
The Lycan King’s Primordial mate

" I have never loved you! You were just a poor toy to play with during my college years. Now, I have to marry the right woman for my impeccable status not a pathetic orphan like you." Tears rolled down Rhiannon's face as she watched her boyfriend of 5 years hug another woman in his arms. His harsh words nearly drove her crazy. Without a second thought she launched towards the blonde beauty in his arms, nearly tearing out her hair in the process. Before the police could be called, Rhiannon was already out the door, walking aimlessly threw the streets. It wasn't long before she came across a bridge, which beckoned her to jump off- so that she could end her years of suffering. Warm and large hands wrapped around her waist, nearly scaring her to death. In an instant she was pulled back into a broad chest. Warm tingles shot out throughout her body as those pair of hands gripped her tightly. "Darling, I can give you more than, that ex could ever give you." a husky voice murmured above her head. "Marry me, I need a wife and I'll help you get revenge."

OshunEshu6667 · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 29-Reunion(2)

When the couple finally stopped crying, officer Burr finished the rest of his explanation before pushing a tissue box towards the couple. Mr.Blair took a couple of tissue paper and dabbed it onto his wife's face. He wiped her tears, whispering sweet words into her ears. Mrs. Blair kept nodding her head as she gave a small smile.

"Can we see him…no, does he blame us?" Mrs.Blair asked. She wanted to ask many other questions but eventually she didn't ask.

"Is there any way to get in contact with him? We would really like to meet him." Mr. Blair's voice was anxious. A slight tremble could be heard.

"I am glad you asked, he wanted to meet you as well." Officer smiled brightly. "He is actually in another conference room. He was actually afraid that you wouldn't want to see him….

Before the officer could finish his sentence, Mrs.Blair had jumped out of her seat and thrown the door open in a hurry. Her face was frantic as she ran, opening each conference room. Her usual composure was long gone as her eyes searched for her son.

When she threw open conference room A, she stopped dead in her tracks. She stood in awe and tears streamed down her eyes when she saw the young man sitting in the room. Although his hair was cut short and his youthful innocence was gone she could still tell from his facial features alone that this young man was her eldest son.

A beautiful smile bloomed across her face. Her brilliant green eyes sparkled. She opened and closed her mouth several times without saying a word. It was very clear that she wanted to say something but she didn't know what to say.

Arsenal turned his head slowly, a confused expression morphed into a surprised expression. He hadn't expected his mother to come running to see him. That was very unexpected, his eyes sparkled when their eyes connected.

This familiar warmth in her eyes, he could remember it. Images of their times together when he was a child popped into his head one by one. His suppressed memories slowly and intensely came to mind. It didn't take long for his restrained emotions to erupt all over again.

"M-mom." Arsenal stood up from his seat quickly. His throat tightened as his eyes watered.

"Rh-Rhydian." The moment those words spewed from his mouth; her cries echoed inside the conference room.

Mr. Blair and officer Burr stood behind Mrs.Blair as they stared into the conference room. Mrs. Blair walked slowly into the conference room until she stood right in front of Arsenal.

"I know this is going to sound weird but could I see your back…please." Mrs. Blair croaked.

Arsenal looked at her strangely before nodding his head. He turned around and lifted up his vest and shirt all the way up to his shoulders. Mrs.Blair gasped as more tears streamed down her face.

Arsenal had a small birthmark of a full moon with two symbols interconnected with one another. The ankh symbol sat in the middle of the Inguz sign. It looked like a weird scepter ingrained into his skin. The entire birthmark was about 12 cm long. It was ingrained on the small of his back, right over the bottom of his spine.

It was this birthmark that confirmed Mrs. Blairs thoughts on the young man before her. Only her eldest son Rhydian had such a birthmark. No one knew about this except for the nanny that was still working for them. When Arsenal turned around, Mrs. Blair dove into his arms giving him the tightest hug she could. Officer Burr closed the door, then gestured to the table for everyone to seat.

Arsenal looked helpless when he looked down at his petite mother. Mr. Blair slowly walked over to them with tears in his eyes. He placed a hand on Arsenal's shoulder and squeezed tight, a wobbly smile appeared on his face.

