
The love we give

Aella is a barely 20-year-old girl burdened by the death of her mother. She gets abducted and unwittingly ventures into a world filled with twisted truths and sinister intentions. She falls in love with Ace the only man ready to die for her. From the moment she watches her father die, Aella realises that her life is now shrouded in darkness and secrets. It may seem that an ordinary girl has now become a prey hunted by crime Lords.

Becky_Robert · Urban
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7 Chs

How can I please you?


           He doesn't arrive till dawn; I know this because my heart starts to race and the hairs at the back of my neck rise in excitement. I hold my breath in anticipation, I only start breathing when he walks into the room, shutting the door behind him.

     I couldn't properly appreciate him yesterday; he has to be one of the most beautiful men to walk the face of the earth. he looks tired, he leans back on the door watching me. His soft and luscious curls of black hair cascaded effortlessly, framing his noble features and adding an untamed allure to his appearance. It seems like ages before he finally speaks.

        "You disobeyed me. I don't make empty threats Aella; you won't like it when I do put you over my knee."

      He has been threatening me with that particular phrase since yesterday. The thoughts of him spanking my ass make me wet, and I have concluded that something must be wrong with me. He raises his eyebrow looking at me.

        "You speak when spoken to Aella." I like the way he says my name.

     "You are not my mother, I wasn't hungry and chose not to eat. I can make my own decisions." I watch him, my nipples bead into hard dots, I can smell my arousal and he isn't even touching me. I love how much he cares for me and how deeply invested he is in my mental well-being. At the same time, if he continues with these small gestures, I will one-sidedly start liking him only to feel disappointed when he doesn't return my feelings. he might even be married and have a dozen kids.

       "I want to go back home." I don't have a home, but I do have a house and a school to get back to. he sighs and starts striding towards me. his confident stride exuded a quiet power, there was an unmistakable aura in his every movement.

     Ace leans towards me. "Aella" I can't help but notice the faint hint of mint on his breath, a testament to his impeccable oral hygiene. I close my eyes, leaning towards him, breathing deeply, I would never get tired of his scent. 

  "Ace?" I reply moaning.

"Why did you choose to defy me?"

    When I open my eyes, I see him watching me. I blush looking away. he rises and sits on the chair; the same one he sat on the previous day. I can finally breathe without him being so close. my brain starts working again, and I remember the reason for my outburst. I sit up on the bed facing him.

    "I need to go home now. I have friends who are probably worried about me, I also have to go back to school." Please let me go, I have fallen so badly for him, I want to kiss him, I desperately want to touch him. I want to tell him I love him, and it scares me, whatever I feel for this man makes me want to run far away to another country.

      "I won't let you go. You don't understand the danger you are in. Hundreds of men want you dead but trust me they shouldn't scare you. Zade is the devil himself."

         He shakes his head in disappointment. "Mike's death is only the beginning, they won't rest until they have you. I am talking about rapping you or even selling you to a sex club." that scares me and leaves my mouth open. I don't know these men; I have no business with them. The man they want is dead now, why do I have to suffer for someone I don't care about?

     "Why am I in the middle of all this?"

      "You are his daughter. I just want you to bear with me until I find evidence against Zade." 

         I put the pieces together and it all became clearer to me. My father had told Ace that he was being framed for murdering someone. That explains why so many people wanted him dead. I want to ask about the file he needed and why it was so important to him that my father was willing to pledge his loyalty to the mafia. I don't bother anyway; Ace would never open up to me.

   I move closer to the bed and touch his arm. "Are you okay?"

    "I am fine. it was just a scratch." I don't argue, if that amount of blood on his shirt was little then I don't want to ever see more. 

      "I still want to go home. I will be extra careful; I won't even come to this part of town anymore. They couldn't find me before, you only found me because I went to that stupid club." Speaking of the club, I don't remember all that happened that day, I only remember dancing with two guys and then waking up on his bed. 

   "I will take care of the transfer; you will go to a university closer to us. you don't need to worry about Eva, she knows you are fine, you can speak to her if that would please you."

       I flare up. what the hell does he mean by that? he is not my father and he for sure cannot tell me how to live my life.   

     "You would let me go back home this minute," I reply screaming. I grab the pillows on the bed and start throwing them at him. he does not flinch or try to avoid it. I stand up and start pacing, I want to pounce on him, but I also don't want to hurt him or cause his wound to tear up.

       "This is kidnapping, stalking! and it is against the law." I have been pretty understanding for someone who woke up on the bed of a stranger, I have done everything he said. "I will call the cops if you don't let me go, please let me go home." I am running out of my mind thinking about you, loving you, needing you close. I need to leave to maintain some form of decency.

