
Chapter7 Family tensions

Ethan received a call from Alex telling him that there was something important they need to discuss." hey Ethan an emergency came up and old master Richard senior is frantically ill and everyone has gone to the hospital make sure everything is perfectly planed out and quickly invite Dr. Alia west from franchise Hospital for a long time now the old man had been fighting stroke and it had gotten worse by day.

Hey Ethan I remember you mentioned that you had plans of going back to the millers and claim your rightful positon? Alex asked while driving to the hospital to see old master Richard. Alex hmm I told you that I have a plan but before then we have a lot to do to prove am not so low Let's stop by the mall to get a gift for grandpa. What are you planning on getting for the old fox? They have looked down on you for so long but you still tolerate their behavior towards you? You know my reason for doing all of this Alex and I am doing all of this because I don't want any of the people I love to get hurt.

Your phone has been going on and off for the last 30 minutes. I think you should pick that Ethan. "Hello, how may I help you?" Hey Ethan its Dr. Stuart and Dr. Alias's right hand man We are on our way to franchise hospital and I figured out that you're already in the hospital. Oh Stuart we are sorry We are waiting for dr. alia and your presence will be highly appreciated. Hello? Claire I have a surprise for you Could you come to the cafeteria right away and please don't tell anyone anything yet? I want it to be a surprise.

Claire walked down the hall way to the hospital cafeteria looking elegantly beautiful and curve is that not Claire parker the only daughter of the parker family? Murmurs could be heard all over the whole cafeteria and it made her feel uncomfortable Ethan heard everyone's words and rose from his chair to take Claire's hand and take care of her. Oh honey you're here I have been waiting for you.

Claire smiled and embraced him into a tight hug and started to cry nonstop babe what is it why are you crying did anyone hurt you? Grandpa has been laying there all day not even mooning his fingers I would really want to go and if I could really make a difference I will. "Don't cry love aim here for you and that's why I called A special person to help grandpa recover and , here you go, Dr. Alia is here Please come over say hello, This is My wife Claire parker honey , this is Dr. Alia west from London and a close friend from university.

Claire walked closer and hugged Alia, and with her here is a subordinate Dr. Stuart Harris Hey enough of all the talking someone spoke from behind the trio Alex Claire called out everyone is waiting. He said ignoring Claire for some reason only known to him. Alex walked past them and hurried back to Ethan's car and started thinking "Ethan is really lucky to have such a wonderful, beautiful and elegant lady but something is really not adding up and I will find out what it is Ethan has changed ever since he married her. The underground basement boss from the falcon empire behaving all different in front of his family? 

Everyone from the basement trembles upon hearing the mention of his name. But he was changed by a woman in a blink of an eye. Love can surely change people. Alia west went on ahead to see old master Richard senior and give him the best treatment she has to offer. "Daddy you need to wake up" everyone is here waiting for you to wake up so we can go home .Richard was seated near the hospital talking to his father who looked pale and older than his actual age.

Ethan came in holding Claire by his side and Dr. Stuart followed suite with Dr. Alia hey dad, Ethan has called a specialist and she is ready to attend to grandpa. Everyone looked puzzled but composed themselves because Ethan has proven to be worth the respect they are according to him. The most royal and trusted board guard leader from Ethan's falcon group was assigned to protect his wife and younger brother. "Hello, Ethan there is a very wealthy man from the Sawyer second tier family from DRC that has been following your wife and from the look of things He wants to betroth her.

"Send me the location and his pictures right away" Ok boss, phone chipping. Ethan we need to talk, what is it Claire? Haroon sawyer has been bothering me for a long time and he came home today to hire me for Actectural did you accept his offer? "I didn't at first but dad told me to give it a shot

He has now taken my generosity as a joke and has been coming regularly to my study and I feel uncomfortable whenever he is around. The next day Claire was set to go see grandpa at the hospital when the unthinkable happened "Hello Claire can we hangout later Meet me at hero's Club I will be expecting you there at 7pm She was walking down the busy street when two strong hands grabs her from behind. She was kidnapped.