
the love since centuries back

It's the same dream again....(panting) why...just why do I keep having the same dream over and over again?....(panting) recalling the dream I've been having for the past 4 years. the man with long black hair and Ruby red eyes.... for as long as Tatiana remembers she's been having a strange dream in which a man whose face was never seen completely slaughtered a whole city. His hair as black as coal and jewelry like eyes as red as ruby. but the question is who is he and why those she have such dreams?....

Tina_luo · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chapter two - the sibling's graduation Tatiana' POV

Taking a shower, feeling the water falling onto my skin, it felt so refreshing. I crunched my head down, the water dripping off my brown hair...

Today is my 18th birthday and also my graduation day. I could have already graduated if not for the fact that I missed school for three years because of my illness. I was born weak, I had unstable health, I'm not a sickle cell but I do feel like I'm far worse than them. four years ago I got really sick that I went into comma for a whole year. My parents started to loose hope on me. After escaping death's gate, I was so weak and I got more skinny than usual. And that's why I'm graduating from highschool the same day with my younger brother Ryan.

Getting out of the shower I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my chest, it was a short towel, it barely reached my thighs. I got out of the bathroom and went into the closet. I took out my graduation clothes, it was a black suit I really like trousers a lot so I choose this suit especially. it looked so elegant just my style.

After getting all dressed up the only thing remaining was my hair. I always had trouble with my long hair. it grows way too fast. So I decided to make it in waves, thinking after the graduation ceremony I'll cut it off. my thought of cutting my hair off got interrupted by the knock outside my door. KNOCK KNOCK.... " who is it?" I asked and Ryan answered me, " looks like the pigs are about to fly, my dear sister woke up early today" it was him I should have known." come on in little frog" he came in and glared at me " how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that" I chuckled at his cuteness my baby brother is all grown up." till the day you do something more hilarious than swimming in the pond naked. u looked like a froggy." I said while pinching his cheeks, he knocked my hand away and said " if you don't stop calling me that, you'll one day wake up to see your hair gone.." please... it's not like it'll stay bald forever it grows fast anyway. " so what brings you here?" he turned to the door and opened it " I came to wake you up. come down for breakfast it's almost eight o'clock you know the ceremony starts at 9:30am" I hummed softly and followed him to the dinning room. Both my parents were already sited. " morning mum and dad" I greeted them with a smile." morning sunshine" my father greeted back. " Are the pigs finally growing wings? my daughter woke up early today" Very funny mother. I'm a heavy sleeper!. I woke up early today because of that dream!.

We ate breakfast and cleared the table. When we reached the school my brother left us and went to his friend. my mother knows some of the students parents and went to greet them. it was just me and my dad. it was quite noisy with the people chatting with each other. looking at everyone being lively I got startled my father's ringing phone. he excused himself and went to answer his phone. it's probably from the office. " Tiana!" someone yelled out my nickname. I turned around to see the familiar person running towards me. it was Oliver my best friend. she's about the same age as Ryan only one year older than him. she came and hugged me tightly." you came earlier than I expected" she smiled at me. and I got a bit grumpy." what now? are you going to say the pigs grew wings too?" I said it in irritation." looks like I'm not the only person that got surprised by you waking up early" she mumbled and I rolled my eyes. " come on let's go meet other people" she said and dragged me along with her.

We were walking towards our mates when I saw Ryan coming towards us." Hey sis, I was told to inform you the graduate from three years ago Caleb wanna see you. that annoying ex classmate of yours. he's over there" he pointed at the side near the school garden. and there he was Caleb, he used to hit on me. it felt awkward for me to go there after how many times I rejected him. not going would be rude so I decided to go there. before I knew it the girl by my side disappeared. where the hell did she go? oh damn you Oliver. I took a deep breath and went to meet Caleb. it was an awkward situation.