
Chapter 40 (what if?)

Darius had requested to see his son Ramiel because it had been a long while since they had their usual father-to-son talks. He concluded that leadership duties got the better part of him and wanted to deny him the right to spend quality time with his son. But he decided that it was going to change right at that moment. Not that he wasn't busy, but somehow he just had to make out time for him and he wasn't going to be distracted. He sat patiently on this throne in his throne room waiting for his son and a few minutes later, he heard the door creak open and his son walked in.

Darius' face brightened when he saw him. He didn't realize how much he missed him until he saw come into the throne room. And it wasn't like he hadn't seen him before, but remembering that he was a father to this handsome young man, he could only feel proud.