
The Lumberjack And The Beautiful Suzie (Reloaded Version)

The thirty+ year-old Babida the lumberjack falls in love with the beautiful eighteen-year-old maiden Suzie on their first unexpected meeting in the forest of Ekule, the major city of the Batang empire in Africa. There starts an epic adventure between the two lovebirds. At first, the young maiden Suzie is scared by the tall and very muscular woodsman. She thinks she is all alone in the bushes and therefore is surprised when the stranger that Babida the lumberjack was to her at the time calls her. She isn't comfortable with the presence of an unknown man who could turn out to be a stalker, so she cuts short the conversation the logger is trying to have with her and she walks away. However later, she will be revealed by her maternal uncle the heroic past of Babida the lumberjack and from that moment she will begin to nurture an admiration for him. She learns that the man she is repelling is in fact a war-time hero, a brute force of nature who slayed the Monster of the Forbidden Mountain over a decade ago. The villain was a ferocious bird ten meters tall for twenty thousand kilograms that attacked the Batang empire and was on the verge of destroying everything, including the imperial palace. At the time of the Monster's aggression, the young maiden Suzie was still a three-year-old toddler. A fresh man of boundless courage decided to step in the beast's way to save the land and it was no one else but Babida the lumberjack...

Elmielos · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Side story 6

Side story 6: The day that Suzie met Babida the lumberjack for the first time (Read part 1) 

Suzie P.O.V 

This morning big Momma told me that she needed mushroom soup for dinner tonight. That's in fact her favorite dish. So in the afternoon, I wore my new pink silk dress with a butterfly knot on the front side that she gave me as a present for my eighteenth birthday last month. Then I took in the kitchen big Momma's rubber-made basket so I could pick up and carry as many mushrooms as possible. Set, I left our chalet that is in the east of the village and headed to the woodland that is situated in its west. I went past the renovated streets of the center of the village. The old town as the area is sometimes called. When I reached the rebuilt statue of the deceased Emperor, the Great Batang IV, I waved at it just like my late mom used to do. I always have thought about her each time I see the monument of her adored monarch. Thereafter, I continued my way and arrived at the right entrance of Ekule's forest. I penetrated the bushes and walked up to the middle where I could find the healthiest and freshest mushroom species: the white Buttons. I collected them while whistling my beloved song the 'Vuzu', a melancholic melody that appeases the hearts, invokes the divinities for their protection, and casts away the evil spirits of the forest. I was strolling around the green woods worry-free as was often the case the previous times. And then I heard a big and intimidating voice coming from behind my back. My breath was cut as I got frightened. I turned to look at the individual and saw a giant and muscular bearded man holding a massive axe and sweating abundantly. I was even more in a panic as I stepped back and my foot anklet broke and fell on the grass without me knowing. The unknown man looked like a lumberjack but I didn't feel safe being in the forest with a stranger wielding an axe, a deadly tool. He could also be a stalker or at worst a serial killer. He tried to talk to me but I wasn't paying attention. All I wanted was to walk out of the bushes as fast as I could before it was maybe too late. I can't tell if he was trying to get to know me or…whatever! I grabbed my basket of mushrooms as he asked about my name, and ran away. I was gassed out when I exited Ekule's forest and nearly fainted. I prayed the man wasn't chasing me. I turned to look at the woodland that was now behind me and was delighted to notice no movement of any human being. I then knew that I was safe and hastened to go back home as the afternoon was about to come to an end. I found big Momma very pissed off that it took me too long to get home with the mushrooms so hungry she was. I apologized and rushed to the kitchen to cook dinner that she had ordered: the mushroom soup. And while doing so, I recounted to my grandmother my unexpected encounter with that lumberjack or maybe…stalker. Something I wasn't able to figure out yet. Big Momma was outraged but I assured her that no harm was done to me. She was not satisfied with my reply and said she hoped that the unknown man wouldn't try again to spy on me. We then stayed quiet for a while as the mushroom soup was simmering. Ready, I served grandma and went to my bedroom upstairs, and slept.