      "Sit down Aella" I remain standing even when my body pulls me towards the bed. "Sit down now." I sit down slowly. "I will speak, and you will listen without interrupting. I am so exhausted right now, don't test my patience, or I will make that ass of yours so red you won't be able to sit for days."

      I nod my head in understanding. he looks so angry, I am not stupid, I won't be able to fight him if he makes do with his threat. "I will protect you; Mike was like a father to me; he was a good man." he sniffs fighting back tears. "You will be dead the minute you leave this house, or worse sold into prostitution. Zade might decide to keep you for himself, trust me, he is no gentle lover."

        He tucks my hair behind my ear and starts tracing my lips with his thumb. "I am a man of my word, and I will do my part by making sure I protect you. the school transfer will be done by the end of the day, and you can start classes as soon as possible. please Aella, help me to help you."       He cups my face and I let him, I see how frustrated he is, I see how much he cares about me. "I would never hurt you; I will try to listen to your request if I am certain, it's what you need, you can get a new phone with a secured line, I won't stop you from seeing your friends if it pleases you. Do tell me you understand."

    "I do. I am sorry." he nods his head but doesn't stop caressing my face.

     "I am sorry too; I only want you to feel safe angel. You can go back to your former life when all this is over, I promise you, I will take care of anyone that wants you dead."

        Funny how I don't want him to ever let me go, I don't ever want to live without him. I won't survive it.


      I freshen up and as usual dress in Ace's shirt and boxers, as much as I love smelling like him, I can't wear them to class. I would need to go home to pack a bag. I obey when the two annoying men at the door instruct me to eat. I follow them downstairs quietly. I am in awe of the house space. Beyond the living room, a wide archway led to the dining room. A long, polished mahogany table stretched the length of the room, its glossy surface reflecting the flickering candlelight from the chandelier above. 

       I blush when I see an elderly woman in the kitchen, she has on an apron. she should be in her late forty's.

        "Hi, good morning."

    "Please call me Amanda," she replies smiling. I moved towards her planning on assisting her, but she shooed me away pointing at the high-backed chair. I sit down confused, watching her as she arranges my food in front of me. "I am here to assist, I take care of the household. tell me whatever you need Miss, and I will get it done."

    "Please call me Aella." I don't feel comfortable with any of these. I can survive having her cook for me, but God forbid that she refers to me as Miss. 

      She nods her head in agreement. "Aella, Mr Hale instructed that you finish your breakfast." 

        What is wrong with that man? I almost puke looking at the food. she made a bowl of oats, and some bread served with some apples and berries. I don't want to piss Ace off again, but I do know I would never be able to stomach this much food. 

       The two hefty guys don't leave even after I start eating, they remain standing watching me. I feel so uncomfortable, but I feel this urge to obey Ace, I want to please him. After five spoons of oats, I get filled up. I eat all the fruits on the plate but I don't miss the look of disapproval on Amanda's face.

      "Thank you." she doesn't reply and gets busy with clearing the table. Wow, Aella good luck, you just pissed off the only smiling housemate you might ever have. 

          "Is Ace here?" he left the room after our conversation, I miss him. 

       "Please follow me Miss." the movie star replies. 

       "Do call me Aella. what is your name?" What is wrong with everyone?

   "Dan, Miss." I don't correct him; I only have the strength to deal with Ace right now. we stop in front of a door, Dan opens it for me, and I walk in slowly. Ace's eyes are on me even before the door shuts. This has to be his office, the room is warm and inviting, bathed in a golden glow from the soft, diffused light streaming through the sheer curtains. 

    "Come here" I move towards him bowing my head shyly. he tugs me towards him until I am fully seated on his lap. "Talk to me."

        I want to beg him to kiss me again, but I don't know if that would make him angry. He seems to get angry easily, and I know the next time I piss him off he would make do of his threats. I start to play with the buttons of his sky-blue shirt, I don't look at him for fear of what I might do.

      "Look at me angel, never deprive me of those eyes." I lift my head watching him. 

      "I need to go home to pack, I can't keep wearing your things." 

     "I like you in them. I will have Sarah here in the evening, she will take care of your dresses."

      "I don't like being followed around the house," I say referring to Dan and his partner.

    He touches my hair. "It would please me if you let them do their Job." 

   "How can I please you?" I ask Biting my lips.

Hey guys!

Don't forget you are more than enough. I hope this chapter makes you smile❤️

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