
A father’s love

Tasha found King Wade walking back and forth in the throne room patiently waiting to hear about his queen and child.

"Our queen has given birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl. Her name is Gracelyn Renee." Tasha said to the king with a smile on her face. The king ran down the halls and up the stairs to find his wife asleep after being in childbirth all night and most of the morning. And there in a crib next to her was his first born child.

"Gracelyn Renee. A beautiful name for the most beautiful baby girl." Wade couldn't help but to cry tears of joy as he carefully picked up Gracelyn trying not to wake her. Swaying back and forth he gently got her back into her deep peaceful sleep. As he watched her sleep he noticed a red mark on her little finger and he quickly took Gracelyn to see Angie. Angie is the best of the best in the kingdom and he wanted to know for sure what it was. As he made his way to see Angie he looked at it closer in the light of the sun. But still he wasn't sure what it was. When he made it to Angie she was mixing something in a bowl and reading some kind of medicine book. "Angie my wife has given birth to our princess Gracelyn." Before he could finish she turned around in aw at how beautiful the newborn princess was. "I've never seen a more beautiful baby." Angie said. "Yes she is but look" the king said with worry clear in his voice. "What is it? Is she going to be ok? What's wrong with her?" Angie started to laugh but quickly stopped when she realized the king really didn't know what was on his daughters finger. "It is just a beauty mark your majesty nothing to worry about." The king tilted his head to the side confused. When Angie finished explaining it the king felt silly for worrying about such a thing. He was the most powerful and most feared in all the kingdoms, he feared nothing or no one. But that all changed when Gracelyn was born. He thought the beauty mark was scary? He didn't want to think about when she would come of age to marry.

Oh no!

Shaking his head he pushed the thoughts aside and made his way back to their chambers.