
The Luckiest Mage Should Have a Harem

Warren Luck is just like any other high school kid, except he has been stuck paying back his Father's immense debt. Due to this, Warren has had an obsession on betting, gambling, and leaving things up to luck itself. And when he could win big, things go south and Warren is killed for his actions, his luck finally running dry. Now in the afterlife, it seems that all of it was for not. But then, a god appears before him. It is the God of Luck Karma, who is thoroughly impressed with Warren's attitude. Warren being who he is, has asked for a second chance at life and challenges Karma to a simple match of pure luck and skill. In an "epic" battle, Warren wins and is reincarnated into a world of magic and fantasy, a single goal in mind. To gain what only the luckiest of men could unearth... A successful Harem while becoming powerful.

savvypenguin · Fantasy
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26 Chs

A Wager Against Misfortune

Karma slowly floated closer to Warren, the boy's eyes closed as he pondered in deep thought, not a single word spoken.

The God decided to break the silence, "It has been almost a week, is it that hard to decide on a wish? I know you mortals are greedy."

Warren snapped his fingers and opened his eyes for the first time in six days, "I got it, the wish I was searching for!"

Warren planted his feet on the disappearing floor, his face excited as if he was already reaping the benefits.

Karma grinned, "I am curious to what you have come up with child, for someone to best me in a simple game, you must of come up with something worthy. A wish befitting for a God itself."

"I want a harem."

Karma face palmed, "Of course mortal child, what else would you have desired..."

Warren shrugged and floated upwards, it seemed he was somehow getting the hang of it.

"It's not just because of what you are thinking, I just never got to experience having a girlfriend and there or some things about having a harem that would help me."

Karma dropped his Godly persona and crossed his arms, "Like what?"

Warren sighed, "What if I get reincarnated as someone weak, and feeble? What do I do if I have a setback and need some one to have my back?"

"Well why did you not just wish for that?"

Warren pinched his inner thigh, "Uhh, I mean you are right, but that is to vague and a harem is just a win win."

Karma snapped his fingers, a bright light appearing behind him, "Does it not defeat the purpose if you already know you are going to have a harem?"

Warren laughed and started to stretch as if he was about to do something, "Well great Karma, that's not exactly what I wished for."

Karma blinked a few times in confusion, "Then what did you wish for if not that?"

The boy floated toward the split in the whiteness, a void showing an almost window like appearance. On the other side, rolling hills of green and tress stretched on for miles.

"Let me tell you this Karma, The fun in Luck is not knowing if you will get lucky, if I asked for a harem immediately than it's pointless, I feel this story would just be any old dry tale."

Karma snapped his fingers again, "And this won't be because?"

Warren grinned ear to ear, "Because I'm betting on it."

The two watched each other closely, the time they spent creating a bond that neither could quite understand. A simple mortal boy with a knack for getting lucky, and a God who had created luck in the first place. Though their bodies were of different material, their minds had one thing in common.

To test their luck to the fullest.

It was clear that Warren was going to do just that, because what else could Warren enjoy more than a honest chance at winning.

Although unbeknownst to Warren, after he was reincarnated he would forget everything after winning against Karma. His three wishes soon to fade from his mind.

"Hey Warren," Karma called out, "Let's make a wager."

The boy watched as the light pulled him closer, as if his soul began to become one with it. Something on the other side was calling out, willing him to go.

"If you succeed in becoming the greatest magic user, I will grant you three more wishes."

Warren looked over his shoulder, "And if I don't?"

Karma shrugged, "Then you will burn in the underworld for eternity, and I will laugh as you suffer."

Warren waved goodbye, "Deal, just don't go losing to some mortal child again oh great one."

A single vein popped above Karma's eyebrows, "You are indeed a lucky one child, curse you."







"Ahhh mommy he is so cuuute." An annoying female voice spoke loudly. "Let me hold him! Let me hold him! Let me hold him!"

Warren opened his eyes to see the bright blue irises of his sister. She was beautiful, and as she scrambled up to see her brother, she yelled out,

"Hey Warren!!! Wanna play tag?"

If Warren could physically feel his arms, he would have reached up and covered his ears but on further inspection, he noticed a huge difference.

Warren was now an infant, laying soundly on a bed with more than one set of eyes on him. One sky blue set belonged to a slender woman in white robes, gold like hair falling down her shoulder and a perfect smile as she saw her son.

Beside her, a muscular man with dark blue eyes was hunched over on one knee, he was watching his son carefully. The two were also holding hands, and as Warren finally understood what was going on, a soft finger was placed on his forehead.

