

My name is Lisa and I am only attracted to girls. I realized that since the day I began to feel my genitalia. But no one must know about it; not when I live in a religious girls' high school. It is considered unholy to love a fellow girl. It is against the school rules, and a rumor about it will result in the expulsion of the involved students. I wouldn't want to be expelled. I fear the humiliation it holds and the disappointment it might bring to my parents. My parents sent me to this religious school for a sort of cleansing from my abominable choice of sexuality. Although they failed to understand I didn't choose to like girls, I do not want to be expelled back to them or see them hurt more than they are hurting. So, I dwelled in secret; surviving the co-habitation of other girls until Uriel came along. I couldn't resist Uriel's sweet sculpted face, endowed body figure, and perfect curvy lips. I couldn't withstand her charm. So, I decided to risk everything and have that 'unholy' relationship with her. For Uriel, I could face the world and fight, but I didn't consider if Uriel would want the same. After I kissed her and confessed my feelings, I saw maybe, just maybe, I should have remained in the closet and had my secret buried with me. Uriel received me with disgust, exposed me to everyone, and had me expelled from school. My life turned left. I hated myself for years and ended up living in lies about liking men. Now she is back, apologizing and professing her undying love. Should I believe she reappeared to love me right? Should I embrace my unquenched feelings for her or take on the revenge I've always wanted?

RosyKosy · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
17 Chs



Uriel reappeared in an epic ball yellow gown, wearing make-up and dazzling in her earrings.

She transformed into an angel, looking more mature than a fifteen-year-old girl.

I couldn't take my eyes off her as I sat speechless and mouth-watering. Not only is she looking breathtaking, she is fitted in the gown I can't explain how she came about it.

Students have no other form of clothes except the approved uniforms. No one dares to smuggle it in either. It is impossible to bypass the strict search of the Reverends or the Dormitory Prefect to have such a nice dress in possession.

How could she possibly have that?

"Say something…" Uriel's voice awakened my awareness.


"How do I look?"

I blinked rapidly. I lack the best adjective to qualify her. Using the word 'beautiful' is nothing but an insult to how she looks.

"Your silence isn't helping, Senior Lisa."

"You look…"

Although I am not ugly, we exhibit a new version of Beauty and the Beast.


Uriel is as nervous as I am. I could tell through her impatience to get my compliment.

"You are making me nervous." She admitted.

"I am the nervous one."

She smiled at my confession, and on a joint call, we burst into laughter.

Uriel hurried to the desk before me, giggling and checking out her dress.

"Do you own it?" I asked.

"It fitted nicely, right?"


Answering my question with a question can do; I can play all game cards for Uriel.

"I got it from the drama club," but she finally fed my curiosity.

"No, you didn't."

Uriel doesn't belong to the drama club. She registered with the environmental club where she and her mates spend their time on the school's flowers and plants, manuring and nurturing them.

"I will return it on Monday. I promise."

We could return it tonight but I can't access the club room. The club prefect wouldn't leave any door unlocked.

"What if you get caught?"

"I will be careful. I took it because I wanted to show you. I may never dress up for you; this is my only chance."

Never? What does that mean?

"I am sure you will when we get to leave Louis Nobis. Say we meet up or something."

What am I doing? Why am I determined to question our chances after school?

"Yes, sure." She smiled. "My parents would be glad to meet you Senior Lisa, my caring Mentor."

Mentor? I wasn't talking about meeting her parents; even if I have to, not as her Mentor from school.

Should I clarify that or would it be stupid to declare my intention?

"I have something else to show you," Uriel's voice called me to order and I gave out a warm smile to encourage her.

"This is not all?" I teased.

"Mm-mm," she shook her head and chuckled.

"Okay, show me more."

I am glad she has more; with that, we could stay longer.

She stood up, walked to a chair, climbed on it, and cleared her throat.

"What are you doing?"

"Ladies and gentlemen. No, no," she laughed and cleared her throat again. "Ladies and Ladies, this is Uriel, the talented singer on the chair tonight."

"Ooh, Ohh!" I laughed and clapped at her silly introduction. This is crazy. Uriel is acting crazy.

"Embrace yourselves ladies and ladies as I give you the best performance ever."

I applauded better and on a slight bow, Uriel began to sing.

She sang beautifully. I haven't heard Uriel sing. She isn't in the school choir. A shy and introverted girl like her can be anywhere but in public, singing with a group. But there, she surpasses the entire choir of Louis Nobis.

She ended the song and instead of clapping and screaming over her excellent performance, I sat pinned and overwhelmed.

Uriel climbed down and stood confused at my reaction.

"Was I that bad?" She asked.


"I don't know. You didn't say a thing." She went low and nodded at her rising emotions.

I could feel her disappointment but I have something else I want to confirm.

"Have you ever sung before anyone?"

"No." She joined her hands anxiously. "Was this a bad idea?"

"Bad idea?"

"I suppose it is. You are yet to say what you think."

"How long have you been singing to yourself?"

"For a very long time."

"I see," I nodded and went mute.

A million thoughts struck me mute. It is unbelievable to have a voice like hers hidden and wasted. No! I can't be the only one to listen to her. I appreciate I am the first to hear her; a wonderful gift and memory, but everyone must hear her sing.

"Can you tell me what you think about it now?"

"You are joining the choir, and Uriel I am not asking."

"You think I am that good?" She laughed at my seriousness.

"You know you are that good."

"I don't." She laughed to cover up but when she looked at me again, she frowned. "I can't join the choir."


"I am shy and don't feel comfortable singing in public."

"You sang to me. You didn't look uncomfortable and shy when you did. You were happy."

"I was able to do it because it was you. I only get to do everything with you, Lisa. It is just with you."

Lisa? My first name again?