
The Love Story Of a Mafia(English Version)

The love story of a mobster with an ordinary, beautiful and innocent girl. Many thought that was impossible. But here the impossible becomes possible, and the impossible becomes possible.

angger_novita_10 · Urban
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2 Chs


Kevin Denandra. A handsome and successful man. A CEO in the 3rd largest company in the world. Company D. Apart from being a CEO, he is also the leader of one of the largest mafia groups. Black Sea. Have strong assertive and intimidating aura, and a stubborn nature.

Keyla Agatha. Beautiful and innocent girl. A trusted doctor at a well-known hospital. Light Blue Hospital. Has a cheerful personality and a kind heart


Meeting room*

"Do you agree, sir?" asked one of the meeting participants.

"Emm" looked a man who was questioned thought for a moment.

"All right. I agree with your idea" finally broke up the man.

"do the others agree?" ask the other meeting participants.

" We agree "replied the other meeting participants simultaneously.

"Very well. Today's meeting is over. You can leave this room and go back to work" said the man. All just bowed respectfully.No one dared to look at the man. Aura intimidating him very strongly. This man was none other than Kevin Denandra.

Kevin has come out of the meeting room.

"Jane, I want to get out. You take care of the files that are on my table," Kevin ordered Jane, his secretary.

"Yes, sir" replied Jane with a respectful bow. Kevin just nodded and walked away.

Arriving at the parking lot, Kevin immediately got into his car.

Tring .... Tring ..... Tring .....

(let's just say the sound of a cellphone ringtone)

A message comes from Kevin's cellphone

| Can you come to headquarters |

| This is very important. |

| So come. |

Kevin only raised one eyebrow. Then immediately start and run the car to the place he was going to.


* Headquarters

"What's the matter? What important business do you mean?" asked Kevin directly to the point.

"Hey can't you just relax a little" said the man in black with long blue jeans. Kevin glared at him, until his guts shrank.

"Never mind John. Don't ever piss off Kevin, if you still want to live" the man in a long red shirt and black shorts. Finally, the man called John just nodded in approval.

"So, what are you calling me for?" asked Kevin again because they had to fight for a while.

"Oh yes. There are other mafia groups who steal our weapons imported from America" ​​replied the man in red.

"Then didn't you guys act? John? Luke?" asked Kevin to the two men.

"I've deployed my Elite troops to find their whereabouts" John replied quickly before he got a glare from Kevin.

"I have also handed over my Elite troops. And we also do not know the identity and where their group is" replied the man in red earlier or whom Luke called earlier. Kevin just nodded in understanding.

"Already? Is that all?" asked Kevin to the two men. They just nodded in confirmation.

"Fine. I'll go then" Kevin said after that. John and Luke nodded their heads again.

"Oh yes, Kev. Have you checked the wound?" asked John Worried. Kevin shook his head.

"Hurry up and get your wound checked. It could be an infection" now Luke's turn to answer. Kevin nodded affirmatively.

Kevin left the headquarters and headed for the hospital. During the trip Kevin thinks about which mafia group stole Kevin's group's weapons. Because he didn't focus on driving, Kevin didn't know that a truck wanted to cross. Accidents are inevitable. Kevin's car was hit by a truck earlier. Kevin was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital.


* Light Blue Hospital

"Doctor Keyla, can you operate on a patient who was just hit by a truck?" "He's in operation room number 5," said a nurse. The person whom Doctor Keyla called earlier nodded in understanding. He immediately ran to the number 5 operating room.

* Operation room number 5

Keyla entered in a full operation outfit. Then he bowed slightly to the doctor who was there to operate on the patient.

"I can check the history" said Keyla to one of the nurses who were there. Then one of the nurses gave a paper containing the patient's history. Keyla nodded in understanding.

"Very well. Can we start the operation?" asked Keyla to all the nurses and doctors who were there. They nodded affirmatively.

* 2 hours later.

The operation went smoothly. There are no distractions / obstacles at all. Just clean the stuck glass and clean it, also sew the wound.

Keyla thanked the nurses and doctors who participated in the operation. Outside the operating room, Keyla's friends are waiting. Keyla left the operating room and immediately cleaned up. After that meet his friends.

"Was the operation going well?" asked one of Keyla's female friends who also works as a doctor.

"Everything is going well, Dis" replied Keyla, giving her a thumbs up.

"Have you had lunch, Key?" asked another woman. Keyla shook her head.

"Alright. We have lunch together. We also haven't had lunch yet" asked a middle-aged man. Keyla just nodded and made an "ok" sign using her hands.


The canteen is not that crowded. Maybe because there are still patients or have returned to their respective jobs. We ordered food and looked for a seat.

We sat on the chairs by the window.

"Do you already know?" asked a male nurse who was also Keyla's friend.

"Know what?" Tanya Disa, Keyla's friend who is a doctor.

"He said the leadership would retire and be replaced by his son," said the man.

"You know where, brother? If the leadership will retire" asked a middle-aged woman who works as a nurse.

"I heard it from another nurse" replied the man who was called Dika earlier. They just nodded in confirmation.

The food ordered has arrived. They didn't wait long to eat their respective food. No sound. Just Sura clinking spoons and plates.

A middle-aged man approached the dining table of Keyla and his friends.

"Doctor Keyla" the man calls.

Keyla who felt her name being called raised her head and immediately stood up.

"Ah. Yes Doctor Albert" answered Keyla.

"Sorry to interrupt your lunch" said the man or what Doctor Albert called.

"No problem. What's wrong Doctor Albert?" answered and asked Keyla to Doctor Albert.

"Can you later check the condition of the patient you operated on earlier. I have business and it cannot be postponed" said Doctor Albert.

"Very well. No problem" replied Keyla.

"Then I'll go first. And sorry to trouble you. Thank you" said Doctor Albert.

"No problem" replied Keyla.

Doctor Albert left the table for Keyla and her friends. Keyla immediately sat down and continued with her delayed lunch.

They have finished lunch. Food has also been paid for. All did their part. There are those who examine the patient, some participate in the operation, or just stay in the room.

Keyla herself chose to be in the room and played her cellphone. He's no patient. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Keyla told him to come in.

"Doctor Keyla. The patient you operated on was conscious" reported the nurse who I sent in earlier. I nodded yes.

"I'll be right there" replied Keyla.

the nurse said permission to go and leave Keyla's room.