"He seems to be stable Mrs. Gambit, and from how he is moving, it seems you have another healthy child."

Warren listened to the soft lullaby of the female voice, almost as if he was drawn to it. He wanted to move his head to see who had spoke, but sadly he didn't even feel a spine. At the moment, Warren was just a mere baby and moving freely seemed distant.

Taking the chance, Warren looked back at his older sister. She also had the same golden hair as their mother, except she shared the same nose with their Father. It was scary how beautiful she was, and Warren tried to look back at the lady with the soothing voice, but then he saw his Father looming over him.

"Hey kid, I'm not really good with this whole Father thing but," he squatted down and put a finger over Warren's chest. "I will protect you with everything I have."

"Will Warry be a Mage like Father or Mother?" His sister asked as she also put a finger in Warren's chest.

Slowly but surely, their Mother sauntered over, her soft fingertips joining her family, "Let's hope he takes after me."

The burley man winced, "And what's wrong with being a Battle Mage?"

Warren's Mother scoffed, "I think you know that yourself honey. Brutish with no manners and all they ever want to do is fight."

The man shrugged and laughed, "What can I say darling, fightin's in the blood."

"What about our little Citrus, she is just like her Mother."

Warren noted the name, glancing over at his sister. Citrus was giggling silently as their parents bickered back and forth.

"Well as we did with Citrus, we will invoke the pact of the family crest."

The three closed their eyes, and as they did, a bright golden light began to trickle from their fingers. The golden stream fell like liquid, dripping soundly onto the fragile body of Warren, the baby squirming as it did.

Warren was in awe, the first glimpse of real magic right before his eyes. What was a family crest? What was this light?

Questions raced across his mind until he caught a glimpse of a small dark image forming on his skin. Right above his heart, black lines slowly intertwined and a single tattoo was now visible.

On his chest, a small depiction of the eight of hearts appeared. The same card Warren had drawn to win against Temp, the son to the gambler that had taken his life in a way. It was weird to him, the entire memory of his life flashing before his eyes as he remembered. It was pathetic to be blunt.

Struggling, crying, and depression was all Warren could truly recall, and as he witnessed it all replay again...

He smiled. of course he could barley grasp the nerves in his lips, but despite that, he could not help but try his best.

The warmth he had felt was immeasurable, and just as his Father had said, he felt protected. Like a shield of love was now encased around him.

Unwillingly, Warren began to cry, as if all his hardship and close experiences with death came flooding out.

"Ah my baby, it's okay." His Mother retracted her finger, and as did the rest. With the crest now present, she stalked over and scooped her son into her arms.

"Haha, poor kid probably has no idea what we just did." His Father said struggling to get up. "Well I guess I'll allow him to be a wimp for now."

"Warry isn't a wimp Dad, he is a baby." Citrus hissed with puffed up cheeks.

The aging man put his hands up in defense, "Okay sweetie I was joking."


Everyone went silent as they looked at Warren. The baby, who was once bawling its eyes out was indeed....


The baby was only a few months old and after being ill to the point of death, all hope had been lost. However, a lady whose Magic specializes in healing the young was able to save little Warren.

Once again brining happiness to another family.

"What a cheerful family." She said under her breath. "Looks like I'm done here."

The lady shroud in white gathered her things, putting a few of her tools in a leather suitcase.

"Mrs. Reign, we are so thankful for everything you have done." It was Warren's Father, his head down as he bowed, "For such a lowly family like us to be able to be graced by your Magic."

Mrs. Reign nodded and removed her witch hat, luscious purple hair falling down as she did.

"For saving my life Alister Gambit, I give you one in return." She also bowed. "Any how, I have an appointment in the Grizwall Kingdom, I will be taking my leave."

Lady Reign situated her hat back on and left without another word, the family turning back to their new addition. An addition that was healthy, and was now a part of the Gambit Family.

A family between both Royalty and Commoners, these families usually hidden away as to not complicate government affairs.

"So what Magic will our little Warren produce?" Alister asked as he poked Warren's cheek. "Let's hope he is powerful just like his old man."

Warren's Mother kissed her son on the forehead, "Yeah, let's hope he is."




-6 years later-




Warren watched carefully, the sway of the trees swallowing up the wind that blew from the west.

Complete silence.

Warren swallowed hard, his eyes darting back and forth, concentration devouring his mind as he searched.

But for what?

The surrounding forest seemed to also be watching, the world slowly closing in as a presence appeared beyond the clearing.

Warren was positioned behind a row of shrubbery, his face caked in sweat as he calmed his breathing. Soon, he would be fighting for his life, and Warren knew that more than anything he wanted to avoid fighting.

