
The Loyalty of the Wolf

This Story is about a girl Alpha who tries her best to prove that women can lead. Even without the consent of her family, and pack. In doing so she accepts one plea for help against a pack of rabid wolves from the south. Alena and her pack set off on a journey to defend a place that they love. and will stop at nothing to protect. Will she be able to protect everyone she loves? Will they be Betrayed by a close friend? And will Alena be able to move on after the soon to come fight is over?

Feminiss9485 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

A week later

I slammed my fist on the table.

"I'm sorry, Ali. We've combed over the entire town, and the city beside us. It's like they've disappeared." Dallas said.

"Two more whole packs dead!" I gritted out, between clenched teeth. "How could they have just disappeared? Someone had to have seen something!"

"Easy, Alena." Scott said. "My pack can't find anything either. And we've gone farther than you guys."

"I'm sorry, Dal, I know it's not your fault." I said, sighing, running my hand down my face. "I'm just frustrated."

"He didn't listen to you because he knows we aren't prepared for this type of intrusion. This type of take over." Scott said. "He knows there is nothing we can physically do."

"Maybe not. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try. There has got to be a way to get the other packs to help us!" I said, angrily.

"Thalia and Ren are working on that. But they aren't having much luck. Most don't care about them." Dallas said.

"Ugh!" I screamed in frustration. "How are Justin and Miranda?"

"They're fine. They're outside with Lina and Carrie." Scott said. "Drew is with them, too."

"Thank you." I said. "What are Jaxon and Derek doing?"

"Sweeping the town. That's what they were doing, anyway. They're still fuming that Simon betrayed us." Dallas said. "So they're on a rampage. If they find him Alena, I doubt you could stop them from ripping his head off."

"Who said I cared?" I asked. "I'm just as pissed. And I want revenge on the men that did this to our beautiful country. A country that's under attack. Or…at least it's coyotes and foxes-" I stopped myself, as a realization hit me.

"Alena?" Scott asked.

"Do you know if any of the bears, or cats have been hit?" I asked. I looked between the two men.

"Who would be stupid enough to fight them?" Scott asked. "Bears are huge, and the cats are just extreme hunters. And powerful in their own right."

"Exactly. Only the weak are being targeted." I said.

"Uh, Ali, we already knew that-"

"That's not what I mean. If we ask for their help, instead of other wolves for help…" I said, cutting Scott off.

"Than we'd have a way better chance at getting rid of them?" Dallas said, though it sounded more like a question.

"Yes, exactly." I said. "We as wolves are already afraid to mess with them because they're bigger, and stronger. If we ask for their help, in making this country safe again, we'd be set. We could in fact win."

"And if they say no?" Scott asked. "Cats and dogs don't exactly get along."

"Well, we're not dogs, we're wolves. And we have no feud with them. We have no hidden war with them. We have to try. We can't just stay here and wait for them to kill everyone off one by one. We've got to save them. We've got to try and protect them. I made myself a promise. And I made them a promise. And I intend to keep it." I said. "I won't fail at this."

I walked out of the house, taking in deep inhales of breath, in an attempt to calm my wolf. She was stirring inside me. Practically begging to come out. She was riled, happy, pissed, and on edge. I didn't know why, yet. I plan on finding out.

At first I had thought it was because my mother and grams were around. Making her feel at home. Something. Nope. Every time she came around my wolf would tense up, and got ready to pounce.

I knew why she was riled, pissed, and on edge. Someone close to us betrayed the pack. Anyone would be pissed off. But I didn't know why she was so happy, too.

It's confusing.

"You okay, kid?" Scott asked, leaning against one of the support beams on the porch.

"Yeah," I said. "I'm fine…I just…I don't get how someone could just take another persons life. How do people get to that position? How do they sleep at night? I killed three people, and had nightmares for a month. They carry no emotion!"

"They kill without reason, because they have no reason." Scott said. "It's hard to fight for something, when your reasoning, your logic, your sanity is gone."

