
Chapter 18

Anna was getting ready for the party and Edison was waiting for her in the living room.

She gave a final touch and lastly look at herself in the mirror.

She smiled and walked downstairs to the living room.

There she saw Edison sitting on the couch in his black suit.

He was looking deadly handsome and hot.

His domination aura making him more handsome.

'he is looking good' Anna thought.

She smiled looking at him.

Anna was admiring his beautiful featuresn that's when Edison noticed her presence and looked towards her.

His jaw dropped. She was wearing a black gown with a slightly cut on the bottom showing off her left leg.

She was carrying very light makeup looking all simple yet elegant.

Well she doesn't even need makeup.

' she looks beautiful' Edison thought

Edison noticed her staring at him so he walked toward her.

she immediately stop staring and look towards other direction.

Edison cleared his throat and said.

" looking good."

She smiled and blushed.

" thankyou you also looking handsome."

Edison felt something in his heart.

His face felt hot so he looked away.

" so let go or we are going to late."

His mood dropped and he immediately become serious.

"okay let go."

He said and they both walk to their car and Edison started the engine and start driving.

The whole ride was deadly silent no one dared to utter a word.

Anna was looking out of the window the whole time.

While Edison was feeling uneasy.

He was anxious about what was going to happen.

He looked at Anna who was looking out of the window.

He sighed and just shrugged away all the thought and focused on the road.

They reached at their destination.

Anna walk out of the car and wait for him to park the car.

He parked the car and both walked inside the venue.

It was big hotel.

Anna looked at the hotel and smiled.

" what is it?"

Edison asked.

" Nothing its just that this is the hotel we used to come frequently for dinner. It's Jack's favorite hotel."

She said and smiled.

Edison felt that uneasiness again.

" well nevermind. Let's go in."

Anna said.

Edison was feeling little nervous.

Anna linked her arm with him and start walking inside.

Edison had no expression at all.

He was just staring at her.

When they entered inside they see many people gathered present there.

From the croud a familiar figure came toward them.

" Anna!"

He called for her and she smiled looking at him.

" Jack."

Anna called.

" you are here.....umm...hello Mr Edison."

He greeted awkwardly.

Obviously it was awkward.

Edison nodded in response.

Anna left his arm and hugged jack.

Edison felt a burning sensation in his chest.

He was burning from inside but he didn't utter a word.

He tried to stay calm.

Edison knew he just need to stay silent.

"where is she?"

Anna asked Jake.

" She is inside so let's go."

Anna looked at Edison.

" Edison you stay here I will be just back in few minutes."

She said and left with Jack leaving Edison alone.

He sighed and just stared at her walking figure.

' what was I expecting.'

Edison scoffed.

He walked to the bar and ordered a drink.

When he was sipping on his drink.

Edison looked around and found Anna and Jack standing beside the stage.

Both were talking something and smiling at each other.

' what are you both planning?'

Edison thought and took a sip from his drink.

Suddenly Edison felt anger rising in him.

' Do I have any right or reason to be angry.'

He thought.

Then Jack came up on the stage holding a mic.

" Ladies and gentlemen I am very delighted to have you guys here on my early invitation. Well I have a announcement to make. This is about my life and future. I didn't expected it to happen but here I am."

Jack announced.

Edison tighten his grip on the glass he was holding.

He looked beside the stage and saw Anna standing there.

' is it?'

Edison thought.

" I want to introduce my girlfriend and my soon to be wife to all of you. I am very happy to tell you about her. It was something I didn't expected but I am happy to have her beside me. We both went through many up and down in our life. But somehow we made it to here. So please support us and give us a lot of love."

Edison looked down on the floor.

Anger build up in him.

' I know you didn't cared about this marriage but still you should have thought about your and my family's reputation. I didn't expected it from you."

Edison thought.

But more than anger their was something Edison was feeling.

It was a new feeling to him.

He felt a little scared but of what.

He don't want to expect it but his heart was pounding like crazy just because of the thought of Anna leaving.

" so representing you my fiancee."

Edison heart was pounding very fast.

His grip was so tight on the glass that the glass was on the verge of breaking.

' what I am doing here? For getting insulted. I probably should leave.'

Edison's thought.

He placed the glass on the counter and was about to leave but he stopped when he heard someone else name instead of the name he expected.

" here comes my fiancee...Rosie."

Jack announced in mice.

Edison turned around to look on stage with his wide eyes.

Anna walked on the stage but not alone instead she came up with a girl beside her.

She handed the girl's hand to Jack and came down from the stage.

Edison was confused and shocked at the same time.

Anna was coming toward Edison while Edison was staring at her blankly with many questions in his mind.

Anna came and stood beside Edison.

" why are you staring at me like that?"

Anna said pulling out Edison to the reality.

"who is that girl?"

Edison asked Anna.

" Rosie...she is the girl I was talking about that day well the girl Jack....Cheated on with... She is pregnant now. And what I am doing here and what happened between them is a long story I will tell you later."

" so that girl is the one pregnant."

Edison asked.

" why? Why are you asking like that? Yes she is."

" Nothing I was just asking."

Edison said.

Now everything was clear to him.

He now remembers seeing that girl with jack and Anna that day.

' so the girl the doctor was talking about was this girl. I was making my own assumptions. I misunderstood Anna.'

Edison thought.

He looked at Anna who was staring at the stage.

' I am sorry Anna.'

He thought in his mind.

Anna turned toward him.

" did you say something?"

" huh? Me? No I didn't."

" I thought you did. Guess my ears are ringing."

She said and again turned toward the stage.

Edison unknowingly smiled and suddenly he felt at ease.

His heart was relaxed and his all worry and anxiety was gone.

He looked at Anna who was staring at the stage at Jack and rose.

" Are you okay?"

He asked Anna.

" It would be a lie if I said I am all okay. I am okay but their is still some part of me that isn't okay but it will be okay with time ."

Edison raised his hand and rubbed her back.

Anna was surprised.

" what's gotten into you?"

" why?"

" you are acting a little different."

" Am I?"

" yes you are. What's the matter?"

" no I am just in good mood."

" what happened that you are in good mood?"

" nothing just something."

" Tell me."

" It's nothing just concentrate here now."

" Fine don't tell me then."

Anna said looking away with a pout.

Edison smiled lightly looking at her.

' I don't know what I am feeling or I should be feeling this or not but I am sure this isn't a bad feeling. This moment it just feels good. For now I

Don't care if I am feeling good.'

Edison thought while staring at Anna with his warm and soft eyes.