Fighting the freak of nature that slowly crossed into the clearing.


Warren winced as he heard his nickname, the same nickname his sister Citrus had given him. The first person he had seen after being reincarnated into a world of Magic.

Azura, the Continent of the Mages, a place were a single kingdom ruled the land. Grizwall, the force that during the five years Warren had lived here, had taken over through wars and political affairs.

Now, they were at war with Kyriake, the land of the Fairies.

Because of this, Grizwall enacted many programs to ensure the next generation of Mages could uphold the great Kingdom.

To no surprise, Warren's older sister was a prodigy beyond prodigies. Able to surpass even their Father in Spell Casting speed within the age of seven.

That same person had stepped into the dirt clearing, her eyes searching for something, or someone.

Warren bit his lip, unsure of what he could do. He knew from his exhaustion his Fey was running low. Fey being what most would associate with Mana, an unnatural power that seeps into those born on Azura.

"Warren you can't hide."

In the instance she finished speaking, she caught the small gleam of sky blue eyes peering through branches.



She disappeared, the small girl no longer seen. It was indeed her Magic.


See, The Magic in Azura was very different. Magic was not predetermined like fire, water, air etc. Magic was something that formed around one's personality and their imagination. For Citrus, she was someone who was energetic, and was a person who always wanted to be the fastest caster of spells.

Faster than their Father and faster than their Uncle Cruz, a Mage who had -Speed Enhancement- Magic. So what is the fastest Magic imaginable?

A Magic that allows you to be anywhere close in an instant. It had appeared while they were playing tag a few months ago. Now, she had the advantage nine out out ten times. The only time Warren could pull ahead was due to her lack of thinking.

Citrus would sometimes become sloppy and rely solely on speed. Warren however, had a different ways of doing things.

He had to out smart his eight year old sister. In a weird sense of things, Warren would technically be twenty if he still lived on Earth and he most likely would have been a millionaire, no idiot could be that rich after all.

"You really are gullible Citrus."

Warren stuck his leg out behind him, as Citrus appeared, she tripped over his outstretched limb. Rolling away, his sister fell face first into the pile of shrubbery.

"Just as always." Warren admired his handy work, and as his sister seemed to grow angry, he bolted.

His little legs pushing off the ground as hard as possible.

"Also watch out for the thorns!" Warren called back as he grinned a devilish smile. No way was he going to lose, especially after the reward they would give the winner.

The winner would get a month of not washing dishes, a hefty price for the loser.

The second Warren agreed to it, he did not plan on losing. It was a bargain he just had to win, even by luck.

As he continued his sprint, he heard the familiar sound of his sister's Magic. She was on the hunt again.

All Warren had to do was not get tagged until their Mother called out to them to come back. In Warren's head, he had estimated a few minutes or so until then.

As he glanced back to see were Citrus was, he had fell right into her trap. As he was looking, Citrus appeared right before him, a hand out stretched to tag him.

Warren slid however, knowing full and well she was going for the direct approach once again. Citrus gasped as her brother zipped between her legs, continuing his sprint into a wall of bushes.

She clicked her tongue, she had been bested by her brother's genius mind once again. She could never understand how the toddler could outsmart her time and time again.

Citrus had the best grades, best Fey count, and the fastest Spell casting. How could her little brother not feel intimidated?

It was the same gut feeling she got when he spoke, would sneak into the library to read, and try his best to materialize his Magic. It was almost like she was the younger sibling.

Citrus exhaled heavily and kicked a rock, the small pebble flying away with force. She had only formed two Spells in her time at the Junior Academy, and using one was out of the question.

The Spell was attacked based, and if it could easily beat a Rank E Magical Beast, than a child would be decimated.

Citrus shook herself straight, inhaling with force. As her lungs filled with oxygen, a weird sensation of warmth took over her body.


That was all she needed to be. If it was true that Warren was indeed smarter and a prodigy just like her than taking him lightly was her mistake.

This was their five hundredth game of tag this year after all. They had started playing right when Warren was able to run, something that was once again crazy to see someone so young do so effortlessly.

Citrus stomped the ground as she spoke, "<World Shift>"

It was her only movement Spell, called World Shift. It took her out of reality, placing her in a parallel world where she was 100% faster than before. Of course Citrus barley understood the concept, and even the Mages above her could hardly grasp it.

A child who had a spell to almost indirectly stop time. Scary.

But alas, she was still a kid, and to her it was just her Magic and nothing else.

