
The Love of a Vampire Prince.

"You are lying!" she retorted, her voice ringing with a blend of indignation and despair as she surged to her feet and crossed the space to his side. Her anger struck him as somewhat bemusing, and in a different circumstance, he might have been tempted to applaud her unyielding spirit. "I am an apex predator. I am what monsters and all things wicked fear. How could you imagine I would concern myself with something as fickle as emotions, let alone for a witch?" he asserted, his words delivered without the slightest quiver of doubt. His words landed like a blow to her very core. She had never anticipated such a stinging rebuttal from him. "If you can look me in the eye and tell me you feel nothing for me, then I'll leave you alone," she challenged, her tone calm amid the raging storm of emotion that churned within her. Her words felt like a knife piercing through his cold heart, leaving Damien to grapple with the weight of her final statement. He hesitated for a few fleeting moments before lifting his gaze to meet hers. "I don't," he declared, the words slipping from his lips with austere finality. Lauren's heart sank upon hearing his response; she sensed within her that he was not speaking the truth, but what recourse did she have? Before she could utter another word, the ringing of her phone pierced the solemn air. Engaging with the call, she answered, "Hello, Director." Briefly acknowledging the conversation, she swiftly concluded, "Alright, I'll be there," before ending the call. "Thanks for the meal once again," she offered in a flat voice, devoid of any discernible emotion. Damien found himself taken aback by the sudden shift in her demeanor, feeling the impulse to say something, but before he could gather his thoughts, she had already entered the elevator. Making her way towards the exit, she soon drove off, leaving Damien to stand before the towering windows, watching her departure with a silent ache lingering within him. As she disappeared, he turned his gaze inward, pondering the emptiness that seemed to pervade his residence. Reflecting on his actions, he found himself questioning whether he had made the right choice in pushing her away, but he understood that only time held the answers. This Novel tells a story of a halfie(half vampire half human) named Damien, who was the crown prince and heir to the throne of the kingdom Brennedon, and a beautiful young lady, Special Agent Lauren who also is a powerful witch from a very powerful witch bloodline whose destinies were intertwined to save the supernatural realm. will the witches put their century year old fued and animosity against the Brennedon vampires aside to save the supernatural realm or will they allow their hate consume the whole realm? journey with me as we travel the realm of the supernatural.

Medist_Winnie7 · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Chapter 88: Venessa and Serafina Vs the witches

The hushed corridors of the hospital resonated with a sense of apprehension and somber anticipation, enveloping those who gathered in anxious waiting, their collective gaze fixed upon the theater doors, waiting on the surgeons.

Lauren, her hands clasped together in a silent plea, occupied a seat at the forefront of the waiting room, flanked by the Benneth witches, including select members of the coven. Marcel, accompanied by his mother, who had hurried to the hospital upon receiving the distressing news stood alongside them, all poised for an update on Lauren's father and the other afflicted patients.

"Rest assured, everything would be fine," Alanna murmured soothingly into Lauren's ear, her gentle touch conveying reassurance and empathy. In response, Lauren offered a grateful smile, tenderly squeezing Alanna's arm in acknowledgment.

Amidst a faint, melodious chime, the theater doors parted, and the surgeons emerged with measured steps. A collective murmur of astonishment reverberated through the waiting room as Derek, of all individuals, led the procession with an air of quiet confidence.

Undeterred by the quizzical expressions that met his unexpected appearance, Derek proceeded to provide a detailed account of the surgery's outcome. "The procedure was a success, as expected, given its minor nature. Your father and the other patients will soon be relocated to a private ward, where they shall recuperate and awaken from the effects of the anesthesia wanes off" he imparted, his gaze ultimately settling upon Lauren.

"Thank you, Derek," Lauren expressed with sincerity, her voice tinged with profound gratitude.

"I am merely discharging my duty lauren. Should you have any further inquiries, do not hesitate to seek me out at my office," Derek responded before taking his leave.

They were ushered into the private room designated for Lauren's father.

