
The Luna's Rejection

DaoistLXUy6P · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Arial's POV.

I'm so excited tomorrow is my 18th birthday, and because I turn 18, I'll finally be able to find my mate. Normally when a werewolf turn 18, they can find their mate. It's said to be an amazing thing to find your mate. On your 18th birthday you'll also normally get your wolf, sometimes you get it a little while before you turn 18, but that's only if you have been exposed for some kind of trauma.

All the others from my pack don't think I have a mate nor a wolf, but what they don't know is, that I got my wolf when I was 12. I have never heard of anyone else shifting at such a young age like me. Maybe I was just born to be a freak.

"No you aren't, you are born to something much bigger than that Arial, we just don't know what exactly it is jet," said my wolf Shapira.

"Thanks Shapira, you are always there for me," I said.

I hope I find my mate tomorrow, I know that it is highly unlikely to meet your mate at exactly 18 but my fingers are crossed, I can't wait to get away from this place.

I don't like it here, everybody hates me because they think I killed my parents but I didn't.

One night we were attacked by rouges and my parents told me to hide. I then decided to hide in the outskirts of the woods where I could still see what was going on. My parents couldn't fight them all by themselves, and I ended up seeing them get killed.

I ran as fast as I could to the alpha without getting noticed, he accused me of killing them, I didn't understand why, I was only 5 when the attack happened.

Within the next few days everyone knew that my parents, the beta, and the beta female, was dead. Because of what the alpha told them they all accused me of killing them. Since then I've gone from a betas kid to an omega, no not even that, I am lower than an omega. I am a slave to my pack because of something I didn't even do.

If that attack had never happened, I would soon had become beta.

18th birthday

I woke up to my wolf Shapira yelling "Happy birthday, happy birthday," to me, I really love Shapira, she is the only one who wishes me a happy birthday.

I got up from bed and combed my hair, then I took a blue dress on that matches my eyes.

"Ohhh, who are you trying to impress, it's long time ago I last saw you in a dress!" my wolf yelled exited.

"I'm not trying to impress anyone!" I defended myself, but Shapira saw right through my lie, to be honest I didn't even convince myself of that lie either.

"I'm just happy that I'm finally going to meet my mate, I hope he is sweet and nice," I said ecstatic.

"Just don't get too disappointed if you don't meet him today, okay sweetie?" my wolf said softly.

I know the chance of finding your mate on your 18th birthday is pretty rare, but I can still hope.

"I'll try, but I don't know how much longer I can stay here if I don't find my mate soon, so that I can get out of this hellhole of a place," I can't stay here much longer, I don't know how much more both my mind and body can take, all the others are mentally draining me in only a few minutes, and the beatings are beginning to worsen, I thought.

"It will all work out in the end, trust me," Shapira said.

"That's easy for you to say, the others don't know I have a wolf, so they don't harass you!" I can feel Shapira sadden, okay maybe that was a bit harsh, but it's the truth.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that Shapira," Great I just made my only friend sad, can I ever do anything right! I ask angry at myself.

"It's okay Arial," I could hear in her tone that she is still sad, and it's all my fault, I'm useless, I thought.

I began to hurry down the stairs to make breakfast for everyone. I have to get up really early to make breakfast for everyone, cause none of the omegas are helping me, even though it's their job, but as long as I can be alone I don't really care.

3 hours later it is 09:00 am and everyone is waking up around now, good that the food is ready, or else everyone will just be angry with me because they are hungry, and you don't want to piss off a hungry werewolf.

The was this one time when I was 9, I slept too long and didn't get to finish cooking before everyone awoke, that got me a pretty bad beating, I still have scars on my ribcage from when the alpha sliced me with a silver knife.

If you don't know, silver is one of our biggest weaknesses, it burns werewolves, and it hurts like a bitch. You don't want to try it!

But since then without anyone seeing it, I have been injecting myself with a small amount of silver each day, to try and get immune.

So far it is working, the silver doesn't hurt as much as it did back then, I am almost immune. It's like I can still feel it sizzling on my skin, but I can withstand that amount of pain.

Almost everyone is on their way over here to get food, so without a sound I decide to sneak out of there and begin on my chores. Yes, I have chores, and I'm the only one who have chores. Even the omegas don't have chores, yes now and then they have to clean a bit, but I does almost all the cleaning here in the packhouse.

There lives about 150 wolves in the packhouse, you can maybe imagine how big it has to be to contain that many werewolves. I have to make breakfast, lunch and dinner for all of them, but I also need to do my chores. It's not easy, but I'd say I'm doing a damn great job.