Her eyes narrowed as she scanned the shrubbery that Warren disappeared into. The world around her had also gained a strong blue tint, as if she was looking through a colored window pane.

She could only keep the Spell up for a few seconds until it broke.

"I'm coming Warry." She said before taking off at high speeds.

Warren watched the area in which his sister once was. All he could see was her lips move, then she disappeared. It was her first Spell, the one that allowed her to teleport.

He frowned, envious that she had two Spells already, more than most should have at her age. Noticing that her presence had gone, Warren sat down.

He thumbed his chin, wondering why he could not materialize his Magic. It was told over and over again in books and word that one's Magic forms after their personality and Imagination. Meaning if some one was rash, very easily angered, and ferocious, something like fire could be the basis for their Magic.

Once one had a basis for their Magic, they could expand upon it with "Spells". Spells were a way to apply one's Magic in different ways.

Such as Citrus, her Magic allowed her to simply improver her speed to almost instant teleportation. <World Shift> was simply a more controlled version of her base.

A simpler example was if someone manifested the ability to produce fire. On its own, its simple and has little versatility. But a Spell could be 'fireball' which allows the Mage to control that Base and expand upon it.

Unfortunately Warren had yet to even form a Base.

He jumbled his blonde hair, "Ahh I should be a protagonist with an OP power, where is it at?"

He angrily hit the ground, his tantrum rather cute and pathetic.

"Well, maybe one day, but first." He looked around. "Where is Citrus?"

Warren never expected his, "act like you ran away but do not move" strategy would work so well.

He punched the air, realizing he had once again out smarted his over powered sibling. He laid back and decided waiting was his beat course of action.

Then he heard it, the blood curdling scream of his sister off in the distance.

His heart sunk, and without a second to spare he was rushing in her direction. After a few seconds of moving, he stopped.

To him, this could possibly be a ploy to lure him in. Another high pitched scream rang out from in front of him. The pain in the shriek was enough to rattle Warren straight, without a second thought he was in a full gallop toward Citrus' screams.

His little body moving as quickly as it could through the foliage, his eyes searching as he came into a clearing.

He gasped, the scene in front of him stealing his breath away.

Warren's beautiful sister lay still on the ground, a small pool of blood gathering at her feet. It was haunting, but what most likely caused it shook Warren to the bone.

A thick fur covered tail slowly flicked out and caught Warren in the chest, sending the fragile child spiraling backwards.

A long slender black cat with piercing yellow eyes stared viscously. The black furred feline was huge, towering over the plant life and the two children in front of it.

Warren groaned in pain as he slumped against the ground, wondering what the hell he was attacked by.

"Leave now human."

Warren ceased to move, the powerful voice echoing in his mind. After a few seconds, Warren had calmed down, the cat moving closer.

"Do you understand me mortal? If so speak before I kill you."

Warren felt his chest move, a few awkward movements coming from his rib section. He had indeed broken bones already.

"I-I, what have you done to my sister..."

The giant Feline stalked closer, "She attacked me first, and I simply protected myself. Would you not do the same child?"

Warren gritted his teeth, "That isn't what I asked." The small boy rose from the dirt, his mood changing as he began to stand. From within him, a small trickle of warmth came forth.


"I guess a mere infant like you could not understand protecting one's self, what a pity. Now, because of your brethren, I have woken from my slumber."

A long grinding of metal reached Warren's ears as claws jutted out from the cat's paw.

What was Warren to do? How would he face a creature without a Basis for his Magic? What if it did manifest and it was nothing more than worthless?

What could a child do?

"Who are you?" Warren asked as he collapsed to his knees. The pain he felt seemed to explode from his stomach. Was it because he was a child the pain was amplified?

"I am Lucy, the Goddess of Misfortune and Bad Luck."

Suddenly, the pain subsided and a grin found a familiar place on Warren's face.

"And what might the Goddess of Misfortune be doing on Azura?"

The God seemed amused, "You are ill informed mortal, do you not know all Gods have a vessel they may visit this mortal plane with?"

Warren swallowed the information. It meant Karma could also be here, and many other Gods.

The boy laughed internally, a few things coming to mind as he pushed against his nerves.

That meant their were beings worthy to test his luck on, a gamble more than just amongst other people. Warren had always had this problem that no matter how dim the odds were, and impossible the chance of winning was...

He would always get lucky.

Time and time again it felt like he was being cheated out of the fun, as if the world itself made it were he would always win. Although, gambling and wagering was not his only hobby, it was the only one that would help pay back his Father's debt.

Over and over again he had seen that number dwindle and time and time again he saw a glimpse.

A glimpse at a chance to go back to school and live a normal life.

