
The love deal

cute_peace · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Going back 2 school

That night, mandrake was checking her social media page when she saw the picture of her of her helping terra, she also saw some of her friend's picture in school which made her miss school, she kept scrolling and she saw something which made her remember her ex-boyfriend, she saw some celebrities with their boyfriend.

Mandrake: all my friends have a bf now, i should get one too. I should stop thinking every guy is like ricky after what he did to me (she stare at her school picture on the wall) i miss school alot soooo, i will go back to school, just for fun😌

The nxt week, she went to her aunt university, she wore a blonde wig, fake recommended glasses and she covered her face with a scarf. She entered the principal's office

aunt: hello miss, how can i help u?

mandrake: aunt, its me

aunt: who

mandrake: mandrake (she removes her scarf and glasses)

aunt: mandrake? wow, i couldn't recognise u

mandrake: aunt, can i ask a favor?

aunt: yeah, go one

mandrake: you know i finish school early, so now i miss school alot, can i pretend to be one of ur student, i promise i won't misbehave.

aunt: (laughs) u never misbehave, ok i agree

mandrake: thanks aunt but i don't want anyone to know i'm mandrake

aunt: some people will still notice even if u wear wigs or glasses

mandrake: then i'll say i'm mandrake's cousin, divine

aunt: you're so smart, u take after me (they both laugh) so waht about ur boyfriend? (mandrake frown) come on mandrake, you're turning 21 and u don't have a boyfriend, forget about what ricky did.

mandrake: its not that easy

aunt: i know but try

mandrake: ok

aunt: (takes the cell phone and calls the receptionist) call mr. brown

receptionist: ok ma'am