"It's just that, ugh! There have been times were I wanted to kill someone. But if I did, I would be killed instantly. They've mastered the art of killing, and are getting away with it. Scott, we are doing nothing for them." I said, huffing. It was too late to go back and time and rip the guys head off, while I had the chance.

"What are you saying?" Scott asked, leaning closer to me, tilting his head to the side.

"I'm saying, if we want to find them, and kill them-"

"We can't stay here." Dallas said. "That's what she's saying. And I think she'd right. Yes, we're safer here, but that's what they're expecting us to do. Tuck our tails in, and hide here, waiting for others to find us. Than they'll come back, and kill us all."

"Agreed." I said. "Scott, I know our methods are different. But we can fight them. But we've gotta get outta here. We have to disappear like they did."

"You want to play their game?" Scott asked.

"Well no. I want to play my own. I want to show them what messing with a female alpha means. And I want to show them, and the world that we, women, don't back down from a fight." I said. "I've had enough of the world treating me differently because I'm a woman. Who gives a shit! I can rule, and run a pack just as easily as a man can!"

I crossed my arms, and waited for his reply.

"I'll call everyone in, we'll make a plan, and head for the mountains." Scott said. "I can't believe I agreed to that. And it came out of my mouth!"

Dallas and I laughed, as we both went out onto the front yard, to talk to the coyotes, and Drew.

Everyone was skeptical of the plan.

All wolves feared the cats. They were extremely good hunters, and could kill us within seconds. But if we planned on winning, we had to let the enemy know we weren't kidding around.

"Guys!" I said, to both my pack, and to Scott's. "I know most of us barely know the others, but this is what we have to do!"

"She's right." Scott said. "No one would want to go up against a mountain lion. Or a bear. One is way stronger, and the other is just plain terrifying. They won't stand a chance."

"Yeah, neither would we. What if they decided to attack us, for trying to talk to them?" One of Scott's pack members asked. I scoffed lightly.

"Question, for you." I said, as Scott smiled over at me. Almost as if he knew what was coming. "If a I came to you, asking to talk to your alpha, because there was trouble rising in Canada, what would you do?"

"We'd go get him," a girl said. "It's what every pack does."

"So why wouldn't the cats do the same thing?" I asked. "We're just assuming that they're cold hearted. But we've all seen what they can do. And what they have done for their children. Laura Mills sacrificed herself to a bear to save her two cubs."

"So tell me," Ren spoke up. "What makes them any different than us?"

"Who wouldn't die for their pups?" Derek asked. "Or for their pack, for that matter?"

Everyone started to see what we were getting at.

"If we stand together, we can't lose." I said. "So whose with us?"

"I am," said the girl from before.

"Same," said the man.

It went on an on until everyone's hands were in the air. And that was when we all turned to the door.

"We'll fight too," Miranda said. "After all, that asshole killed our entire pack."

Justin stood beside her. His arms crossed. His short brown hair, and hazel eyes made him look younger than he was. But his height, and strength said otherwise.

"I won't just stand around here. They think that we're weak and defenseless? I want to show them that we aren't." Justin said.

"What he said," I chimed in. "Let's show them that this is our country, and that they can't do what they want! Or kill who ever they wish!"

Everyone stood up in a roaring cheer. Chanting the night away.

Most went to the diner with Derek, and Jaxon, while Dallas and Thalia stayed close to home.

"So, what's going on int hat head of yours?" I asked, sitting next to Thalia, on the porch swing.

"I've fought beside you since you first found me. We've won every battle. You proved your point, and they still don't care, Ali. This isn't a battle we can easily walk away from, is it? Win or lose, Canada is gonna change." Thalia said.

"Not all change is bad, T. You changed." I said. "You were a smart mouthed girl, who didn't care whether anyone lived or died. Now, pfft. Now you don't hesitate to run to a crying child."

"I know, but I like the way it is now. The people are nice, and friendly. They aren't self-serving-low-life's, going nowhere. Canada is free, and welcoming." Thalia said. "I know it doesn't sound like me, but what if Canada becomes an empty shell?"

"It won't. I won't let it." I said.