
Chapter 763 is false

Master Zhong solemnly warned Mrs. Mu: "There are such things, don't mention them again, they are just moral issues!"

Some things can't be said, and if they are said, they will be listened to by those who have a heart.

Mrs. Mu also knew this truth, so she had to suppress her heart.

Anyway, the recording can't be used as evidence, and there is nothing wrong with it, which is enough for her to rest assured.


Hou Chaosi sat opposite Juliana Lewis, and his face was full of gossip and curiosity: "Sister wine, is the hot search true?"

Juliana Lewis asked her, "Which one do you mean?"

Hou Chaosi: "There are all, Miranda Sanchez was really killed by her fiance and good girlfriends?"

Juliana Lewis clicked Hou Chaosi's forehead: "Then why gossip? Just wait for the police to inform you."

Hou Chaosi said, "Then Wendy Johnson and Stewart Morris..."

Do you mean it?

Juliana Lewis: "You have seen the photos and videos on the Internet. Can this be fake?"