
The Lycan Evolver

feelnlucky · Fantasy
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37 Chs

You get all the fun

Crim had finished his rounds of mapping the area, he had even set some traps and snares, the Ents he was looking for weren't terribly dangerous they were small and fast, but the normally went in large groups of up to a hundred. In cases like that if you anger all of them then they can become a problem. Crim didn't have this problem because he couldn't find them at all, it had only been a day, but he wasn't really overjoyed to spend his time looking for essentially overgrown rodents that travel in small packs. He had seen a couple of interesting animals but nothing that could touch him in the ghost form, so he just ignored them. He set some traps and headed back to the small camp that they had set up to wait for Tristans return.

He made a small fire and began to brew some coffee, he might be part beast now, but he decided he wasn't a savage and should enjoy some of the finer things in life. Just as he thought about the finer things in life however he was hit by a terrible wafting smell of rotting flesh, the smell was horrible and even worse now he had enhanced smell of a wolf. He was doing his best not to gag over the smell when he saw Tristan dragging what looked like a huge shiny lizard.

"Um did you really need to bring that thing back with you, I mean it sure is big, but you could've just bragged about your kill to me, you don't need to prove it" Crim laughed as he pinched his nose still trying to avoid the smell.

"I didn't bring it back to brag dumbass...however you would much prefer that over what I did bring it back for." Tristan replied.

Crim immediately stopped laughing "what did you bring it back for... I am really going to hate you after whatever it is, aren't I?"

"Um...yeah you probably will, but I will be going through the same thing with you, oh and before I tell you what it is use you ghost form and see if you can pass through it." Tristan said. Crim did as he was told, to nobodies surprise he went right through it. "Well, it was worth a shot at least... But we are going to be eating this nasty thing..."

Before Tristan could finish Crim interrupted "LIKE HELL WE ARE" Crim then gagged and almost threw up just thinking about eating something that smelled that bad. "Why in the world would we ever eat that nasty thing" Crim looked at Tristan pleadingly, hoping that this was some sort of prank.

Unfortunately for him it wasn't a prank. "We will be eating this because it has quite a strong poison and eating it will help us build resistance to all poisons, and although it will be terrible, we both need to do this, we never know when something will be able to poison us, and if somebody poisoned your food it might even affect you, we just don't know, but I do know that we can eat this and it will help us. So that's what we will do." Tristan said very seriously "I do wish I was joking though"

"Should we cook it? I mean maybe that will make it less repulsive, there is no way i can eat it how it is, even with seasoning I'm not sure that I can stomach it. " Crim asked.

"Cooking it might get rid of what will build our poison resistance, so no, but we can season it all we want, or eat it alongside something better to hide some of its taste, I guess." Tristan replied just trying to come up with ways to make it less disgusting.

"Screw it...I'm not going to waste anything that tastes good by ruining it with this, I'm just getting this over with." Crim replied as he went up to the body and cut off a large chunk of meat, he looked at it gagged once more, then he ate the entire piece. Tristan shocked at how Crim managed to keep it down quickly went over and cut himself a piece. He also looked at it trying not to gag, then he too ate it all.

*Entire pack gains skill poison and toxin resistance level 1*

-find and hunt more venomous creatures and eat them with your pack to increase the level of this skill (new pack members will already have this skill when they are turned)

"Thats enough, that should be plenty...now help me take the scales of this thing quickly so we can get rid of this nasty smelling thing." Tristan said.

Crim quickly started helping him, and the whole task didn't take too long, once they got rid of the scales Crim used the little bit of fire skill that he had mastered from his change into a hellhound to burn the entire body till it disappeared into a cloud of ash. While he had the fire skill it was extremely hard for him to use it so far, but little tasks like that were he could focus were good practice for him. "That thing looked a little gnarly, and its scales were so hard...you get all the fun compared to what I dealt with today, didn't find any Ents, or anything that could even touch me, while you got to battle a huge lizard...oh I almost forgot did you get an Evolution trait from that thing?" Crim asked with obvious excitement in his voice.

Tristan quickly turned into a wolf and turned his fur to metal.

"Damn that is so cool...Here I was hoping you would get something gross from it" Crim said with a faked sad look, just as Tristan thought he was hoping for another way to make fun of him.

"No luck for you I got something that makes me even better looking, now I am clearly the better-looking wolf of the two of us." Tristan said triumphantly, since they both had started preferring their wolf forms the constant arguing of the two of them was mostly based on who was a better-looking wolf. Previously Crim was winning most of the arguments, now the tides seemed to have turned.

They both drank some of the coffee Crim had made, then brought out decent food to get the bad taste out of their mouth and Crim headed to take the first watch as the sun was coming up, while Tristan headed to get a couple hours of rest.

hope you all enjoy!

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