"I am so glad you are back." Mr. Blair's voice choked back a sob.

"Yes…yes our miracle baby is back." Mrs. Blair sobbed harder

"Mom…mom,please calm down." Arsenal's expression softened as he rubbed her back to sooth her.

This was the first time in his memory that he had seen his parents cry. In his memories they were always strict and loving parents. They always wore smiles and always gave their children warm hugs often. He always felt loved, not to mention his younger siblings. He had a blissful childhood, there was never a single memory that was dark or dull and this is why he chose to find his parents.

Arsenal pulled out two chairs, sitting his parents down before sitting in between them. He took more tissue papers from the box on the table to clean his mother's face. He took a water bottle that was in the middle of the table and gave one to his father. He could tell that his voice was dry and cracked.

"Mr. Senal I have told your parents about you and they immediately wanted to see you." Officer Burr's voice was low and soothing as he waited for everyone to calm down.

"Honey, we know that you were adopted a second time and that you're used to being called Ari Senal. But…" Mrs. Blair stopped mid sentence as she thought about how to phrase her wording.

Officer Burr clapped his hands and stood up from his seat. " I will leave you three to get acquainted."

"What your mother means is, would you like us to continue calling you Ari or would you prefer your real name?" Mr. Blair asked.

"I rather not be called Ari Senal but ah, what is my name?" Arsenal asked awkwardly. "I forgot some things, such as my name."

"Your full name is Rhydian Xavier Capet-Khaldun-Blair. Hehe, I know that it is a mouth full." Mr. Blair smiled. His blue eyes twinkled in amusement.

"That… Why do I have three last names?" Rhydian asked in confusement. Once he found out who he was kidnapped from and who he lived with; he only investigated a little bit before stopping.

"Oh, dear… we adopted you a couple of days after you were born." Mrs. Blair looked into his eyes. "Your mother got into an accident on her way to the hospital. As the doctor told us, you were born premarital."

"As far as I know, your mother was in a coma. I don't think she has woken up yet. All we know is that after you were adopted, her body disappeared." Mr. Blair continued. "She named you Rhydian Xavier Capet-Khaldun."

"Do you happen to know her name?" Rhydaiin asked tentatively.

The couple grew quiet as they thought for several minutes. "I remember, your mother's name is Rica Vincenzia Capet. That was on her drivers license. I guess the Khaldun in your last name is probably your fathers." Mrs. Blair had an epiphany.

"We were not told anything more than that/" Mr. Blair said. "Now that I think about it, the adoption seemed rushed."

"What do you mean?" Rhydian turned his head to his father.

"Your mother was only in a comatose state for a couple of days. As far as I am aware they didn't look for the next of kin or at least they didn't tell us they did." Mr. Blair stated. "It seemed the adoption process which was supposed to take at least a year only happened within a short couple of days."

"Dear, you're right… I never thought much about it. " Mrs. Blair tapped her forehead in exasperation. "I was so happy to have a child that I didn't think much about it."

"This was very unexpected." Rhydian murmured. "If I am not your biological son, why do you care so much?"

The couple laughed heartily at the question. "Both of us had fertility issues. We were told by numerous doctors that neither one of us could have children. Do you know how devastated we were, especially after all hope was gone." Mrs. Blair had a sad smile on her face.

"It took a long time for us to decide that we were going to adopt. After which, we waited for a long time with no feedback. When you came to us, it was like a miracle descended upon us. It seemed like luck turned around but I think that was because we were in total bliss at actually being parents." Mr. Blair's eyes glazed over in nostalgia.

"It wasn't until we adopted you that we miraculously recovered from our infertility. When you were three, we had her first biological child and then when you were five, right before you left now; we had our third child. These are only some of the reasons we call you our miracle child." Mrs. Blair smiled as she too reminisced.

"When we first held you in our arms, we knew you were meant to be ours. There was no doubt in our minds that you belonged to us." Mr. Blair smiled at his son. " Enough about that, we can talk about that slowly.Where do you live now?"

"I live off Franklin street, it's very close to here." Rhydian nodded in agreement.

"Ah so close, honey you're very close to us. Do you want to come home with us?" Mrs. Blair asked tentatively.

