
Chapter Thirty Five




I give the old witch a stunned look.

“Cursed by what?”

She looks unsure, “Whatever it is, I can’t sense it. But this is not a spell on you. You touched a cursed object some time ago.”

I look at my mate who is frozen in place and then I glance at the witch, hope in my voice, “But you can fix it right?”

She hesitates, “If it was another witch’s doing, then yes. But this is through some cursed object. There are two ways to undo it. Find the object and destroy it. Or, wait till you are on your last breath and your mate gives you the mating mark. I would suggest the first one. The second one can always go wrong.”

My heart sinks and she reaches behind her and stuffs some of the herbs into my hand, “Keep these with you. Chew on a few leaves every twenty four hours and you will be able live. But this solution is temporary. You need to find that object and destroy it.”