
The Luna's come back

BLURB Being sent back in time and given the chance to ensure the survival of the Empire from total destruction, as well as to ensure that those she held dear to her would escape the tight clutches of death, Alyssa Velcro seek the help of the infamous 3rd Alpha Prince of the Venus Empire – but the Duke of the North only agreed to go along with her plan in usurping the title of heir from his brother, the 1st Prince, if she became his wife. Alyssa accepted and this threw her usually bleak life into one of constant trouble and assassination. But Alyssa was determined to persist against all odds in order to see the survival of her family CHARACTERRIZATION ALYSSA VELCRO: The protagonist and the heir of the Velcro Pack. Due to her being underage, her uncle was the one in charge of the family affairs whilst she focused on her schooling – so since then, her uncle was the pseudo-head of the Pack and the fact that he was an Alpha made things easier on his end. However, she was a naive child who had depended on her uncle and it led to hers and her brother’s demise. She had once been engaged to the first Prince of the Vincent Pack, the heir of the Empire, and that put her in direct conflict. She’s a nice and kind person who always looked at the future possibilities of even the worst individual changing, which was why she ignored the rumours that her betrothed had been cheating on her with various women. She held a fierce love for her brother and it was partly because of him and what he’d stand to gain as the in-law of the future Emperor. When she was sent back after being executed, it took her a while to find the best solutions as to prevent the total annihilation of her already declining Pack. She decided to become the 3rd Prince’s betrothed and she used everything in her power to ensure his rise to power. LUCIEN VINCENT: The 3rd Prince and the Duke of the North and the son of the Emperor and his 2nd Consort from the North. He had the reputation of being a vagabond and a ruthless killer. He was a trained warrior and he excelled in everything than his older brothers. He was seen as a competition of the 1st Prince and fractions were created before he became of age. In order to prevent his untimely demise, his uncle, Duke Adam Cole of the North petitioned to have him housed in the North with him. He became his uncle’s heir and when his uncle passed away when he was 16 years old, he became the Duke and a great one. His actions only made his fraction stronger. He’s a cold and calculating Alpha who hides his malice and true intention behind a smile. ALAN VELCRO: Alyssa’s beloved twin brother. Like his sister, he’s a soft hearted person and he disliked conflict – but even at that he was extremely smart and it was also due to his high intelligence that he became the Emperor’s advisor. LUTHER VINCENT: The 1st Prince and the Alpha Alyssa was meant to marry. He’s an arrogant and self centered individual and a total whore. Like Lucien, he inherited the royal looks and was extremely handsome. It was he who brought the empire to its ruin due to his arrogance and inability to rule. KINGSBURY VELCRO: Alyssa and Alan’s uncle. He’s known as a kind and gentle man, always supportive of his niece and nephew, but behind his smile is a dangerous man who has been collaborating with the enemy empire to see the downfall of the empire. He’s a cunning and manipulative individual who had no qualms of killing anyone who stood in his way of his objective, even his direct family.

Chidera_Confidence_4323 · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Invitation to the palace


The capital was abuzz with the news of the broken engagement. The next day after Luther's visit, I was invited (more like forced to the Palace to see the Emperor and Empress who were waiting for me in their visitation room. I had peacefully got dressed in a navy blue gown when a maid ran to my room to inform me that some people from the Palace were there to pick me up, Laura and I went outside. My uncle and brother were already there, clearly agitated. Uncle wanted to come along with me, as did Alan, but only I was instructed to go. I rolled my eyes before calmly telling them to be calm and that nothing would happen to me. I could see that they didn't believe that but they didn't voice their thoughts 

To say the effort the Emperor and Empress tried to bulky me was laughable was a gross understatement. With Luther in the room looking all gloomy and pitiful like a child about to throw a tantrum, they tried to sweet talk me into retracting my statement. When that didn't work, they tried to threaten me with the fact that they were the royal family. I just laughed at them.

"Forgive me but it seemed you all are forgetting who I am." I began, starting at the three with a cold smile. "I am Alyssa Velcro, the heir of the Ancient and Noble House of Velcro. My family was ruling this land before the Empire was formed. In order to ensure peace and stability, my family was named one of the Pillars of this Empire. You all will invite civil war into your life if you so much touch the hair on my head. My uncle and my brother will not hesitate to proclaim war on the royal family and 2/3 of the distinguished houses of this Empire will stand behind me. Do not forget the reason why you begged and pleaded for my father to agree to the betrothal between I and Luther. So I ask you right here and now: do you want a civil war on your hands?"

The three before me were obviously pissed off, gritting their teeth and biting their tongue. I just stared at them with a look of disinterest. 

"I thought as much." I stood up from my seat. "You have no one but your son to blame for this current situation. If he wasn't whoring around and had remained faithful, hell, remained discrete about his wanton activities, we wouldn't be in this situation right now." I gave a curtsy and said, "Have a good day your highnesses."

I walked out of the room, feeling the enraged stares on my back. I walked calmly back to the carriage waiting for it to take me back home and when I stepped into my uncle's study, my uncle and brother bombarded me with questions. In the end, they two were infuriated about the audacity of the royal family. My uncle was silent and looked calm but his eyes were cold. He asked me if I was truly sure about my decision to break off the engagement with Luther and I answered positively without any hesitation. 

When I was undressing with the help of Laura, I gave her the instruction to deliver the copied documents to the capital's biggest news agency, and when she finished helping me dress in my indoor clothing, she went to do as told.

By evening, the corruption of the Byron family had spread like wildfire. Like I wanted, it had overshadowed the news of my broken engagement. I chuckled in amusement as I read the paper Laura had provided to me. The paper went ahead mention how the Byron family had made many attempts to assassinate me, and even my current attack seemed to be an intervention by the gods because the banner men they'd paid to kill me were instead killed by bandits whilst I managed to escape. Laura had informed me when she came back with more deserts for me that my uncle was fuming beyond comprehension. Even Alan was silent for once as he watched my uncle behave out of character. But who could blame my uncle? I was all but his daughter by blood and a man close to the Emperor had came close to kill his beloved niece – all because she was engaged to the Crown Prince. The paper even went as far as to suggest if the Emperor knew about this and didn't say a word because he knew the Bryon family. The paper then stated that the anonymous person who provided them with the evidence of the corruption happening in the Empire had told them that they had given the Empire's Inquisitor the same documents but nothing had been said. This had dragged Lord Nigel into the mess and I know that the man would do his best to detangle himself from the mess.

Uncle and Alan were making preparations to head over to the Palace and they looked ready to spill blood. They would be leaving with a handful of our family's skilled men and women. By now, the Byron family would have been arrested and taken to the Palace. Vice suddenly appeared with Dan via magically teleportation, making Laura to get into a battle stance for a mere moment before she relaxed when she saw who it was, to inform us that all the major houses in the Council had been called for emergency meeting. Oh, I just know uncle was going to rip them all a new one. And there was still more to come. I plan to release the other documents to the press that implicated other minor houses, with a handful of major houses, for their own corruption and evil deeds. If luck has it, in a few days heads would be rolling by the exposure of the various unchecked reasons happening in the Empire. 

I chuckled again, taking a sip of my wine.