
The Lycan Bodyguard

Vincent, a 28-year-old lone wolf, was silent and dangerous, devoid of emotion. He had been the future alpha of the Sanguine pack in the mountains around Georgia. However, an incident claimed his mate, Susan’s life. Poachers attacked them when they were fighting with rogues who had trespassed the border. Susan was killed in his arms after being shot by a silver bullet. Vincent had gone insane as a result of his anguish and anger. Some of the poachers were murdered, while others managed to flee. He was forever transformed as a result of this occurrence. He became heartless, cold, silent, and deadly. He only desired retribution. He left the pack to track down Susan's assassins. After five years of search… he got nothing but disappointment. Heartbroken and lonely, he lost interest in everything, lost hope of finding the poachers. But his life took a decisive turn when he rescued a filthy rich elderly man. Vincent accepted the man's offer to work as a bodyguard. There he met Natalia, an ice-cold woman. Her cold and hostile attitude successfully stirred him up, forcing him to unleash the hidden beast within him. He hated her for awakening his desires. He tried to distance himself from her but could not resist her charm. She was like a magnet, pulling him towards her. Eventually, he decided to express his love. However, he learned that one of the poachers whom he had killed back then was her brother. He suppressed his love deep down in his heart and started avoiding her. Natalia, on the other end, became cold and unapproachable after surviving a horrendous abusive marriage. She smiled only looking at her 4 years old son Jonathan. She never paid attention to men. But Vincent was different. She was attracted to him. But she kept her feelings hidden because she knew her sister Olivia loved Vincent. She kept her distance from him despite her heart shattered to see him with Olivia. Entangled in the string of love, will these three be able to prevent being hurt? Will Vincent and Natalia ever have the opportunity to express their love for each other? Or will they remain apart forever? To find out what happened to them, read the book ‘The Lycan Bodyguard’.

Deb@jaya · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Chapter 19 A different side of Natalia

Natalia stared at his retreating figure speechlessly. She felt a bit guilty for yelling at him.

Vincent was a mere bodyguard. He couldn’t stop Olivia from doing anything. Natalia had no idea why she couldn't stop herself from lashing out at him. The sight of him was enough to drive her crazy. It was as though he was her eternal enemy.

Natalia didn't even express gratitude for protecting Oscar and Olivia from the assassination attempt. She didn't forget to chastise him, though. She lowered her head, reflecting upon her action.

It was not good to be angry at him every time. She should be polite to him. Having thought so, she made her way to her room.

Vincent came back to his room, huffing and puffing in anger. He removed his wet clothes and dumped them into the laundry bag.

"I don't like the way she screams at us. Why does she hate us so much?” Gaius growled.

Vincent turned on the shower and stood under the cold water. However, the chilled water could not cool the rage within him.

"No doubt she is attractive, but her temperament is terrible,” Gaius continued to despise. “She has no idea about our anger. Sometimes I want to teach her a lesson. We saved her father and sister. And tonight, we saved her sister once more. Instead of thanking us, she just passed hateful remarks. Don’t stop me next time if she yelled at us.”

Vincent was still quiet. He kept standing under the water with his head down, keeping his hands against the glass wall.

“Are you listening to me?” Gaius inquired impatiently.

Vincent didn’t respond at all. He turned off the shower and stepped out of the restroom, wiping his wet hair with a towel.

“Why are you not speaking to me?” Gaius howled.

“Enough, Gaius,” at last, Vincent yelled. "If you don't stop talking, I will never speak to you again.”

“Fine… don’t ask me for anything.” Gaius went silent afterward.

Vincent wore his pajamas and crawled on the bed. With his hands under his head, he looked up to the white ceiling. His mind drifted to Natalia.

This woman had become a puzzle for him. Since his teenage days, women have been hounded after him. It was different that he never paid attention to anybody other than his mate, Susan. But his charisma undoubtedly lured women.

Natalia was the first to treat him with such contempt. She hated him, let alone attracted to him. He wondered why she had so many problems with him even though he had done nothing wrong to her.

He grew restless as he continued to think.

“Ugh…” he rolled to the other side and closed his ears with the pillow.


It was Monday morning. Everyone gathered for the breakfast. Vincent left his bedroom and proceeded towards the stairs in a hurry, but almost ran into Natalia. He stepped back frantically.

They looked at each other briefly before withdrawing their eyes. The situation turned a little awkward.

‘What is it? Are you blind? Can’t you look ahead while walking?’ Vincent started imagining how Natalia would rebuke him. Surprisingly, she didn't say a word. She might have been in a nice mood.

Vincent stole a glance at her and hurried away. He didn't want to be chastised first thing in the morning. It was preferable to flee before she began raving at him.

Natalia, on the other end, remained rooted in her place, staring at Vincent’s retreating figure. She had wanted to speak with him the day before but had been unable to even say "hello." She let out a sigh in dismay, lowering her head. Then she slowly descended the stairs and went up to the dining hall.

She found Jonathan talking something with Vincent, smiling abundantly. A faint smile crept to her lips as she saw her son happy.

Jonathan turned to her as she came closer. He exclaimed excitedly, "Mummy, today Vincent is taking me to school.”

“And me to college,” Olivia added.

Vincent cast a sidelong gaze upon Natalia, expecting her to vehemently oppose it.

To his surprise, she calmly stated as she took her seat, “That’s good. But remember not to trouble your teachers. And don’t fight with anybody.”

Natalia gave a charming smile to Jonathan.

“I know, mummy,” Jonathan concentrated eating his cereal loops with milk.

“Hahaha…” Oscar laughed. “Our Jonathan is a smart boy. He knows everything.”

"Yes, and Natalia shouldn't be so concerned about him," Olivia added.

“Anyway…” Oscar spoke again. “Natalia, I am heading for a meeting with an old client. I won’t be able to attend the morning meeting.”

“Don’t worry, dad. I will handle the meeting,” Natalia replied.

Her calm and composed demeanor stunned Vincent. He never imagined she'd be able to speak politely. He saw another aspect of Natalia. She seemed responsible. He thought this side of Natalia was cool.

“She has a Luna quality,” Gaius whispered in his head.

“Shut up,” Vincent silenced him instantly.

He lowered his head and focused on eating. Yet he did not stop thinking about what Gaius said.