
Chapter 41: Support and Suspicions

Randall’s POV

I left her in the morning, a fire burning within me that I knew I wouldn’t smolder until I did what had to be done.

I went back for our clothes that I had hidden along the edge of the Estate, changing hastily back into my clothes from the night before in the damp, foggy morning air before rushing back to the Manor to fetch Penny.

Penny was livid, having been up all night worrying over the whereabouts of her mistress but promised to keep things quiet. I sent her to the cottage with clothes and breakfast for Clara, watching from an upstairs window as Penny disappeared through the dense fog and out into the fields towards Cavendash Cottage.

I didn’t spend much time at the Manor. I went to the kitchens for a few pieces of toast and called for a carriage. There was much work to be done, and I needed to meet with the Elders.

But first and foremost, I needed to meet with my lawyer.
