
Chapter 1.

One day, there was graceful and beautiful night, everybody was asleep, as muffled sounds was heard inside of the palace at the Kings room—"How many times have I told you?! Don't go out late at night!" The king, Jin-Wook frowned, he then sighed as the princess, Min-Ho started crying "Why?! I can't even get any freedom here! It's always eating, showering, sleeping, lessons, and you won't even let me go to the village!" She argued "Go to your room..."—"What...?" Min-Ho was confused, and surprised as she didn't even bother thinking, without even a single moment of regret, Min-Ho dashed to her room as she wiped her tears, as soon as she got inside of her room, she locked the door as she grabbed her bag, she then climbed out of her window as she ran off with her horse far away, as she discovered a secluded hill, far away from the Palace, just outside of the Kingdom, it looked ravishing, because of the soft grass, she felt comfortable there as she decided to stay there for a while, seeing stars. The small shooting stars flew past the sky just as it shined bright, leaving a glittering trail behind them as the princess noticed it, as she looked down "I wish I could meet someone so full of freedom and joy..." Min-Ho fell asleep, safe to say, the hill was secluded, so she knew she was safe, and there weren't much animals nearby, a few minutes passed, as Min-Ho saw a girl as Min-Ho approached the girl "What are you doing here?" She asked from curiosity, her tone nice and friendly as she smiled, not wanting to have a rude first impression to a person from another Kingdom—"I could say the same to you, haha! I'm Sung Jeong, from the South kingdom, You're Min Ho, from the North kingdom, right?" Sung-Jeong smiled back at her "Yes, that's right" Replied Min-Ho "Anyway, it's getting boring here, wanna do something fun?~" Sung-Jeong asked, her smile turning into a smirk as she thought of plans on her mind "I have a great idea." She added—"Hm... Well, I suppose I don't have anything other to do, What's your plan?" Min Ho looked at Sung Jeong "Well, here's one thing, let's Time travel~"