
The love package; My Darling wife and baby girl

Eric Crown rushed into the hospital, carrying the injured woman mindful of the fact that she is heavily pregnant. He left his assistant Andrew behind, who was trying to catch up with him. Andrew had tried to carry the woman from Eric but he refused to allow him or even allowed his driver touch her. ""Somebody help me" Eric immediately alarmed the hospital nurse at the reception immediately he entered with the injured woman. The emergency staff and nurses ran to him immediately seeing the injured woman in Eric's arms. Doctor what can be done for her Eric asked she is so seriously injured. We have to get the baby out of her first, the doctor replied assessing her injuries. We will try to save her life, I hope the baby is still alive the doctor added. What! Eric exclaimed shock. Take her to the operating theatre the doctor instructedthe emergency personnel there. The nurses and emergency staff put her on a hospital stretcher, and started wheeling her to the operation theatre. A nurse came with some papers for Eric to sign, he didn't even look at them he just signed. Dr. Robert, the medical director of the hospital was already informed of Eric's coiming. He just got to Eric at this time and asked who the woman involved in the accident was? Eric, still in shock with blood all over his shirt and trousers turned to Dr. Robert puzzled. What does that have to do with anything ? Dr. Robert was surprised by Eric's answer. Mr. Crown, I wanted to know if she was a family member he explained. No, I don't know her. She was hit by my car and we just rushed her here. Dr. Robert has known Eric for a long time, well known for his compassion and charity work but he never get emotionally involved. From the look on Eric's face, Dr. Robert felt there can only be one explanation then asked "were you driving" ? No, my driver was Eric answered. I see, you don't need to wait. Be rest assured we will take good care of her, it's just that from what I have seen she is in a critical condition. How critical Eric asked Dr. Robert. She might not survive Dr.Robert answered heavily, we were all quiet until a nurse came and told Dr. Robert they were ready for him at the operating theatre, he left with the nurse. She can't die, she cannot die Eric told himself. He felt this strong sense of attachment to her. Why is he feeling like this? As if, as if we have met before he thought. Sir, sir. sir? Andrew called out, touching Eric's shoulder lightly. Eric don't know how long he stood there but he suddenly realized Andrew was calling out to him. Sir, you need to change, there is a rest room over there Andrew said holding a change of clothes for him and pointing toward the restroom. Eric just continued to sit there, dazed! The incident playing over and over again in his mind. How come she was on the road at this time of the night? He wondered. She is heavily pregnant, why would any man allow his wife to move around at this time of the night?, and she was alone. Come to think about it, Eric didn't notice any wedding ring on her he thought, probably he didn't look properly. Mr. Crown, a nurse called out . Eric Crown looked up at her wondering when he sat down. Andrew immediately asked her what she wanted We need to know her name for our records she said We don't know Andrew answered.. But... It's an emergency, we had to rush her here, she was already unconscious Andrew explained. Then Dr. Robert suddenly came out of the Operating theatre, pulling off his face mask. We stood up as he walked toward us, eager for news . You have a baby girl Dr. Robert said smiling Me ? Eric asked surprised!

SCarew · Urban
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144 Chs

General Billy Hones...

When we got to the military base and passed through the security checkpoint, Kelvin drove straight to the administrative and strategic department building where Billy office is situated.

As I got out of the car, Billy was already waiting for me by the entrance... We hugged and greeted its been some time since we last saw each other.

We are both very busy people but we keep in touch though calls and sometimes we meet for drinks.

When we got to his office and settled down with some refreshments...Billy immediately asked me.. what is am hearing of you having a baby in your house ....and ypu are involved in a war with the lion Syndicate.

War? come on Bills don't over exaggerate energy, the matter ...just some gun shots ...

Just some gun shots he interrupted me ...that was a full flagged war, all those exploded cars, dead bodies and automatic guns, ...I had to use my connections to keep the matter quiet.

I am just surprised how you got involved in this because you always kept a low profile... Even with your own personal army, you stay out of trouble, so what's this all about?

That's what you should have asked me from the beginning. Instead, you started by scolding me I said..

I have to play my big brother role properly, you know he said laughing

Yeah right because you are older than me with only 9 months, you will not let me forget it. Always rubbing it on my face, I answered, frowning

Did you say just 9 months...watch it, Crown. Don't talk to you senior like that he said, still laughing.

He knows how much it irritates me when he brings up our age difference... Okay, old man I hear you

Ah I am not old he replied. So who is the girl that is causing all this commotion ... and start from the beginning..

I told him everything I know ...how we ran into her, the attacks on Katie and Sunshine in the hospital...the information I got from Bolt, right to the last attack that I had to ask for his help.

He listened and was quiet for some time ...the lion syndicate are very dangerous people...you are sure you want to be on their bad side he asked

Bills I am not letting them go, I am not

He looked at me ...what is it about this girl that you want to risk your peace of mind for?

I don't know, I honestly can not give you an answer ... but as for Sunshine, no one is taking her away from me. Bills that little baby has changed my life, I must admit I can not imagine my life without her.

And her mother? Bills asked again, staring right into my eyes.

I didn't answer him... and just looked away.

That's say alot Eric your silence...it means there is something there.

Come on, can't I just want to help her, after all she is all alone...or you rather I leave her for death.

No... but I know you, Eric .. I know you.

So what do we do about Marcus Lanzo, I have some of my men watching them, and I am sure they are planning something I said changing the topic

Bills was quiet for some time... how is she doing? Is she recovering well he asked

Yes, I'm getting better every day but still confused and agitated sometimes ...and she doesn't remember anything before the accident.

We have to double the security presence in your house, and double the bodyguards for your mother ...he might get her to get you to give him Katie and baby.

You know my mother will not like that, I said, already envisaging the argument with her.

We don't have to tell her, we will just asign some shadow guards to her ....

l believe Marcus will reach out to you. Bills continued. He is a very arrogant and proud man who believes he can get way with anything....

You mean he might want to make a bargain... I asked

Yes, he is a businessman after all, and he knows you are one too, so he might offer you something

in exchange.

We talked about the whole thing and came up with strategies on what to do... Bills picked up his office intercom and called for Major William.

When he showed up, Bills gave him some instructions and told him he wanted a spy to be inserted into the lion syndicate camp.

I want to know everything that is happening there, get someone from the intelligence unit.

Yes, General, sir ... Major William replied and matched out.

Thank you, Bills, I said ..

Hey, you are my baby brother, and nobody tries to harm my family, so when do I get to meet them ...he asked smiling

Sunshine first, I dont think Katie is really to receive visitors I answered, I got up and showed him a picture of Sunshine on my phone ..

You even have her picture on your phone ...oh boy Bills started laughing so hard

What wrong with it....I asked puzzled

You ...Almighty Eric Crown with a baby picture on his phone.....he raised his hands up as If in prayers thank you Lord that I have seen this day.

I hit him on the head playfully...knock it off Bills

How your mum taking all this...he asked

I must say very well, she is attached to Sunshine. She is playing the grandma part very well.

At least you are resting from all those blind dates she has been setting up for you Bills said still laughing..

I see that you are having fun at my expense...I said smiling

I miss you man ...its being long I had a good laugh...and now with all this drama in your house I cannot wait to visit.

Go on ...laugh more I said about to hit him again and he quickly avoided me

I am serious I want to meet the new addition to the family ...most especially I want to see you changing diapers...that will be a sight to behold he started laughing again.

Bills are you for real ...I came to discuss something serious, and all you are doing is teasing and laughing at me ....

Man, I can not help it ... you life has just gotten more complicated...with some action included .

Tell me about it ...but it's a good complication if there is anything like that I said ...and we laughed together.