

Titli was sleeping peacefully until she felt something spicy, sweet and a lil bit of sour; kind of pickle things on her lips. She knows the taste, it is made by her mom. Mom? But she didn't talk with her for a decade...then...her thoughts get interrupted by a voice.

— is it tasty?

– super !

– I see. Do you want it?

– yeah.

– then you have to listen to me.

– what you want?

– write hundred times, Titli is a stupid girl, kookie is a intelligent boy!

– What!

Reality hits her and she open her eyes just to see kookie is standing front of her, laughing and his fingers are tinted for the pickle.

– Choi Jae Kuk! You are finished. She shouted.

Kookie was still laughing and squeeze her cheeks.

– do you know you look cute when you are angry.

– Shut up. She throw a pillow at him but he dodged.

– oh my angry bird, get up and freshen up. Look at the time.

Titli look at the clock, its past 8 am. She was sleeping so long? Thats weird. She went to wash room and returned quickly.

– Do you really brushed your teeth?

– Yes ...why?

– How can you brush so quickly?

– because I'm super girl

– or a lazy girl who didn't brush.

– shut up and let me make breakfast first.

– no need.

– why?

– mom already made for us.

Kookie tells while showing her the container in his hand Her eyes get teary. Mom made breakfast for her, she still loves her!

Kookie snap near her eyes.

– Oh angry bird..where?

– in my house.

– oh you remember. I thought you get lost in your fancy world.

– shut up.

– you tell shut up tooo much.

– so?

– dont you know other words?

– shut up.

– look again....wo wooo what are you doing!

Titli jumped and snatched the container. She opened and take a long breath to inhale the fragrance of pancakes that mom had made. It still hot. She take out one among them and take

a bite.

– ummm... Just heaven.

– yeah... Thats for me too!

– Nope. Its all mine. You ate already!

– huh! Give ....

– why? Its for me.

– I know.

– then why?

– yours are more tasty!

– you and your logic! By the way how did you get here?

– oh me? This way..

He showed a hair pin.

I opened the door by it.

– you became a thief after you went USA, i see.

– yeah. I stole hearts of girls...you know!

Titli rolled her eyes and concentrated on her pancakes.