
The Lustful Goblin

KayIsBored_1 · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Horned rabbit 3

On the other side, Kene was having a much easier time. She spams her skill {Chilly Wind} repeatedly, reducing the numbers slowly but surely. When out of mana, she resorted to close combat until her mana was replenished.

Being used to the attack pattern of the rabbits, she evaded their attacks, and with the short sword in hand, she slayed each of them one by one. Even though she was not as good as her brother and father at using the sword, she was still pretty decent with it.

However, she wouldn't have the stamina to continue this for long and needed to finish this quickly, or else she would eventually let out an opening and allow the rabbits to injure her.


'I hope I can end this soon.' She thought, glancing at the rabbits surrounding her.


The giant rabbit growled at Leo and Noah as they closed in on it. Upon reaching close enough, Leo finally discovered the reason for its behavior.

He stared at the giant egg measuring half a meter, adorned with eye-catching spotted patterns and a pristine white color, resting on top of a nest made of soft materials like leaves. It was by far the biggest egg he had ever seen.

Leo used {Inspect}.

[Mutated Horned Rabbit Egg:

A unique horned rabbit egg is rare; a horned rabbit had a 1 in 17000 chance of laying this type of egg. The mother of this type of egg will be in a weakened state after laying it or even die.]

Noticing Leo and Noah staring at it, the giant rabbit moved and blocked their field of vision from the egg. It roared, seemingly threatening them to stay back, away from the egg.

'So this is the reason for its odd behavior' Leo mused, looking at the blood stain near the nether region of the rabbit's body.

(Note: I know rabbits don't lay eggs, but this is fantasy.)

Being in a weakened state after laying the egg, it didn't have the strength to engage us in close combat and protect the egg at the same time. It had hoped for its minion to be able to defeat us, but that was not going to happen.

"Garw Garw Garw" (target that egg the rabbit seems to be safeguarding, but don't actually damage it. We will take it with us.) Leo smirked, thinking about raising it as a pet.

Noah nodded his head to show that he understood, and he got ready to engage in battle with the giant rabbit.

"Garw, Garw, Garw!" (Alright, then let go!)

Leo moved around the rabbit and rushed toward the egg, gaining the rabbit's attention. Opening its mouth, it fired multiple windballs at him.

Swish, Swish, Swish!


The windfall flew toward Leo at a fast speed; moving side to side, he dodged most of them, but one managed to hit him in the waist, blowing him back.

'Fuck that hurts!' Sliding backward a few feet, he clutched his waist and glanced downward at his waist area, where a dent could be seen in the armor from the magic attack. Gritting his teeth, Leo endured the pain and advanced once again.

While the rabbit focused its attention on Leo, Noah closed a large distance between them and now stood in front of the rabbit.

Noah closed the distance left between them and swung his sword, aiming in the direction of its legs. The rabbit moved to the side, trying to evade the strike.

However, that was a feint attack, as an arc of ice mana suddenly left Noah's sword and shot toward the egg that was behind the rabbit.

The rabbit was frightened as the arc of ice mana shouted toward the ice. It hurried over with its maximum speed and intercepted the ice slash with its body.


The arc hit the rabbit, leaving a deep cut on the side of its body with the flesh frozen from the ice mana. The rabbit let out a deafening roar as it became enraged by the intruders tricking it, almost destroying its egg.

The giant rabbit pointed its longhorn at Noah as a large amount of wind mana began to surround the horn. And then…



The next instant, Noah was blown across the room and smashed into the wall of the cave. Blood flowed out from the side of his head, his hand twisted at an unbelievable angle, and the sword in his hand was broken in half.


He had fallen unconscious.

"Brother!!" Kene cried out as she pushed the remaining rabbits back with her spell {Chilly Wind} and ran toward his side.

"Garw Garw?!" (What the fuck!?) Leo cursed out loud. He didn't know what happened! In just a blink of an eye, Noah was blown away by something that his eyes couldn't even follow.

Glancing at the giant rabbit, he could see that it was breathing heavily, having used all of its mana on that attack. Knowing that it won't be able to fire any more magic, Leo sprints to Noah's side and also deals with the remaining horned rabbits.

"Daddy, what should we do? He's not waking up!" Kene asked, becoming very worried for Noah.

"Garw, Garw, Garw" (Here, make him eat this; I have to quickly deal with the rabbit), Leo said, and he handed the berries to Kene.

"Ah okay!" Kene said this and hurriedly pushed all the berries into Noah's mouth.

[Glow inkberry:

A type of berry that needed a large amount of sunlight to grow.

- Could restore some bit of health when eaten]

Leaving Kene to take care of Noah, Leo dashed toward the rabbit once again, this time ending it once and for all.

He leaped forward into the air and swung his hammer downward at the rabbit's face. The rabbit could not dodge the attack as the egg was behind it, so it stood on two feet and swung one of its front legs at him.


The hammer clashed against the claws on its legs, sending sparks. The two continued to exchange blows, hoping to find an opening to take advantage of.

Finally, the rabbit made a mistake and let out an opening for Leo. Leo smashed the flattened side of the hammer into its face, making it slide a few feet to the side.

The rabbit shakes its head to get rid of the dizziness that had assaulted him after being hit in the face. It was about to charge at Leo but halted when it saw him next to the egg and pointing a dagger at it.

"Garw Garw" (You better not move) Leo grinned evilly.
