
The Love of The Demon Queen

For the sake of a job, Michael comes to a country which turns out to be the target country of the Devil Queen to rule. The beautiful and alluring Queen of the Devil wants to seduce humans to a real, sinful delusion. She was assigned by her father who is a member of Hell to bring all humans who live on earth to eternity in Hell and defeat the beauty of Heaven. But this time, the Queen had to lose when she faced Michael, who is the incarnation of the Angel of the highest heaven.

Vbeytha · Fantasy
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29 Chs



"Hahaha! You stupid humans will be destroyed, destroyed, everything will be destroyed," She shouted thunderously. Witnessing how great God's anger is at the cursed humans who have polluted their souls with lust. The universe sank them to the bottom of the ground when the surface of the land split, and shattered, burying their bodies alive.

The demon army laughed happily, increasingly praising the greatness of the leader who had succeeded in plunging humans into error and grave sin.

"Your Majesty the Queen, your next task awaits." said the guard bringing good news to the demon queen who was dancing in the sky. Her beautiful grin that was deadly to all creatures spread out, making the bodyguard look down, not daring to look. The Queen's deceptive beauty could shatter him into pieces.

"Where else, humans can I destroy?"

"In a beautiful small town, humans live with love, we need to seduce them Your Majesty the Queen. Your throne is ready there."

The Queen laughed, her beautiful body wrapped in a sexy long black dress spun in the sky. Generating wind friction that collides with each other, combining to form a rising vortex of waves.

The speed of the wind carried the demon queen's body through the sea, causing small creatures in the water to rise to the surface for several seconds. then blown back when the wind didn't hit the water.

A vortex of wind brought the Queen's body to a stop on the highest cliff to see the city from a distance. The beautiful eyes of the incarnation of Asmodeus this, closed while sniffing the sweet aroma in this city.

"Love, stupid love," She muttered. Her big eyelids opened. Her sharp eyes scanned all corners of the city.

"Welcome to the city of love, Your Majesty the Queen, your kingdom is ready," said her guard, giving her a path to the dense and dense forest.



Like an ordinary human being, a mother's feelings are very sincere to love her child, as well as this one angel. She had felt the pain of giving birth. The tiredness of carrying a child for several months. When the time came for the child to come out, she was not allowed to hold or give the warmth of a mother's touch and hug. Sad, it does sound. But all of that is a punishment for the servant of God who sinned.

God is Most Good of all because even though she has extraordinary mistakes. This does not make this angel thrown into Hell with the Devils and devils who are eternally lost there in heavy torment and hot weather.

The fragrance of her body wafted before she got to where she was going. To make the people who take shelter and rule in this place feel her presence. This handsome figure with white wings prepares and stands to welcome the arrival of a beautiful woman. Whose body odor captivates all creatures created by the Almighty. Especially her clear face, as clear as dewdrops that cannot be touched.

"Greetings, holy and glorious servant of God," said the Angel as she bowed with one leg bent half down and one hand covering the chest, the other behind the back.

"Greetings, the beauty of the Almighty's creation. What made you come to my residence, an angel," replied this handsome figure who also bowed his head. His firm face greets the angel who looks upset and worried.

"My son is in a land that will be ruled by Romeda. He doesn't have any power, he only has something to protect himself from people who are not good for him. As for fighting Romeda, he really can't."

"Then, what do you want to ask from me? Didn't the Creator forbid you to help your child because he has been given abilities that exceed those of ordinary humans," said the Handsome man, reminding her of what happened during the meeting that day, which discussed this matter.

"The problem is, he has injured Romeda because of the holy water that comes from the dwelling of the Elves. Romeda is the first time to use Nargh to act. So far, she has only acted with her troops without involving other creatures. I am afraid - afraid my son loves her and could become her loyal follower. Immortal because Michael's aura is different from normal humans. Besides that, I also want you to help my friends affected by Romeda. The underwater kingdom was damaged and devastated. The shy creatures were half destroyed while the others were seriously injured. They don't want humans to know its whereabouts, please ... hide the corpse, lest humans find out about it first. And if any humans find out about it, erase that memory in their brains."

This handsome figure took all her worries out. She couldn't possibly come down to earth now because she could get punished. This handsome figure took a deep breath, not knowing what to do. He descends to earth at certain times which cannot be known by earthlings. Even the devils do not even notice if he is already on earth. His mouth began to move, forming words, "Nargh, beelgruf, dreghu are Romeda's troops sent by her father. As long as within reasonable limits it, doesn't harm the earth then she is allowed to live in her territory."

The beautiful face of the angel objected to the expression of this handsome angel. Choose to hear more detailed advice. "Regarding, the beautiful half-fish-human creature, it is a mystery forever for humans. Even if someone saw the carcass when held by humans, they were just an ordinary fish. Meanwhile, your son is a target to be possessed, not to be destroyed. So, you don't need to be afraid. The charm of your son same with your charms. If Romeda is not strong, she will perish, you know about that and the King of Hell will grieve," he said.

However, the angel still begged this handsome angel, to be able to protect her son when he came down to earth. But angels are faithful creatures who will work according to the orders of their Creator. He has no thoughts about what is good and bad, because he is not given the feeling to examine the lives of humans. Can only monitor, not help.


This beautiful angel's face still looked gloomy, her feet walked slowly towards where she was relaxing. "Honey, you're done and what did he say, can he help?"

Her head shook slowly answering her sweetheart and didn't say much. Her mind was full of consideration and fear as well as what might happen beyond her prediction.

There was a little shadow that just came across and of course, it made the angel confused. She doesn't want his child to fall in love with a half-demon creature that will lead him astray, so hell is the goal of eternal life for sinners.

"Calm down dear, didn't you say earlier that the half-demon would perish if she fell in love. I thought maybe Michael would seduce her, so she would fall in love."

"And make love to her, then she bears a child half of my blood and half of the Demon King then we will be dragged into the Hell."

Jhony's eyes widened at that, he didn't think that he too would be affected. Even though he didn't do anything. It turns out that if one of the strongest family members, like a child, makes a big mistake. Then the parents are also involved in this sin.

This angel nodded weakly. "Although we will be forgiven and return to heaven after being punished all out there, what is clear is that I don't want to have half-demon offspring. I am willing to be punished for anything, so that it will never happen, forever !"

A little selfishness overflowed in her heart, to defend the truth, which was obviously to save her son and all her descendants.

"Are you going to come down again to earth, then I - how can I be without you here? Meanwhile, you forbid me not to interfere in Michael's affairs,"

"That's because you are a forgiven being, while I was created here. I can handle it, this is for our son Jhony. You will stay here and I will come back if I have to act later,"

The two of them hugged each other, under a shady tree. The darkness of the night made them not hesitate to hug and kiss each other without being seen by other residents. This intimacy ends on a bed made of soft silk cloth, covered by a white cloth that is smooth and slightly thick while their bodies are in a blanket that blends in there. Wrestling in eternal heavenly pleasures has always been an opium for the residents of heaven who are in pairs. Love that is eternal and lasts forever.