After his house was taken and he had no money, there was no way Warren could attend school while betting at night. So the boy simply took the best route.

But why, why did he get so lucky so easily. Spending hours, no days cooped up in the park playing board games, cards, sports, and any other game he could bet money on.

Eventually, he had gained his first one thousand dollars playing against on old man who had way too much money to go around.

After that, Warren was completely hooked. Like Father like son, except, Warren was not losing. He kept his winning streak till the hour he died.

The hour when his best friend Prong had flipped that coin, Warren knowing full and well he was going to die. The ordeal somehow excited him. Almost like, "if I win this, then what could I possibly lose."

It was one of the few ultimate tests of luck. Then again, as the bullet penetrated Warren's head, a thought had entered it.

'Was it really testing your luck if you knew you were going to lose?'

It had haunted him for the few seconds his conscious took to fade away. Then, he had met Karma, and literally played the God in a game of luck,

and won.

Warren knew he was going to lose, and that made him all the more lucky. Then it hit him, if playing against regular people was boring, than what about playing against Gods.

It was one of the few reason Warren was okay with his life ending. He had no family after all, and if multiple Gods did exist, his first priority was to wager with them.

Luckily it all was in his favor, he played Karma and now before him, the other side of that coin had "magically" been placed right in front of him.

It was destiny.

"Now leave my nest, your mortal sibling will be my snack for disturbing my peace."

Warren started to stretch, the weird habit he always did before doing something stupid.

"Hey great Goddess of Misfortune, how lucky would you say you are?"

Lucy cocked her, "Why such a broad question, of course I am lucky, me being the only person to beat my older brother."

Warren shrugged, "Karma I assume."

Lucy's focus sharpened, "Seems you know your lore mortal, but it does not affect your situation."

Warren felt around his body, it seemed his fragile structure had only been slightly broken. He could still run.

"Hey, how about a wager Lucy, Great Goddess of Misfortune?"

The Cat now was encircling Warren, "Oh, what would a mortal child possibly wager? If it is your life, then it is meaningless to me."

Warren started to giggle, "Sister how could you not recognize your own brother."

The Cat had stopped completely, "Karma?"

Warren nodded slowly, "Yes it is I, Karma."

Lucy yawned, "Impossible, Karma would never come to this world, I do not even feel your Godly presence."

Warren shrugged again, "Well after the GREAT AWAKENING I came to a conclusion."

The Feline's ears shot up, "How do you know of that?!"

Warren stalked closer, "Because I am Karma."

In the experience he had had with Karma, he had concluded Gods were very gullible and lacked a sense of urgency. It was like being wrong was not in their blood.

Warren kept his smile, "Or should I say Sister, I am /&:$,?): ."

Lucy back stepped immediately, as if the words had forcefully drawn her backwards. It was the language of the Gods, and luckily to Warren, he had heard it spoken to him. He had remembered all of it, and the six days he sat in silence, he had realized something.

When he was in the whiteness of the afterlife, he had gained perfect memory. Every single thing Warren had done in his life was in his mind, as if Warren had been given a book of all his memories.

From the second he was born to the second he had died, he had remembered every single instance of it. It must have been an affect of the afterlife. In the few days Warren was silent, he was reliving his best moments, and made sure to remember everything he and the God had said.

Even the wishes.

So knowing Karma's actual name had come in handy. Lucky.

"Now Sister, let us wager."

The cat hissed, "I smell your sent of fortune now that I look closer, why have you come to this mortal world brother."

Warren's face went serious, "So I can hide in this body and join Father's army."

It was another tidbit Warren had picked up, it was were his Mother was after all.

Lucy took a leap backwards this time, " Why?!"

Warren shook his head, "That is information only the winner will receive."

Lucy hissed again, "It is you."

The small boy put a finger up, "Let's play tag. If you tag me within two minutes, than by all means, I will tell you. If you do not, you will help my mortal sibling, and grant me three wishes."

Lucy watched Warren carefully, "So this is what you want, a wish for the mortal boy to hurry along his Magic. I see through you brother. I will play this stupid game and warn Father of your doing."

Warren laughed,

"We shall see..."

Warren felt despair, how could he possibly win?

Then that despair turned into excitement. It was a Wager against Misfortune.

Hey Sp again, and I understand this chapter as well as the first feel more like a prologue, but all good stories in my opinion start slow.

After the third it will get better and better(hopefully).

So once again any power stones would be heavenly and a rating would be amazing.

Thanks again for reading, see ya in the next chapter.

-savvy penguin

savvypenguincreators' thoughts