"You are, if there is anyone who can do this, it's you Arial!" Shapira sounds happy again, great to know I didn't scare her away too.

"You can't really scare me away Arial, I'm a part of you, you can't get rid of me that easily," laughs Shapira. Sometimes I forget Shapira can hear what I'm thinking, and vice versa.

"Yeah I know, but you can still ignore me, that's almost the same thing." But I'm glad Shapira is still here, I don't think I would still be alive if it wasn't for her. We protect each other as well as we can manage.

"We're practically family sweetie." Aww how sweet I think.

"I love you Shapira."

"I love you too Arial."

Ares' POV.

I just woke up. Ughhh, it's today we have to check up on the borders. The rouges keep slipping through my patrol, I'm the alpha of the biggest pack there is, someone even calls me alpha king. But I can't even keep rouges out of my territory, what alpha am I if I can't do such a simple task!

"It's not your fault, none of us know how they keep getting in, and what their goal is with it aside from irritating you, but what good can that do?" my wolf Nicolas says.

"True, but that doesn't mean it isn't irritating," I said back.

"I know, you just need to relax a little bit. We still need to go see the border, but before that, I suggest you take a run to clear your head, just a little." Nicolas says.

"That is probably a good idea. Okay let's go take a little run before we go check on the borders, I can always just send beta Caellum and gamma Marco to go check the border," I said.

"That's the spirit Ares!" Nicolas yells excitedly at me.

"You're just happy because we're going on a run," I said playfully to Nicolas.

"A little, but it's also great to see that you're in a much better mood now, just forget about all your work for a moment and enjoy yourself," Nicolas said.

"Okay, I'll at least try" Nicolas knows I can't forget all my responsibilities just like that, i'm the alpha king, I have to work all the time to keep everything going.

"Yeah I know, but let's go!"

"Okay, okay!" I said with fake annoyance.

I shift into my wolf and stretch out my paws. Nicolas is handsome, he is an all-black wolf with a white crescent moon on the forehead. If that isn't a one of a kind, then I don't know what is.

I ran as fast as I could through the forest zipping past all the trees and roots.

"Ahhh, this is what I call relaxation," Nicolas says in a really relaxed voice, just living in the moment.

This is actually pretty comforting, and it actually helps clearing my head from all my responsibilities.

"I didn't think I could be this relaxed," I say to Nicolas.

He just grins a wolfy grin, I can feel he is proud of himself for getting me to relax even if it's just for a while.

I just think about nothing but the slightly wet ground my paws are pounding on, and the fresh smell of trees and the wet ground.

It's a relaxing sound, the sound of my paws hitting against the soil.

"It isn't often that I'm so comfortable."

"Who do you have to thank for that huh?" Nicolas grins.

I just ignored him happy that I can tune him out if I want to.

I run for about two hours before I decide I have to run back to the packhouse, even though I would more call it a mansion than a house, it's a pretty big place, but there's many wolves living there. In my packhouse there lives about 500 wolves. The normal amount of wolves, the amount most packs have in their packhouse is about 200, so 500 is a bit much but we have the money to expand so that we have enough space for all of us.

I'm back at the house now, I think about if I should mind link Caellum and Marco and get them up in my study so that we can discuss the matters at hand, in other words our rogue problem. I really don-t understand how they can keep getting through my patrol, do they have underground tunnels or something like that? I think.

"It could be possible, but I think we would have known if that's the case," Nicolas chimes in.

"Yeah, you are probably right about that one," I answer him.

"I'm always right, it's just not always you listen to me." Right, I thought, what about that time you suggested I should hook up with the pack slut Michelle just because I can't find my mate huh, remember that one?

"Okay maybe not always, but you get what I mean, you need to listen more to me," Nicolas reshaped his answer from before. I just began thinking about some of all the stupid things he has said to me that I should do.

"Okay okay, I get it, you probably shouldn't listen that much to me," he said and gave in.

I smirked at Nicolas because I got him to give in and accept that I'm right, I shouldn't listen to his suggestions that often.

"Beta Caellum, gamma Marco," I called out to them by using mind link. All werewolves who's in the same pack, can mind link one another, it's pretty helpful when you don-t want to yell or call using a phone.

"What is it alpha?" both Caellum and Marco asks.

"Can you come to my office, we need to discuss something quick," I answer them.

"I'm on my way, is it about the rouges again?" beta Caellum asks, he and Marco know about all the problems that the rouges are stirring up.

"Yeah, it is, are you on your way too Marco?" I ask because he have been a little quiet.

"Almost there" Marco assures me.

"Good, I'm waiting in my office," I said to the both of them.