
The Luna of Bane City

In one fateful night that almost sees her brutally molested, Kia Ling's life changes forever. Her colleagues always saw her as weak, but now, they see her as broken and damaged goods. However, all that is about to change as she embarks on a dangerous mission that will throw her into the throes of love, passion and war. She has six months to prove herself or die trying. If she succeeds, she will find love and power, if she fails she will find death and misery. In this story, Kia Ling Becomes the Luna of Bane City, transforming from a weak cop to a force of nature to be reckoned with, a force of nature that will change Bane City forever. However, power is useless in the face of love. Alpha, Luna, Beta or Omega, we are all human when our hearts falls under the influence of love.

The_Impaler · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 4: The Bargarattis I

The Bargaratti Mafia was the oldest criminal organization in Bane city. It was also the strongest. Over the decades, criminal organizations have come and gone. But somehow, the Bargarattis grow in strength from generation to generation.

Many law enforcers have dreamed of bringing the mighty Mafian organization down. But for all who have tried, it has only been a dream, a dream that many have died for but none have achieved. And yet, the dream lives on.

Since Kia joined the force, she had seen the assembling of four different task forces. However, the results are always the same. A few years of intense work, death, and injuries to all its members, and ultimately, the dismantling of the task force in its entirety.

All methods of bringing the organization down always fail in the end. It was just impossible to get evidence on them. Surveillance, informants, interrogation, and even infiltration, nothing worked against the biggest and oldest crime family of Bane City.

The organization always had the latest in counter-surveillance tech, rendering all surveillance attempts futile. As for informants, well, you needed to turn them first, and that required immense interrogation admission of guilt, followed by proffering a deal. However, it all relied on interrogation.

The problem was that the made men of the Bargaratti Mafia were super resistant to interrogation. Anytime they were taken in for questioning, they simply sat there and said one word over and over again, "Lawyer."

"Did you kill your wife?"


"Are you a gangster?"


"Are you a member of the Bargarati Family?"


"They continued like this until Vincenzo Voglor, the consigliere of the Bargaratti family, arrived. And when he arrived, things went from bad to worse. His clients always stopped talking, and he answered all pertinent questions with just two words: "No comment."

At the end of the day, officers were left to either let the suspect go or charge them with whatever evidence they were able to get. Which usually was none at all. And even if they had a case, the defendants always plead the fifth from beginning to end of the case. They didn't try to change the view of the court or get a lower sentence. Once caught, they let justice run its course and accept the consequences.

Of course, there were members of the Bargaratti mafia who weren't stoic and resistant to the interrogation techniques of the Police Force. However, they were usually low-level associates who had little or no information worth using in court.

On the off chance that these mere thugs were turned into informants, they were always discovered and killed before they could provide any useful insight into the workings of the Bargaratti Mafia or hard evidence. At the end of the day, surveillance, interrogation, and the use of informants were ineffective against the Bargaratti Mafia.

That left infiltration, which was the route most cops tried to go with. Believing in their ability to go undercover, many cops have got into the Bargaratti mafia, hoping to burrow in and destroy the organization from the inside out.

However, it didn't matter how smart, intelligent, or tactful they were. They always ended up dead. No undercover cop had ever succeeded in infiltrating the Bargaratti Mafia for more than a few weeks. It seemed that as soon as they got in, their bodies got thrown out.

This was the nature of Kia's problem. And it was with the awareness of just how complicated and impossible her mission was that she came up with her delicate and rather ingenious plan. Her plan was simple and yet intelligent. She wasn't going to try to get into the Bargarati mafia as a member. She wasn't even going to try to join at all. Instead, she was going to offer her services as dirty cop supreme.