
Chapter 1 : The human realm

"Do you really want to do this." an old looking man with hair as white as cotton said to a young slim lady who had her back turned to the old man. upon hearing this, the young lady turned her face to the man.

A face which is capable of causing the fall of a nation is revealed under the honey brown silky and long hair reaching her bottom.

As beautiful as this face is , the harsh glare and coldness on this face was not to be disputed. the old man felt terrified.

" your highness." the man added to the already spoken words. not sparing him another glance the woman turned back to her former position without replying the old man, he breathed a sigh of relief.

the man became frustrated again due to her silence.

" your highness, if you leave this realm to the human realm , it will be very difficult to get you back to this realm." the old man said in a solemn manner.

" And you also know that if Kings from other realms find out you are outside the realm and successfully capture you in the human realm, they will lay a claim to the realm you worked hard to build and protect , please do reconsider your words and rule over this realm as you have always done, your house highness." the man bowed deeply to convey his respect toward her.

A mischievous smile flitted above her lips, before it was set back in the grim lines they were.

" zavik."she spelt out the man's name and turned toward him slowly, zavik continued bowing and began to tremble due to the aura of her power that were leashed out which suppressed everything.

" zavik," she repeated again " I think I am the queen and the ruler of this realm not you," she said with all authority " and I think you do not have the right to tell me what to do or not , you are just an advisor , and I can seek to use your advice or not." she said in a chilly voice and smiled mischievously " I think all what I said is correct, isn't it zavik." she dusted an imaginary dirt away from zavik's clothe while smiling In a deadly way. " yes it is, your highness." he replied while trembling under the pressure he was kept under by his queen.

" The next time my words are questioned, you will be beheaded as per the law in front of your children , grandchildren and the great grandchild you just had not long ago." she said with a smile , this smile sent a chill down the spine of zavik.

" yes , your highness," he bowed deeply again " your words are my command." he bowed deeply than usual in order to avoid her blood thirsty gaze. the young woman looked around the throne room, the throne seat was made of the bones and skulls of her enemies and the throne room looked eerie. she was starting to feel nostalgia toward the throne room which she put off from her mind, then she said " I will go to the human realm , and my preparation starts now." then a wisp of smoke dispersed were she was and she was no longer there.