
the love of the serpent

Shino_Kawasaki · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chapter one

Hi, I'm Chino, I'm going to tell you about the time I got reincarnated as a serpent. I definitely wasn't a normal Japanese student, I want to Ekurio High School and I didn't have much of a social life. But that all changed one stormy evening.....a nice young lady was crossing the road and she didn't see the car coming right towards her. I rushed to her rescue and Bam.... don't you know it, I got hit. it all happened so fast, and everything went dark. When I came to it hurt, every body part felt broken. As I tried to open my eyes I noticed that I was in a dark room with blue lights, thoes blue lights were horrible, they cause a piercing pain throughout my head, even the back of my eyeballs ache not that I could feel them anymore. Then came that voice.....deep and growley, with a very thick accent. He said that he choose well earlier that day. If had just bought the serpent's medallion and I really wanted to finish it so the first thing that came to mind was surfing and just like that I'm falling through the sky and I seem to be underground I hear someone approaching....