
The Love of a Vampire Prince.

"You are lying!" she retorted, her voice ringing with a blend of indignation and despair as she surged to her feet and crossed the space to his side. Her anger struck him as somewhat bemusing, and in a different circumstance, he might have been tempted to applaud her unyielding spirit. "I am an apex predator. I am what monsters and all things wicked fear. How could you imagine I would concern myself with something as fickle as emotions, let alone for a witch?" he asserted, his words delivered without the slightest quiver of doubt. His words landed like a blow to her very core. She had never anticipated such a stinging rebuttal from him. "If you can look me in the eye and tell me you feel nothing for me, then I'll leave you alone," she challenged, her tone calm amid the raging storm of emotion that churned within her. Her words felt like a knife piercing through his cold heart, leaving Damien to grapple with the weight of her final statement. He hesitated for a few fleeting moments before lifting his gaze to meet hers. "I don't," he declared, the words slipping from his lips with austere finality. Lauren's heart sank upon hearing his response; she sensed within her that he was not speaking the truth, but what recourse did she have? Before she could utter another word, the ringing of her phone pierced the solemn air. Engaging with the call, she answered, "Hello, Director." Briefly acknowledging the conversation, she swiftly concluded, "Alright, I'll be there," before ending the call. "Thanks for the meal once again," she offered in a flat voice, devoid of any discernible emotion. Damien found himself taken aback by the sudden shift in her demeanor, feeling the impulse to say something, but before he could gather his thoughts, she had already entered the elevator. Making her way towards the exit, she soon drove off, leaving Damien to stand before the towering windows, watching her departure with a silent ache lingering within him. As she disappeared, he turned his gaze inward, pondering the emptiness that seemed to pervade his residence. Reflecting on his actions, he found himself questioning whether he had made the right choice in pushing her away, but he understood that only time held the answers. This Novel tells a story of a halfie(half vampire half human) named Damien, who was the crown prince and heir to the throne of the kingdom Brennedon, and a beautiful young lady, Special Agent Lauren who also is a powerful witch from a very powerful witch bloodline whose destinies were intertwined to save the supernatural realm. will the witches put their century year old fued and animosity against the Brennedon vampires aside to save the supernatural realm or will they allow their hate consume the whole realm? journey with me as we travel the realm of the supernatural.

Medist_Winnie7 · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Chapter 3 : Find Lauren Turner, she is your Destiny

Damien observed his eyes again in the mirror and was amazed at how brilliant the golden hues were. 'There was a long aged legend told about the vampire with a golden eyes when they were still kids, can hardly remember the full story but will leave it to derek to explain it when they meet at the office today' he thought before leaving the bathroom.

Putting on his Givenchy custom made three piece suit and black Louboutins shoe, he made his way out of the closet.

As Damien stepped into his bedroom, and as soon as he entered, he felt a strange presence pervading the room – an otherworldly being that made his skin prickle with recognition.

He stopped in his tracks, his cold heart still as he slowly spun around. In a deep, commanding voice, Damien addressed the entity. "If I were you, I would show myself".

Just then, Damon tapped into the super natural power within him. His skin turned ashen, dark red and black veins popping up around his golden eyes and fangs and talons elongating from his mouth and fingertips. In that moment, he had transformed from one of the hottest man in the city into the creature of the night, the apex predator.

"Damien, son of Draco, Is that how you speak to your goddess" A soft voice, like a whisper queried behind him. he turned instantly but no one was there.

"Show yourself" Damien commanded...

"Use your sight son of Draco, I am closer than you can imagine" the goddess said again.

Just then he closed his eyes, took in deep breaths and opened it again, and there stood in front of him, the goddess of the supernatural realm in all her glory.

She was ethereal, beyond beautiful or anything he had seen, the more he stared at her the more his features returned to normal

"Who are you and what do you want?" He asked as he stared at her.

"I have a quest for you" the goddess said ever so calmly..

"I answer to no one, now leave" he said frostily before reaching to grab his tablet, just as he left his room, he found himself walking into a vast desert covered in snow and was being ravaged by blizzards....

"Every creature in this earth, above and below the earth answers to me, I am the Goddess of all the supernatural creatures including your father king Draco Voltorie" the goddess said, but this time he couldnt see her.

"Where were you when my Father, my kingdom and everyone I knew were killed by the lycans....Where were you, goddammit" he cussed.

He was seething, as his rage builds...

"Who told you your Father died?" She asked amused at his assumption..

