


Kimberly Medilton

/"Morning mom , need help?/" I asked as I walked into the kitchen

/"Can you cut that tomato into 4 please?/" She pointed and I nodded

/"So you're excited for London?/" My mom suddenly asked

/"Of course mom , it's my dream/" I said smiling

/"Then why aren't you that excited?/" She asked and I turned to her completely not understand

/"Mom I'm excited/"

/"You are but something's bothering you/" She looked at me seriously and of course she's my mom. Mom knows everything

/"Ethan/" I sighed

/"What about him?/"

/"I might not ready to leave Seattle yet/" I said truthfully

/"Do you want us to postpone it?/" She asked and I shook my head

/"Why postpone it mom? It's better that I go faster/"

/"You like Ethan right? Does he know about this?/"

/"Yeah he knew/" I said in a sad tone