

"Right, I nearly forgot about it." Rhiannon nodded her head. Her enchanting emerald eyes swept over Giovanna in questioning.

"No, it will be just the two of us. Anna has to wrap up things here." Victoria bit her bottom lip. 

The frustration in her eyes cleared away as they stepped out of the elevator and into the front lobby. Giovanna was still on the phone, speaking in a gentle yet commanding tone.

 It was clear that she was used to being authoritative. She has been on the phone for the past hour and a half. She spoke many different languages as she took one call after another. 

Eventually, she told all her heads to have a conference face chat and that was what she was doing at the very moment as she followed them out of the elevator.

She walked behind the visitation desk and sat down, getting out a laptop from the right-side drawer. She plugged it up and turned on swiftly before logging in to their personal chat group and then started to video conference.


Victoria and Rhiannon looked at each other pointedly before waving goodbye. They hopped into her Cadillac ct4 sport. They left the follow up matters to little sister Giovanna as they drove off.

"Will she be okay with that much load on her?" Rhiannon asked. 

Rhiannon's eyes were on the road as she spoke. She could see her best friend looking at her phone from the corner of her eye.

"Hmm, she will be fine. She thrives on chaos, suffering and the likes." Victoria giggled, "It's kind of her thing."

Rhiannon hit US 101 for a couple of minutes before hitting the interstate, driving all the way to Long beach. The women talked along the way, laughing and reminiscing about their past. Thirty minutes later, Rhiannon parked in a parking lot a block away from the law firm. The time was 2:35pm and Rhiannon still had enough time before the appointment. It was a good thing that traffic was pretty much clear the entire time.

"C'mon, we have a little time. I need a refresher from SB." Rhiannon cut off the engine and got out of the car.

Victoria nodded as she shut the car door with a 'thunk'. She carried a small wallet purse in one hand and her cellphone in the other. She slipped her cellphone in her back pocket before linking arms with Rhiannon.

The women looked up at the bright sun, which seemed warmer and brighter the closer they got to the border. Why did the weather change from spring sunshine to hell, making even vampires feel that they should be sweating. 

They had seen a SB around the corner when they were looking for a parking spot. With linked arms they walked the 10-minute walk in two minutes and then waited in line to order their drinks. A couple of minutes later the women were on their way to the law firm with drinks in hand.

Ten minutes prior to the appointment they walked up to a large glass building. Large silver lettering of Kelly, Lock and Smith law firm was firmly placed on the door. The bell on the door ding as they walked in. An older plump woman sitting behind the visitor desk. Her curly brown hair curled on top of her light pink suit jacket. A dull smile crept onto her face as she stood up from her seat and greeted them.

"Good afternoon, Welcome to Kelly, Lock and Smith law firm." The receptionist's voice was dull and monotone. "Do you have an appointment with us?"

"Yes, my name is Rhiannon Capet-Khaldun. I made an appointment with Miss Jester." Rhiannon smiles politely.

"Welcome… welcome." The receptionist's dull smile brightened as her muddy brown eyes looked at the computer in front of her. Her fingers tapped on the keyboard as she brought up her information.

"There you are, I will call Miss Jester right away." The receptionist took the phone and dialed the ext. number. 

Once she got off the phone, she turned to them and spoke a few more words before telling them to sit down in the waiting room.

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