

My name is Lisa and I am only attracted to girls. I realized that since the day I began to feel my genitalia. But no one must know about it; not when I live in a religious girls' high school. It is considered unholy to love a fellow girl. It is against the school rules, and a rumor about it will result in the expulsion of the involved students. I wouldn't want to be expelled. I fear the humiliation it holds and the disappointment it might bring to my parents. My parents sent me to this religious school for a sort of cleansing from my abominable choice of sexuality. Although they failed to understand I didn't choose to like girls, I do not want to be expelled back to them or see them hurt more than they are hurting. So, I dwelled in secret; surviving the co-habitation of other girls until Uriel came along. I couldn't resist Uriel's sweet sculpted face, endowed body figure, and perfect curvy lips. I couldn't withstand her charm. So, I decided to risk everything and have that 'unholy' relationship with her. For Uriel, I could face the world and fight, but I didn't consider if Uriel would want the same. After I kissed her and confessed my feelings, I saw maybe, just maybe, I should have remained in the closet and had my secret buried with me. Uriel received me with disgust, exposed me to everyone, and had me expelled from school. My life turned left. I hated myself for years and ended up living in lies about liking men. Now she is back, apologizing and professing her undying love. Should I believe she reappeared to love me right? Should I embrace my unquenched feelings for her or take on the revenge I've always wanted?

RosyKosy · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


At exactly 5:45 am, another bell rang. It is the time for students' brief morning prayers. Evelyn, the Chapel prefect assembled the students and led the prayers.

I didn't take part in it. I was trying to blend in on time for the mass, so I skipped the morning prayers which I did as a prefect.

I took the free minutes to rinse Uriel's bed sheet and nightwear, resoaked them in fresh water with detergents, and went in for my shower.

In the shower, all I kept seeing was Uriel's naked body. I saw a picture of her smiling at me and urging me in for a hug. Before I could notice the romping of the blood in my veins and the rough breathing sound from touching myself, Gabby stretched the curtain open.

"Holy Mary! Gabby!"

"What are you doing?" She asked suspiciously and my heart sank in.

The last thing I want is to be exposed. Be it touching myself or liking Uriel, no one should catch me in the act.

"Bathing…" I stammered. "And what are you doing here?"

"Didn't see you at the assembly. You are slacking off, aren't you?"

"I am bathing, Gabby. Go away."

"Don't be late. The mass is starting soon."

I exhaled the second Gabby left me alone. I couldn't believe I almost got into trouble because I lost control of my hands and imagination.

"Holy Mary, have mercy on me."

After the mass, I quickly got the dining hall key from Pauline, the Refectory prefect, and boiled some water for Uriel's hot tea.

You must know that Louis Nobis is not a regular high school in the country. We don't behave like average teenage students. Maybe because we are confined in the convent by the Reverend sisters, we have extreme discipline and regulations.

As you know, I am the infirmary prefect, and my core duty is to handle minor accidents and look after everyone including juniors and seniors.

In the same appointed function, there is the Head Prefect, Pamela, who oversees almost everything. There is also the Sports, Labour, Social, Chapel, Study, and the refectory Prefect.

Their duty is as their name implies. And the refectory prefect, Pauline, regulates the feeding procedure. She ensures the dining is in order and each student gets the right portion of her meal. She is also in charge of every electrical and manual cooking utensil, and permission to use them is strictly on her approval. 

In fact, no student uses them but as a prefect, I am entitled to a few things, and using the cooking utensils on my time is one of those privileges.

I took the tea to Uriel. While every junior student sees my action as the duty of a prefect, a mentor to a mentee, I knew my action came from a deeper meaning in my heart.

"Thank you," Uriel appreciated.

"Are you alright?"

I met Uriel lying in her bed. Her face was pale and flattened. She looks feverish except her temperature isn't high.

"I feel pain."


"Below my abdomen."

It was surprising. As far as I know, it is too early for any menstrual pain. A first time is usually flowy and short; maximum of 2-3 days. But what do I know about body systems? If Uriel can bleed heavily to have her stained, she may as well feel pain.

"Here, I will give you a massage," I said and sat on her bed.

Uriel stretched and lifted her head on my thighs while I adjusted to reach her tummy. Gently, I began to massage her abdomen while Uriel hummed and relaxed to the relief.

To make her better, I lifted her shit and slipped my hand onto her belly skin. I only intended to give more massage but when her flawless skin came in contact with my hand, pictures of her nudity projected again.

"It feels good," Uriel breathed, and that worsened my composure.

Her tone caused a quiver in my veins and wild imaginations filled my head. In a quick retreat, I took my hands off her tummy, pushed her up, and stood to my feet.

"Senior, Lisa." She stood after me.

"I will go and get ready for classes," I hurried my words.

"We still have a few minutes before classes."

Indeed. According to the school timetable, classes resume at 8:30. It is 7:20; time for morning chores – sweeping and mopping of the hostels, done by students not staying in the Queen's hostel.

In the last soccer competition, the Green Hostel was crowned after their defensive winning. Fortunately, Uriel lives in the crowned hostel, exempting her from all mild and tedious labor until the next school session.

"Massage me a little more," she begged. "Hmmm?"

Her shaking and pouting were so cute that I ruffled her hair to her chuckling.

"Please…" she begged more.

"Okay. Ten minutes."