"He was alive when you, damon and derek ran from the lycans, no?" She asked again, enjoying the look of uncertainty, confusion and a slight hope flicker through his golden eyes.

"Where is he" he asked, this time calmly as he tried to digest this new information.

For the past century he had sent over hundred scouts, spies of different realms to find out if anyone survived the battle with the lycans, but every report had been that every citizen of Brennedon was wiped out, including most of the children and women that went into hiding, the lycans had found and slaughtered majority of them.

"I asked a question, where is my father?" He asked again, he had a short temper, but besides the point, he needed to be sure and that he wasn't being lied to.

Just as he waited for reply he heard a loud howl coming in front of him, he looked ahead and there stood two giant werewolves coming at him with extraordinary speed.

Whatever this place is, it is real, and so were the two hundred pounds lycans, charging at him....they looked like the lycans that murdered his people, and he was determined to return the favour.

Instantly his talons and fangs elongated, out of reflex..

He waited patiently until they were just few feets away before he charged towards them..

They jumped towards him, while he slide in a speed of light under them and dug his talons in their bowels simultaneously.. he was so fast as blur that they didnt know when he moved.

The injured lycans howled in pain, but they become even more angry and charged again at him with ferocity and anger..

Damien smirked at them when he saw how pissed they were..

One of the lycans launched at him, aiming to bite his head off, but Damien seemingly predicted his next move with ease, dodged the attack, appeared behind him and plunged his sharp claws into it's back ripping out its large heart, it fell with loud thud on the cold floor.

Seeing its park member dead on the icy snow, the lycan howled so loud, it was deafening...

It ran so fast that even when Damien evaded him, it was able to scratch its big claws on his shoulder.

Black blood oozed from the wound as Damien winced in pain.

It charged again with fury, the snow under its large paws gave way as it ran towards Damien who stood he's ground and waited patiently, as soon as it launched itself at him, he moved with a lightning speed and appeared behind it and snapped its neck.

"You fight just like you father Draco?" The goddess appeared before him again, she was shimmering under the snow that it was hard to make out her face...

"How can I find my father" Damien asked slowly, he could feel he was about to lose consciousness, something that hadn't happened to him before..

"What is wrong with me" he asked as he fell on his knee, trying really hard not to fall unconscious till he gets the answer he needed..

"Find a human by the name Lauren Turner, she is your destiny" the goddess said ever so softly observing the injured Damien as he struggled in futility to stay awake.

"What has this human got to do with my father?"he asked agitated..

"She will help you find king Draco and help keep and restore balance between the humans and supernatural realm" she replied..

"How can I find her?" He asked as she slumped into unconsciousness..

"You will know when you see her" the goddess said before banishing into thin air.


Lauren wandered inside the thick forest on bare foot, wearing only her pyjamas...

She looked confused as she made her way into the thick forest wondering how she found herself there.

The forest looked ethereal, beautiful and eerie but she wasn't scared even though she was in an unfamiliar environment. Pushing some plant and leaves out of the way, she stumbled into the snow forest, where the blizzards was whizzing heavily, and there she saw a man slump in the snow after fighting what seemed to her like giant dogs...

"Aghh" she whispered in fear, covering her mouth to avoid being noticed.

She wondered how two huge dogs will be so vicious and trying to murder a harmless man.

She was still pondering when the said man ripped the heart of one of the dogs with his hands..

"Oh my God" she muttered silently, as she watched the fierce battle between the man and the dog's..

After what looked like half an hour , the brave man had defeated the huge dogs but seemed to have sustain an injury...

"I hope he is ok" she said and just then he slumped.

She didnt know why but she saw herself running barefoot on the snow towards the man..

Kneeling before him, she placed two fingers at the side of his neck to check for pulse, but was suprised at how cold he was and there and to her shock, there was no pulse. She wondered if he had died, that would be such a pity given how much he fought to stay alive.

she observed the man closely, his raven black hair spilling over his gorgeous face, while his long black lashes cascaded over his eyes, casting a shadow over his strong cheekbones, his strong jaw made him look dangerous but alluring even as his eyes were closed...

she continued to inspect him, but stopped when she noticed dark red hot blood oozing out from the side of his neck ..she tried to use her hand to hold the spot and stop the bleeding but her hand was held midair..

Looking down at the man, she watched as his lashes fluttered slightly open and his gaze, a piercing shade of golden yellow stared at her. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt hypnotized by his beautiful golden orbs, she was about to say something but he passed out again.

"Help, some one help us" she bellowed.