
The Lycan Academy

[WARNING MATURED CONTENTS] It was a world beyond her wildest dreams, one she believed to be mythical. Evelyn Carter is a girl gifted with the special ability of being able to predict an impending death through screams, (banshee), to her parents however her gifts were seen rather as a curse and madness. Despised,feared and blacklisted by her parents Evelyn is sent to spend the next six years in a psychiatric hospital at age of eleven which she was set to be released upon her 17th birthday. After her release, she was enrolled by her parents into a boarding school, St Donavan Academy, which is known for its notorious and infamous reputation for being the most violent and delinquent populated school across the country, but little did they know that this Academy is inhabited with the most fearsome creatures of the night, the Lycanthropes. Things are never what they seem.

Drava_Don · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Playing hard to get

"Hello! Hello!" With the unexpected distraction, her diverted mind filled with the thoughts of yesterday's conversation with Leonard was reinstated back to the present by the voice of her maths teacher Mr Ethan, on his face wore a look of annoyance at his student who hadn't been paying attention to his earlier teachings.

"Where did you go miss Evelyn?." He asked with knitted brows, his hands crossed across his chest as he stared down at Evelyn.

"I..I.." she stuttered unable to make up a believable excuse, and how could she? just yesterday she had learned that she was tossed like trash at birth to be adopted by terrible religious extremist parents. without thinking full of rage and sadness she had sprinted away from Leon's room back to her domitorium completely drenched in rainwater.

The night had been terrible with her spending most of it lost in thoughts about her miserable unfortunate life, getting only two hours of sleep she had decided to attend classes today to help deflect her mind from everything which to her dismay didn't help as her mind still wandered off to yesterday's conversation.

"What was my last statement in class miss Evelyn?." Mr Ethan inquired, the whole class turning dead silent with their attention on both the teacher and student.

Getting no response from Evelyn with a sigh Mr Ethan said, "If you aren't willing to listen to me in class then why attend classes at all? this should be the last time this happens are we clear?."

"Yes sir." she quickly replied before walking away resuming his class lectures which the student felt would bore them to death.

"Hey are you okay?." she heard Asher question in concern, she had been so engulfed in sadness the whole time that she had failed to notice the boy sitting beside her noticing her dampened mood.

"You have been really quiet, did something happen? did Leonard hurt you?." he asked in a whispery tone not wanting his voice to be heard by the teacher, evelyn hearing his question smiled faintly, there it was again, that feeling of jealousy Asher subconsciously always exhibited towards Leonard.

"I'm fine." she said forcing a smile "what's your problem with Leonard?." she asked with a raised brow, speaking of Leonard she hadn't checked to see if the pretty boy was at his usual back seat.

Turning her gaze backwards she found Leonard in his usual position however this time with a girl at his right, their hands...intertwined, and the girl whispering words into his ears while he laughed not even once returning Evelyn's gaze.

"Fucking player," she muttered turning her gaze away from him, he breaks the news of her being adopted just yesterday night, and the next day he flirts with a girl openly, she thought with a frown.

"wait a minute, why should I care in the first place who he flirts or fucks with." she reprimanded herself even though deep down she couldn't help but feel somewhat jealous of his actions.

"Problem with Leonard?, why should I care about him?, I'm better in every way than him, more handsome, stronger, and intelligent." Asher noting her sudden frown followed her previous line of sight to find Leonard flirting with a girl at the back with a frown of his own coming to settle on his heavenly face.

"Fuck was she feeling jealous? is that why her mood had been so gloomy?." he asked inwardly glaring hard at Leonard who returned his fierce gaze with a wink and a daunting yet dashing devilishly handsome smile. to make it worse as if mocking and teasing him, Leonard had casually raised his hands, giving him the middle finger.

"Bastard!" Asher muttered turning his gaze back to Evelyn who now had her sights focused on the maths teacher, though she feigned her attention to be on Mr Ethan he nonetheless could still catch her glancing at Leonard every once in a while with a frown on her face.

"Okay guys see you at the next class." Said Mr Ethan at the end of the class before exiting the classroom with students following soon after.

"Do you like him Evelyn?." Asher asked with a serious gaze, his question taking Evelyn by surprise who felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment and anxiety.

"What?... like...who?." she stuttered her words

"Leonard." just when she was about to reply she heard a series of giggling noises at the back seat, quickly turning back she found Leonard surrounded by six ladies, one of which was sitting happily on his lap with her hands encircled around his neck.

"No I don't," she replied curtly turning her gaze away from him

"You don't what?." she jolted in shock at the sudden intrusion of Liam.

"What do you want Liam?." Asher asked with a frown.

"Leonard said to tell you to stop glaring at him, you are frightening him and scaring away the ladies," he said with a chuckle with Evelyn's red reddening in humiliation, damn it she thought she was sneaky with her glances left unnoticed by Leonard, seems she thought wrong.

"I don't know what you mean." she denied his words pouting her lips adorably.

"Is this beauty really a banshee?." Liam polled inwardly, from what he had read and heard about them he always assumed them to be horrible looking creatures, with green scaly skins and a scary appearance in general, however, the girl before him was the opposite of what he had expected them to be, she was too beautiful, almost like an angel, he couldn't blame the dark witch in front of him for falling for her...

"Ahem!." he cleared his thoughts, he shouldn't be admiring his alpha's mate.

"Oh and he said if you are jealous all you have to do is simply ask him to send the girls away and he would do so in a heartbeat," he added

"Tell him to dream on, I'm not jealous," she spoke curtly before standing up and walking towards the exit with Asher trailing behind her, Leonard watching her approaching steps presumed she was about to confront him and with a smirk anticipated it, however to his dismay she simply walked passed him without stealing a glance.

"Playing hard to get a little kitty, I'm starting to think you love the chase," he muttered to himself with a devious smirk and as soon as she left the classroom, his warm welcoming attitude changed into his usual cold brooding attitude as he harshly dismissed the girls clinging to him like a fountain of life.

"Get your ugly asses the fuck away from me," he spoke coldly.