
Chapter 26

I got ready to go out with Edison Wearing a light blue colour short dress.

Edison was wearing causal clothes for a change.

" you look more handsome in causal clothes."

I complimented and he looked away hiding his face.

Did he just blushed? I guess everyone get shy after getting a comment.

" umm..you too."

He said and I chuckled. He is so cute.

" let's go then"

Then me and Edison walked outside of the room and saw Jade coming out of his room at the same time.

He was wearing a black coat.

" hey Jade!"

I said and he turned to look at us.

" hey Anna and Edison."

He smiled and I smiled back.

" where are you going?"

He asked.

" we are going out and you?"

Edison replied.

"I am going to meet Mr Wang for the meeting."

" Are you sure you don't want me to come?"

" no it's fine just enjoy your trip."

"okay if you need any help just give me a call okay."

" okay then i am going."

Jade said was about to walk away but Anna called him and he stopped.

"wait when you get free you can tell me so we can hang out together."

" okay."

Then he left and I look back at Edison he look pissed.

Why was he so pissed?

" what happened?"


"okay then let's go now."

Edison nodded and we headed out of the hotel.

"okay where you want to go?"

" let's see."

I opened the map in my phone and start looking for a good place to go.

"it's just evening so let's go to the nearest amusement park and then at night to Eiffel tower."

" okay then let's go."

I nodded and we walked to the amusement park.

Edison looked around the park and it was so crowded.

" it's looks crowed."

" yeah it is."

There were a lot of crowd I mean it's Sunday so may be.

"what if you get lost?"

He asked looking at Me.

Does he think of Me as a child?

" I am not a child that i will get lost. Even if I did I can find my own way back."

"you are a child."

" I am not a child. I am a full grown up and married women."

I said angrly glaring at him but instead he smiled.

Did he just smiled. It's so rare to see him smile.

" it would be nice if you keep smiling like that."

Suddenly Edison stopped smiling and frowned.

" I didn't tell you to stop smiling."

He cleared his throat and looked away.

" let's go and ride some rides."

He said changing the topic. Gosh he is so shy.

" ok let's go."

I said and start walking fastly.

He came running from behind.

" don't run around you will get lost."

" I will not."

" okay but let me hold your hand."

He took my hand in his.

Suddenly I felt something in my stomach and my heart skipped a beat.

" okay let's go now."

" o-kay"

Why did i stutter?

After that we walked around the park with him holding my hand.

I know he is just concerned that I will get lost but what's wrong with Me.

" let's get on that ride."

I said pointing at a random ride and he agreed with Me.

After that I rode every ride and Edison just followed without complaining.

Then We sat on a bench.We both were exhaust.

"do you want some ice cream?"

" yaeh sure. "

" I will get one you don't go anywhere just sit here. I will be back."

"okay okay i am not a child. Go and get me my Ice-cream."

He then left to get ice cream and I was waiting there for him.

Then suddenly I saw a child crying at some distance.

I walked to her and kneel down at her height. She was crying badly.

"why are you crying?"

"- i- ge-t lo-st."

She said crying heavily.

Uhh she is so cute.

"stop crying i will help you in finding you mother. Stop crying."

She looked at me still crying.

" w-ill..yo-y?"

" yes I will let's go to the help center they will help you."

I took her hand and started to walk around.

We walked a few distance away and a women came running toward us.

She ran to us and hugged the little girl beside me.

" where did you go i was looking for you. Why did you let my hand go?"

I think she is her mother. The little girl cried and hugged her mother.

The women looked at me and smiled.

"thank you."

"oh it's fine."

Than she thanked again and left from there holding her daughter tightly In her arms.

Is that what you call mother's love.

I don't know how my mother looked I don't have any memory of her.

She passed away when I was 3yrs old.

I sighed and looked around me then I realised that I came far away from the place i was in.

"uhh i got lost now where to go."

I then looked in my pocket for phone and i realised that i left my phone and purse on the bench.

" great now what to do. I can't even call Edison nor I have any money with me."

I just walked ahead for some distance then i heard a familiar voice calling me from behind.

I turned around and see a worried and covered with sweat Edison

He look really worried.

Thank God he is here.

He was calling my name loudly in order to find me.

He didn't noticed me yet so I called for him.

" Edison I am here."

I said waving hand in air and he then looked at me.

He immediately came running to me and embrace me in the most tightest hug.

" where did you go i was so worried for you i told you to stay there why you don't listen to Me."

I was shocked by his anxious and worried tone.

Normally he is so calm and serious that I never saw this side of him.

But my heart started to beat faster like it was trying to synch with his heart which was probably beating this fast because of running.

"Edison can you leave me I need oxygen."

He immediately left me and started to examine me from head to toe.

"did you get hurt? are you okay?"

"uhh i am fine. Calm down."

He sighed in relief and I can tell my cheek are red and so hot.

"okay now tell me why did you come here? Didn't i told you to stay there."

" um a girl was crying because she lost her way so i helped her to find her mother on showing her way i lost mine."

I giggled awkwardly trying to ease the situation.

"why did you left your phone there?"

" ahh my phone. I forgot it there."


He handed me my phone and purse.

" Thankyou so much."

" But be careful next time I will not come to find you every time."

" ok ok it won't happen again. I am fine and now it's almost night time so let's go to eiffel tower. Or we will miss the show there."

I said trying to change the topic Edison sighed and nodded.

" okay then let's go."

I smiled and was so excited to go there.

Both went to eiffel tower as they arrived there was a lot of crowd.

Edison immediately held her hand in his tightly.

He didn't wanted to lose her again for the first time Edison felt the fear of losing someone.

"what are you doing?"

Anna asked looking at their interlocked hands.

"i don't want you to get lost again."

" I am fine. I will not get lost again."

"no just be beside me and don't go anywhere."

" but I am not a baby you don't need to worry so much."

" just to be safe. Let's do this and don't go anywhere."

" ahh fine."

Edison held her hand more tightly.

We were now in the front of the tower.

It looks so beautiful in the night all lighten up.

I looked beside me and see Anna looking at it with a wow expressions.

She look so preety in these light.

I looked at her hairs then her brown deep eyes and her kissable lips.

I want to kiss them. I wonder they will feel heavenly to kiss for.

What i am even saying??

Do i have feelings for her?

Than i remembered chris's word.

She make my heart flutter, i got jealous when i see her with other man i got worried when she is not around.

Is that what called to be in love.