
The Lycan's Reincarnation

King Sebastian is a descendant of the first generation of the 'Lycano, his soul has a free pass to reincarnate quickly every time he gets old and dies, but this time it was different when he was killed by his mate Alpha Bernard, who was bent on ending a blood-sucking maniac like him. King Sebastian reincarnated again in the next generation with every memory fresh to him like the morning dew, he surge out to find Bernard but he hasn't reincarnated yet, King Sebastian endlessly looked everywhere for him until he was 26years old he died a sudden death with no reason, he reincarnated again in the next years and his life continued on a loop until a prophecy to came to him that he has to find his mate and claim him, only then he will escape the fate of dying at 26years. Fifty years had passed but it was futile even with his money, power and connections, yet as fate will have its way he will meet Bernard's younger sister by coincidence and picked a familiar scent which will attract him to the young girl, thinking his mate Bernard reincarnated into the body of the girl. At the end of the day, his assumptions were all wrong when he accidentally meets Bernard at the Autumn Pack, at that time Bernard didn't recognise him and Bernard already has a love interest with the Alpha of the Autumn Pack, "King Sebastian's worst enemy.

LameRuler · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Rash Feelings.


"In a few days, this religion will get busier. All Alphas are gathering in the Autumn Pack, shouldn't we head there already? You are the ruler and the special guest of the occasion, the leader of all Alphas and the next Lycan king of our generation."

"Why are you suddenly talking formally like that, Derek?"

"Oh, I'm trying to make you focus on the moment, and not neglect your responsibility."

"It wouldn't change the fact that if l don't find Bernard and mate with him l will not escape my fate of dying at 26, going to the Autumn Pack is just pure politics and endless debate and pretence, it better l waste my time on something else."

"I have a feeling you will find him soon, my King."

"You think so? Or because you believe Meriam is not Bernard?"

"It's only my thoughts, my King."

"I told her l would meet her tomorrow, make that possible."

"As you wish then."

"I haven't met with the head Alpha of this generation before, l will have to credit him that he is doing a good job."

"I'm sure Alpha Jason will appreciate that, they say he has been preparing solely for the gathering, and of course to host the Lycans."

"It's all a facade, werewolves are never happy with us ruling over them, they are all going to see me as a delirious tyrant."

"No one would dare say that to your face, my King, you are doing well if you ask me."

"Well Meriam did, and it sounded just like something Bernard would say."

"Maybe it's just a random talk on the street, she didn't mean bad, except you are clouded with Bernard again."

"He is always in my head, maybe I'm too biased by him and there are no signs that it will be over soon, have some rest, Derek, l will be alone for now."

"As you wish my King."

I sat mindlessly as Derek walked out of the room, l think my obsession coupled with my fate is overwhelming me by the day, it's totally submerging every vital happiness that can touch my soul, it definitely has to be about Bernard then l can genuinely be happy isn't it? My life is entangled with the passion of him that l sometimes wish that we should have never met each other.

I tottered my neck slowly to the side as l glared beautifully at the crescent moon shining in the dark sky, spring is coming soon so it's my birthday too, l let out a slight sigh as l went back to gape at the food before me with no appetite.

Does this feeling never get old?... The turbulence on the stairs was obvious that something was not right.

I stood on my feet hurriedly and immediately Derek pushed the door open panting heavily on his breath, "What is it, Derek?"

"Here! " He muffled handing over a square shape envelope to me, it had our Pack's symbol wax on the edge, "What is the sudden unrest? Just this envelope?"

"It's suspected to be from Ethan, My king."

My eyes broadened nervously and l quickly open the content as my eyes glance around every word boldly written.

"What is it, my King?"

"He said he is certain that he found Bernard, but then Bernard is dying and he is currently sick in bed."

"What do we do, my King, l already made preparations in case we will move out immediately?"

"Ethan is currently in the 'Black Fur Pack, 19hours away from here, it's cold over there It's' their crest winter, Ethan is not the one to like luxury, he sat down to write this letter to me without shocks or common mistakes on it, l don't believe Ethan sent the letter."

"But his scent is all over it, My King, l know you are paranoid, l know your intuition might be right but we can't miss out on any chances, we have been waiting for a message from Ethan for weeks now, what if the letter is true?"

"I don't intend to ignore the letter, who knows the person who wrote this letter might know where Bernard is? Reasons why they are trying to trick me with Ethan's scent, knowing that he is one of those l sent out to look for Bernard in every hole and inn."

"My King if that is your reason for going then l guess we should follow your intuition and just ignore the letter, l will assign some people to go on your behalf."

"What do you mean Derek? Why the sudden change of mind?"

"I'm sorry to disturb you with something like this, l was really careless, l didn't think much into it, l got overwhelmed and we almost fell into a trap, I'm sure it is no longer a thing of secret that you are looking for your lost mate in the continent and you are prone to set up likes this."

"You said it yourself that Ethan's scent is on it."

"He might be in danger, our people might be able to save him on time, just get some rest."

"In as much as I feel that this is a trap, I'm curious to know what they know about Bernard that they decided to throw a fishing net at me, let's set out right now," I said as l walked out of my room but Derek scurried past me and stood in my face.

"The Alpha's meet is in five days, do you think you will make it back here in time? You were supposed to meet with Meriam tomorrow, we were supposed to wait till Ethan found us."

"Are you panicking right now, Derek?"

"This is why l don't bring cases like this to you, l totally got overwhelmed, don't you understand? This is a trap and you are walking blindly directly Into it, if they kill you before you find Bernard, do you think it will be worth the risk by then?"


" I'm sorry, my King."