
Chapter 12: Lord Von Lucius

Randall’s POV

Markus had laid it all out on the table, every whispered word and passed down piece of gossip he had heard regarding the Cavendash family over the past several months.

William and I had listened intently, our untouched ale growing warm and stale on the table as Markus wove us a tale from the fragmented slivers of information he had been able to gather.

I trusted Markus, I always had, and I knew there had to be significant weight to the tales and gossip from the town and Estate villages, which was generally used as a means to pass information along, compared to court gossip that was only meant to hurt feelings and spin scandals out of nothing for sheer entertainment.

An Alpha dying, especially so young, had surely caused talk, despite the finality that it happened during a hunting excursion, something the wealthy families did often and with great show.