
The love obsession

Ceecee_ · Teen
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110 Chs

chapter 6 Flash back

Ayden always had his ways though he was not the only child of his parents. he acted like a fucked up bitch.

so there i was with miranda as we were chatting and laughing over things that happened earlier in the camp.

Its time to go get firewood before 7 o clock reaches and its time for firecamp stories,the instructor announces

Uhhhhh,the students groans in distaste.

You know we're pass that right,one of the students screams from the back where he was with a friend.

ok ,you go in troupes of three .

first group ;Silverstine,Angela and Rodrick you're together in the west side of the forest,two boys and a girl goes into the forest in search of wood.

She calls more names then she says Ayden, Miranda and Fred you guys take the north side.,Miranda and I left without waiting for Ayden cause he was a pain in the neck.

Why didn't you wait for Ayden,Miranda asks.

Though he is my friend he acts like a fucked up bitch and am sure you know that so do you still suppose us waiting for him,I asks.

You're right lets head out already, Miranda says.

As we were going ,we hearda Ayden screaming from behind for us to wait for him but we didn't listen and continued walking and picking up any fine wood we find on the way.

we kept on going and laughing finally Ayden caught up with us then he gave us a stern look.

What's with the look,miranda asks supposedly holding back her laughter.

Don't you even start with me or you won't like the outcome ,Ayden said looking at her from up to down before wetting his lips.

Immediately i noticed it,Your brain is messed up dude,what the hell,i said.

Miranda let's go,i added bringing out my hand for her to take.

Though i didn't think she would ,to my surpirse she held my hands firmly and said "Fine lets go and live this asshole,she smiled at me and we left.

If you have any guts you'll do it,Ayden said as we left.

unconsciously i didn't know i was smiling as we went deeper into the forest not because cof what ayden said but because miranda was holding my hand.

I was bursting with emotions inside of me.

It's getting late we have enough wood ,here i found a thread lets tie them together and I'll carry it back to camp,i said.

No no u can't let you do that i will carry it,she said.

where exactly,i asked.

Obvi,on my head,she said.

but i don't want you fainting on me so i will carry it ok,i said.

Fine,you can carry it but i will help, she said.

Fine with me,i said with a smile.

As i bent down to pick up the wood and place it on my head she held my hands and i stood up straight to see what was up with her.

Um what was Ayden saying back there when we were leaving about you doing something if you have the guts ,she said blushing meaning she understood the message.

I stood up and held her firmly against a tree while holding her waist i leaned in and kissed her rhen i pulled away form her and said "something related to that ,i hope you understand now,i said.

Yeah ,she said still blushing.

so are you ready,i said after placing the wood on my head.

Fo- For what?,she asked.

To head back to camp,i said as if reminding her.

umm yh sure,she said keeping her face down as we head back to hide her extremely reddened face.

When we arrive before i could drop the wood and look back she dissapeared.

ok guys it's 6:30 so you have 30 minutes to rest before the fire camp story and song ,etc,the instructor announces.

i head out to find miranda to see what she is doing with her 30 minutes.

i kept on moving around aski g her friends where she might be but instead of them answering me they started giggling .

then one with a nose piercing named sandra spome up and said "you don't want to know that"she said and they giggled again.

Can you at least give me a clue,i said.

Ayden's room,sandra speaks up again.

My eyes were wide in shock and i ran to Ayden's room and looked through the window to find Miranda and Ayden kissing passionately while his hands roomed all over her body ,i couldn't bear the torture as i left there to the camp instructor cooking up a story that my mom is sick and i have to go see her .

she told me to take the bus and as i reached my home i ran up to my room and slumped on the bed.

my mom who was in the kitchen sighting my unruly behaviour came up to my room to see me.

Hey Freddy,what's wrong that you didn't come see me as you returned,my mom said.

i didn't reply.

Freddy ,she said knocking on my door.

Freddy open the ddor now,she said concern full in her voice.

No ,leave me alone,i screamed.

i heard her gasp because i never talk to her like that then after realising what i did i added a"please"ro soften the blow.

Honey,Are you okay?

Is anything bodering you?

You know you can always come to me?

Hon please open the door,she said after throwing questions at me.

Mom please i'll talk when am ready,can you just give me privacy for the meantime, i said with a calm voice.

Am almost done with dinner will you please join me,she practically begged.

i know better than to let her eat alone after my dad passed away some years ago.

I'll try,she said.

Thanks honey,she said and left .

i sat up form my bed and took my phone and instantly deleted all the pictures i have of Miranda in my phone and also blocked Aydn from my contact and my life.



And that is what happened,it may seem stupid to you but she was my first love and it hurt,i said.

sorry am telling you this it's awkward isn't it,i ask.

sure is,she said with a smile which also made me laugh.

i toldt you to tell me so don't feel guilty ,ok,alexa says.

I love you,i fred.

I love you too,Alexa replies quickly then plants a kiss on my lip before going to class.


Hey y'all i haven't posted for a long time because of school and blah blah but now i have time and will be posting back to back.

Follow on instagram Kath_r2021 .

i love wriring and i hope you will enjoy reading it also.

Much love💘.


Sneak peek

Alexandria and Freddy dating is an arranged business planned by their parents to have a bond or whatsoever.

just keep on reading to find the entire story.

and exactly how do you think alexa and fred wi react with the news


Note from the Author

Please guys i would love if you leave commments about the book when i talk about comments i don't mean negative . Have a positive mindset and please spare this book some votes


much love👉💘👈