
The Lucid Dream!

Alex is an Expert Lucid Dreamer but cannot control his dream anymore Because of a mysterious spirit who is seeking help from Alex through his dreams. Can Alex Help her?

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This noon, the sun heated the earth with a stronger light than usual, anyone caught for too long under the sunlight would surely suffer sunburn. Everything seemed so blurry because of the heat emitted by many objects here on Earth. One building exposed to the heat was an apartment block. Inside one of the apartment rooms, a bare-chested muscular man, 'ALEX' was sitting in silence while looking at a wedding ring on his palm and another similar ring on his ring finger.

His heart was filled with Sorrow because someone he loved ditched him.

Then he met a new guy named 'Daniel' who had the same past as him, they both got along and started a new life as best friends.

Luckily they got a job in the same software company and started to enjoy Life. Then they went to a strip club just to enjoy the night.

"Bro! Are you okay?" Exclaimed Daniel who was standing in front of him.

"You know what, I'm bored with these all things, clubbing and addictions," Said Alex.

"What if I told you that you can build your own world and do whatever you want without any money or build anything thing or being," Daniel whispered to Alex.

"Yeah, of course, I wanna do that, just don't make fun of me you Jerk."

Alex said in a harsh tone.

"I will tell you that at your right time and I wanted to tell you that this weekend we are going to the mysterious place in the hills miles away from our home and we're gonna have so much fun because I've heard that there is a luxury Hotel in which there is free massage center and beautiful women Xb!"

"Daniel? Seriously?"

"Sometimes, you gotta take a big step"

"Bitch I'm not talking about women! I meant to say is are we really going or you're joking."

"See now I have booked the Bungalow so you have to come ok?"

"Fine!" said Alex.

The next morning Daniel blindfolded Alex and took him to that mysterious bungalow.

He removes the blindfold


The place looked like shit.

"You F@#king serious! This place looks like shit!"

"It's a little bit old but ok," said Daniel

"Only for this night ok?"

Alex agreed to it and they got settled in the bungalow.

"Alex, so If you wanna experience your own world and every happiness so you can try lucid dream"

"TF is that bro," Alex asked

At that time, there was a knock on the door and Daniel opens it,

A beautiful girl was standing there and said "Sir these are your keys for your rented car which is parked outside."

Daniel stood still and was watching her talk.

"So, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Hey, I just wanna say that you look absolutely beautiful."

"Oh Thanks" the girl replied.

"So, can I get your number?

She said, "Let's be friends (You are the ugliest dork I've ever laid eyes upon.), oh btw something just came up, and I have to go I'm sorry, maybe you deserve a better one(Even something as boring

and unfulfilling as my job is better than dating you).

Sadly Daniel took the keys and went back to the room.

Alex said, "I Knew it will never happen bro."

"You heard that!" Daniel exclaimed.

"You were telling something about that Lucid dream or whatever?"

"yeah, Lucid dreaming is a phenomenon where your brain becomes aware that you're dreaming without getting up from sleep"

"Can you elaborate?" asked Alex.

"If you became aware that you're dreaming so you can do anything!"

"What! That's bullshit! Why would I do those things in my dream which I wanna experience in real life!"

"At least try!"

"Fine! What do I have to do?"

"See, first you have to sleep and set an alarm for three hours from currently, then after rousing up you have to roam inside your room for a while then again you have to sleep, so there will be possibilities that you can undergo Lucid Dream."

"I have to attend the nature's ring."

When Alex was returning from the bathroom so he heard something unusual that was actually calling him."

The Voice Said, "Alex, I was waiting so long to see you! So, you will help me to get out of this Curse!

As the voice became louder and louder but only it could be heard by Alex. Then he Freaked out and screamed loud.

Daniel rushed towards Alex.

"Bro! Are you okay?"

The Voice faded away.

"I guess I need to take some rest," he said holding his head.

When Alex went to sleep and saw a mysterious dream.

He was somewhere in a snowy place and couldn't feel cold.

"Where am I? Wait a minute, I'm dreaming! Is this Lucid Dream?

A wolf was advancing towards somewhere so Alex thought to follow him. He thought of a snow bike and it spawned just in front of him.

"Oh! So now I get it, I can create anything by just thinking of it!"

He got on the bike and began to chase that wolf.

That Wolf was literally faster than a freaking Ferrari!

"It's my dream so I can create anything right!"

Alex thought of a wall that spawned just in front of the wolf but that wolf just got through like there is nothing in front of him, Then at a distance, the wolf stopped running.

Alex saw a small wooden house in a snowstorm, he then went towards it and Knocked on the door.

A Stunning beauty opened the door and they just did a 5-sec eye contact but it was too much for them.

"So, you're the host, right?" She asked.

"What the hell you meant by the host?"

"Come inside and let's talk"

Alex was already fallen for her in his dreams.

They both sat down and she said, "I am MAYA and I've been cursed and trapped in your dreams because of an Angel, now this is my soul but if I would be free from here so I can come back to my original form."

"Wait, I am dreaming right?" Alex asked.

"It's your dream But I am trapped here! So please help me to get out of here!"

"I can create anything in my Dream so are you one of my creations?"

Suddenly somebody broke into her house and shot the Wolf and the wolf just became Ash and faded away.

The Guy who broke into her house just caught her with some kind of rope.


Before he could complete his words, that guy shot him with a flint knock and Alex suddenly woke up.

He saw Daniel playing Red Dead Redemption 2.

" Holy mother of Jesus!"

"What happened bro? Had a hot dream?" Asked Daniel.

"I saw a lucid dream! Maya needs me!

But Yeah, The dream was kinda Hot"

CHAPTER 2 : Mysterious Mark (COMING SOON )