"Could I?" Arsenal asked in surprise. He didn't think his parents would invite them over within the same day. He assumed they would be suspicious of him but they weren't. They believed in him wholeheartedly, it was an amazing feeling. "Do you think, yo- my siblings will have an issue with me coming back."

Mrs. Blair giggled- shaking her head. "No, actually your siblings have been waiting for you just like we have. Especially, Jr- for years he was out of sorts when you suddenly disappeared."

"Don't worry, you will understand once you see them." Mr. Blair laughed. "Come, let's go."

The three of them left the conference room and bade farewell to officer Burr. They took a taxi to the Blair's townhouse on Hubert street. The Blairs townhomes had seven bedrooms and 12 ½ bathrooms. The doorman opened up the lobby door. The lobby was big and spacious.

The decoration was simplistic with white and black undertones. They rode the elevator up to the 3rd floor, Rhydian could remember coming in and out that large black door that had a facial recognition pad on this side. The inside of the Blair's townhouse was warm and inviting, the walls were white and silver and the furniture was mahogany wood and velvet red. The entire west wing of the town house was full of floor to ceiling windows.

There was a collage of pictures on the north wall of the living room. To his surprise, they even had pictures of him from the moment of adoption until he was kidnapped. Against all exceptions, he was woven into all of their lives. His parents showed him his old room, which they updated over the years. It wasn't frozen in time but was kept up to date over the years.

Rhydian's emerald eyes blurred as tears threatened to spill from his eyes. Once again the coldness in his heart melted like an ice cream cone on a hot summer's day. He looked at the white clock on the wall and realized that it was time for his younger siblings that were in school to get off.



"Nanny Davis, I am home!" An older feminine called out.

Right after another feminine voice called out but this one was younger.

"Nanny Davis, I am hungry."

Rhydian walked out of his bedroom and into the living room. He saw his two younger sisters putting their things on the couch. They were looking towards the kitchen waiting for the nanny to respond.

The eldest of the two had long straight blonde hair and pale blue eyes, she wore a short sleeve sweater and blue jeans. She bore a striking resemblance to their mother, Mirabella Thompson aka Mrs. Blair.

The eldest daughter looked to be in her junior or senior year in high school. Rhydian thought about it for a moment and realized that she would be graduating this year. When the nanny didn't respond, the girls sharp eyes scanned the room.

He stared at her shocked expression before turning on the oblivious younger sister. This sister plopped down on the couch with her eyes focused on her cellphone screen. Her long brown hair covered most of her face as she looked down. She head on head phones as she bobbed her head. Rhydian could hear techno music coming from the head phones.

"Tiffy." Rhydian soothing voice echoed across the quiet living room.

"Ti-Tiffy?!" Tiffany's shock turned into confusion as she stared at the unknown man in front of her.

She should have been afraid of seeing an unfamiliar man in her home but for some reason, the man before her seemed slightly familiar. He radiated a warmth and sincere feeling. She didn't know what to say.

"I am Rhydie…

Before he could finish his sentence, Tiffany rushed to him, throwing herself into himself. His chest was drenched with tears. Her shoulders shook as loud sobs racked through her.

"Y-you sti… live." Tiffany pounded on his chest hysterically. " w-why…didn't you… come back… earlier."

Her words were broken, it took awhile before her words computed into his brain. He couldn't say a word as he held her tighter. He rubbed her back, trying to sooth her emotions.

It wasn't until Tiffany's crying became louder than her younger sister's music; did her younger sister finally look up and take off her headphones. He looked at his youngest sister helplessly.

From his investigation he knew that his second younger sister's name was Brittany and unfortunately Brittany had a rash and fiery temper.

Hince, he wasn't surprised when she bolted from her unpleasant sitting position and ran to pull her older sister behind her.

She looked at Rhydian warily with an intense hostility in her eyes. Before she could start on her tirade; Tiffany pulled her back giving her a warning look.

Tiffany wiped her face with hands, she was too excited to feel disgusted at her improper way of cleaning.

"This is our eldest brother, Rhydie…um Rhydian." Tiffany told her younger sister.

I just love a good sentimental tracks.

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