Rushing to his bedside, Lauren's heart swelled with a tumult of emotions upon seeing her sleeping father. Overwhelmed, tears streamed down her cheeks. In that fragile moment, the possibility of losing him threatened to unravel her world, leaving her grappling with the weight of that harrowing realization.

Observing Lauren's distress, Marcel was poised to offer his solace, but Madame Veronica, deemed it appropriate to grant her a semblance of privacy

"Let us afford her the space she needs," she whispered, her words carrying a blend of empathy and wisdom, before guiding the others to respectfully withdraw, leaving Lauren to privately confront her emotions beside her ailing father.

A short while later, Venessa and Serafina made their way down the corridor that led to the private ward housing Lauren's father, only to encounter the members of the Benneth coven. Engaging in hushed conversation, they exchanged knowing glances as an air of anticipation.

"This is going to be quite an intriguing affair," Serafina remarked with a sardonic grin playing upon her lips.

Amidst the charged atmosphere, one of the witches could not conceal her disdain, her disapproval hanging heavily in the air.

Observing the entrance of the vampire pair, the coven members displayed a palpable interest, cognizant of the fact that their arrival had become the subject of fervent discussion.

"You possess quite the audacity to appear in our presence, particularly in light of the atrocities associated with your kind," a witch remarked, her voice steeped in seething anger as she addressed the vampire duo.

Venessa met this declaration with a serene countenance, unabashedly disregarding the simmering hostility that emanated from the witches.

"As for my 'kind,' their affairs are of little concern to me or is it any of my business, unless of cause they encroach upon me or mine. In that case, matters take a different turn," she nonchalantly retorted, her words articulated.

The witches, in response, derisively dismissed Venessa's words with so much vile. "What more could be expected from a orphan outcast ," another witch interjected, casting a pointed dig in Venessa's direction.

Ariana, seeking to diffuse the escalating tension, intervened, admonishing her fellow coven member. "Enough, Aunt. You are going too far," she admonished.

However, Serafina seized the opportunity to cast a shadow of discomfort over the gathering, her sly expression betraying the mischievous intent behind her words.

"That is quite the statement, coming from one who dallies with her own bodyguard. Should I have the privilege of sharing your scandalous escapades with your dear husband, the esteemed mayor?" she provocatively insinuated, a wry smirk playing on her lips.

The weight of this revelation bore down on the witches, casting a pall of uneasy silence across the hallway as the implications of Serafina's words rippled through the witches gathered, Ariana, known for her dramatic sensibilities, found herself overcome with shock and surprise.

As for the mayor's wife, a gnawing sense of dread settled in the pit of her stomach, realizing that one of her closely guarded secrets now resided within the grasp of a vampire.

"Ridiculous!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying an edge of frustration.

"Well, let's put that to the test, shall we?" Serafina countered, withdrawing her phone from her elegant purse and deftly navigating its interface with her fingers.

Madame Veronica, who had been quietly observing the tense interplay between the two factions, recognized the need to defuse the escalating confrontation before it spiraled out of control. She found herself startled by the vampires' astute awareness of the mayor's wife's clandestine affair.

"Why have you come here?" Madame Veronica inquired of the vampire duo, seeking to glean insight into their unexpected presence.

While Venessa's response bore the brazen confidence characteristic of her nature, it also carried a note of underlying displeasure at being addressed in such a dismissive manner.

"Although I am under no obligation to answer to you or anyone here as a matter of fact, but out of deference to my admiration for you and a select few witches, I am inclined to respond," Venessa asserted, her words resonating with a certain unyielding fortitude.

"I regard Lauren as a friend, and although our bond may not yet be fully formed, she is inexorably linked to my brother by virtue of the prophecy. Consequently, my primary concern is for her well-being —that is paramount," she concluded.

"I had intended to inquire indirectly through Ariana, but I will bide my time and await the opportune moment to do so to her directly," Venessa declared simply, before turning on her heel and departing alongside Serafina, their departure marking the uneasy conclusion of the encounter.