
The Love I Have Hoped For

I am Jessica Myers. 30 years of age. I am an introverted type of person who spends most of her free time at home, watching Netflix. I don't usually go out and I don't have a lot of friends. Despite my age, I still keep a diary with me and every time I want to share something to someone, I write it on my diary. Everyone might think I am boring, but this is the life I am comfortable to live with. I was bullied as a student which makes me have a hard time trusting other people. Like other women, all I want is to be loved. I hope to meet someone who can make me feel special, who can make me feel that despite my characteristics and despite my flaws, I can still be loved. I am an ordinary woman who wants to be pursued by a guy, receiving flowers, going on dates in cinemas or simply walking in a park. My ideal man? I just want to meet someone who is nice and who can listen to all my stories no matter how simple and boring they are. I don't think I am a difficult person to deal with but why is no one liking me? I am an NBSB (no boyfriend since birth). And because of that, I have low self confidence. I think I am not capable to love and to be loved. I hope someday, like in fairy tails, my pronce charming will come. I hope someone out there will see the beauty in me, maybe not physically but with my character. Don't get me wrong, I am happy with my life now but I am sure I will be happier to be spending it with someone. Will someone come and rescue my lonely heart? Will I still get a happy ending like the characters in fairy tails? When can I experience the love I have hoped for?

alwayshopeful · Urban
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93 Chs

Experiencing a Real Wedding

As time passekIs by, I feel morr and more tense. The white dress I am wearing is not close to a wedding dress but it still makes me feel pretty, something that I haven't felt before. I have been married once but it was never with such extravagant. What am I thinking, I'm not even sure whether it is a wedding I will be attending.

I was ushered by the two women and Danny downstairs. Athena was waiting for me at the ends of the stairs. She is wearing a pink dress with a basket in her hand.

"Baby! You look very beautiful. What is it that you're carrying?" I asked after giving her a soft kiss on her cheek.

"I'm a fower girl today mommy," she said sounding very proud. "Daddy said I'm petty (pretty)."

"Who's daddy?" I asked. Hearing this word from her makes me feel so scared. The last person I hope she would meet is her father.

The front yard looks very bright and elegant, totally opposite of how it looks like on a typical night. The place that used to be so calm and dark is now filled with light and flowers. Chairs are also arranged in rows for guest. Everyone in the area has smiles on their face. I used to love surprises, but the surprises I enjoyed in the past were the situations that brought me to my misery. They were all but lies so as much as I want to enjoy this moment, something in me is scared, scared that everything might happen again. If it's only me who would suffer then I wouldn't mind it so much but I have a daughter that I have to protect, my daughter that I am willing to die for just to make sure that she would be happy and safe.

I was brought back to reality when Athena held my hand and pulled me. She is now walking towards the aisle in the middle. The women are gesturing her to bring me there. Danny is also on my left and signaling that I should start walking. Someone handed me a bouquet a bouquet which I got without even noticing.

I want to ask everyone what is happening. Although I have a hunch what it is but a part of me says this can't be happening. I am still married to Geoff Park and getting married again would just invalidate everything.

Every suffering I had in the past years came back to me like a flash, from my first heathache with Lance and the times I was like a prisoner with Geoff, the time when I chose to take a train coming to this place until those evenings when I miss and worry about mom. When we reach the end of the aisle, a man held my hand. I couldn't see his face clearly with the tears forming in my eyes.

"I came back, as promised." He said.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"From now on, I will be your guide. I will help you in all your decisions but most of the time, I will be the one making decisions for you. You and Athena are safe now, I will make sure no one can touch the two of you again."

"I'm married, you know that."

"Not anymore but you will soon be, after this ceremony, you will be married again, and this time, it's something you won't regret. After this night, you will be Mrs. Colin Andrews, the wife of JBC Entertainment CEO and no one will ever look down on you again, that's promise."

"Do you think it's the right thing to do?"

"It's the best thing to do, unless you have other suggestions?" His smile is something I have missed. I never heard from him for a long time and now he would come back with a wedding surprise. How I wish he really loves me and we can be a happy married couple with Athena who is now calling her daddy.

"Why are you smiling? You can't think of any suggestions right? Now, let"s go before the officer leaves, he's also a busy man you know" He held my hand and led me to the stage set up in front of us. Everything looks perfect.


"Now we are here to witness the marriage of our Colin Andrews and Jessica Myers who I heard everyone calls Joan. Before we proceed with the ceremony, is there anyone in the who is against this marriage?" The officiating man started.

"No one!" You could hear some women shouting from behind us. I wonder how he was able to get the people's trust in this village. The last time I checked, everyone here wants to protect me, Athena and Danny from others. This is the first time they met him but it seems they all like him.

The ceremony went on smoothly, sometimes I still ask myself what am I doing or what I am doing is correct but there is no more turning back. I was floating the whole time that I don't even hear what the officer is saying sometimes until he said "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

I could hear cheers from the crowd. It feels so awkward for me until Colin held me in the cheeks and gave me a long kiss. I don't know whether he really looks happy or he is just putting on a show. I still remember how devastated he was when the divorce of his marriage was finalized.

We enjoyed a sumptuous meal after with unlimited drinks for everyone. The atmosphere was so ecstatic and even Danny never showed any opposition on the ceremony.

"I have another surprise for you." Colin finally whispered in my ear.

"This is all enough. You already have done a lot."

"I know this night would be incomplete without the people that you love. Your mom and Annie will be arriving tomorrow morning."

"What?!!" I shouted in surprise. Some people stared at us. Luckily, Athena is now sleeping in the apartment, or else she would cry thinking that I am angry.

"I talked to them yesterday. They would love to come today and witness our wedding but they can't."

"Do you think that's safe for them to come here? I mean, what if Geoff finds out? Or what if someone follows them, Geoff will know where we are. He can get Athena or he will kill me." Just the thought of meeting Geoff again or having my mom or Annie in danger makes me panic.

"Relax. Let him find out. As i have said earlier. no one can hurt you and Athena again. I also won't let anyone you love be hurt. I didn't ask them to come here without thinking about what might happen but trust me, nothing bad will happen, trust me, okay?"

Hearing those words from him gave me assurance that I and ny daughter are really finally safe, something I have never thought would happen.

"How can I repay you?" I asked.

"Just stay beside me and never break my trust, that's all which I'm sure would be very easy for you."

The night continued with dancing and laughter. I never enjoyed such a party in the past. The staff who helped in the event joined the party after the meal. Although most of the people present are more than 60 years old, you can never feel bored and no one is left sitting on their chairs when it was time to dance. I guess most people in Marshville miss this kind of athmosphere, the loud music, the lively vibe and the feeling of being young again.

I wasn't sure what time the party ended. I just remember going back to the apartment after having so much drinks. I woke up the next day so late with a terrible headache. I am back in my apartment, the small apartment I am renting from Dorothy and John. Was it all a dream? But why do I have headache? Luckily, today is my rest day from the motel. I checked the wall clock and it says it's already 11 a.m.

After getting up from bed, I decided to take a shower to feel refreshed. I wonder what Danny and Athena are already doing. Did they already have breakfast? It's almost lunchtime. I checked the room after ny shower to see if something has changed. The white dress is hanging on the wall in a hanger and the shoes silver shoes were on the shoe shelf. So everything from last night was not a dream. But where is everybody?

I decided to go out to find Athena. The front yard was empty so I decided to go to Dorothy's place. I was surprised to see the other women busy cooking in her apartment.

"Good morning. Have you seen Athena?" I asked.

"Oh, Joan. Good thing you are already awake. She is with your mom in the beach. Danny and John are showing them around."

"My mom is here?"