
The Luna's betrayal

Going about his normal day, while Alpha Fenris was training and gyming he stumbled across his mate moaning another man's name, without any remorse or a second thought his mate rejected him right then and there, he was enraged and felt betrayed by his mate, Alpha Fenris was filled with pain and anger, he sets out to find both the one who betrayed him and her lover. Nyx, a lowly rogue was living a normal life but her world was turned upside down when she attacked the wrong person, Fate joins Alpha Fenris with Nyx and she will rock his world, what has destiny installed for these two prime enemies? Read to find out.

Fr_mills26 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Lost Battle

Lae, Josh's sister and Nyx's assailant, was thoroughly spooked. But she covered it up by cackling loudly. She would not let that bitch know how she felt. The moment she saw Alpha Fenris limping to the platform with a female rogue, she knew that something was wrong. Fenris made no deals with rogues, he killed them. To make matters worse, the one with him was very attractive. She was among the first people to feel Luna Viva's bond with the Alpha breaking, she had rejoiced internally thanking the Moon Goddess for finally answering her prayers. She had forever been attracted to Fenris, so when he mated with Viva she had begun to plot ways to get rid of her.

While awaiting Alpha Fenris's sorrowful return, she readied herself to become his rock and consoler. She had it all mapped out, she planned to steal his heart. But instead of coming back with sorrow, he looked unfazed. While others were clamoring to attack his prisoner, she watched him stare at her with puzzling interest. What maddened her was that last night, he suspended all female servants that attended to him. Reports that he snarled at every female that came close to him swept through the pack. A secular was also released saying that every female member of the pack should avoid the Alpha and if they encountered him, they were required to stay at least 20ft from him. But he had stood close to the rogue and stared at her without any sign of distress when they arrived. Her instincts never lied. Blinded by jealousy, she decided to bully the stupid rogue. What Lae had not expected was how she responded. Captured rogues were supposed to be tame and docile.

"Ugly bitch" She hissed at Nyx, "cry all you want, but nothing is going to save you from Alpha Fenris's wrath." Nyx barred her fangs at her in response. "How does it feel to wander about filthy and without a home" Lae taunted. "You dared to seduce my Alpha, I'll make you regret your existence" she threatened with her high-pitched voice.

Nyx laughed cynically. Realizing that her threats did not affect Nyx, she tossed the bucket in her hand on her. It grazed her cheek and drew blood.

"I may be a rogue and worthless but at least I'm more attractive and better built than you, maybe that's why he can't see you. He's attracted to beautiful women with a good figure" Nyx answered, smirking.

Lae was infuriated, "Guards" she screamed, picking up the silver whip that was used to torture prisoners.

When they arrived, she threw the whip to one of the guards and instructed them to whip her. Just then Fenris and Josh burst in.

"Stop" Fenris commanded. Then he snarled at Lae until she was 20ft from him. "Get out before I change my mind" he growled at Lae, who fled.

They had been attracted to the dungeon by Nyx's roar. Fenris could not understand why Nyx bothered him so much. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his breath. Feeling better he opened his eyes again and looked at Nyx for the first time. Her appearance hitched his breath, his eyes dilated as he hungrily took in her figure looming under the soaked clothes. Her clothes plastered to her body, revealing her well-defined curves, it tightened his throat. And for the first time, he noticed that the dungeon was oddly quiet. With effort, he took his eyes off her and looked at the other people in the room. They were all staring leeringly at Nyx. An unexplainable fury took over him. He swiftly moved to the middle of the room and blocked her from their line of sight. He growled subtly and sent them out of the room, Josh included. When they had left he mind linked his personal assistant with instructions to get a change of clothes for Nyx. He did not understand why he was overprotective, but he knew that he was not letting her out of his eyesight ever again.

"What is your name?" He questioned, his voice sounding softer than he expected.

"Nyx" she found herself replying against her will.

He noticed that she was famished and weak. The pain in her voice haunted him. His wolf became antsy, signaling the arrival of another female. He quickly excused himself to give her room to change. He then ordered his guards to release her from the chains and make sure that she never left his sight. Later on, the guards brought Nyx to his office where he waited. Smirking, he offered her a seat.

"Where are my things?" She asked, sliding into the comfortable seat he offered.

He frowned, "I'll have my assistant bring them up.." Then he added cooly, "until we have proof that you didn't attack me, you're not to leave my sight."

She banged the table and replied heatedly "You know that I didn't attack you. You have no right to restrict my freedom!" Fenris laughed blithely "It seems that you are not fully aware of your situation. You are currently being accused of attacking an Alpha and you dare raise your voice?" He whispered menacingly, causing her to shiver. "You have no right to negotiate, you're in my territory and what I say is the law, so until we have confirmed your identity and innocence, you dare not leave my sight" he finished.

Nyx found herself lost in his sea-green eyes that were laced with golden flecks. It was her anger away, she knew was fighting a lost battle. She had nowhere to go.