
Making the Love Connection

I found browsing in a friend's timeline soothing. Most people hate it, most people despise social media for making them feel like their life is not enough, and their life is not normal. You see other people travel, get married have kids, move to new places, and have a life. Living outside the box.

Me I love the box, some people like cleaning, Me I love to eves drop on people. The Train is where you can catch up on things, like the latest gossip on a celebrity, a new scandal about an actress and a cage player caught in the act on a public place. I love reading about things. But when I read about my greatest love, my crush for most of your life, and seeing them happy with someone else, why don't I feel happy for him?

One day, I added a friend in social media, I followed him in his life story application he developed himself.

I was talking about a secret love, before I met my boyfriend. He was a third year Junior Highschool student, while I just started middle school. He was a basketball player, he loves to play everyday I watched him at the court, I see him shoot hoops 100 times a day, his coach is making him shoot a lot to practice his muscle memory. I remember there's a similar Anime character which he is a slam dunker, then he became a rebounder, then he aspired to be a shooter, because he was trying to impress a girl he likes. Unfortunately the girl he likes, is in love with someone else. This person is his teammate. The ace player who always shoots at the 3 point field goal, and an all around MVP. Then this slam dunker and rebounder guy who is so tall is believed by many, that shooting further than the free throw line or the foul line, is impossible for him to do. So to prove them wrong he asked the playing coach and captain of the team to teach him how to shoot. The captain said, okay your goal is to shoot 20,000 Jump shots in 10 days before the qualifying match to enter the national championships. I"m going to watch it again, since I loved that one.

That night I waited if he will accept my friend request, I checked and I checked, but he didn't.

I was watching a movie on my phone, when I started to doze off, and my dream started again.

We were in this drawing room, we sat two seats from each other.

He is so cute I can't look away from him, I always sneak a peek at him, pretending I'm not looking at his gorgeous face, his chiseled nose, his brown, warm complexion, his smile, and his mole between his eyebrows. He always passed by me walking, when finally he looked at me, he's telling me something, I don't seem to understand.

"Look at me", he said. What? "Look at me", his voice growing loudly it's so loud, I suddenly woke up.

It was the voice of the actor, shouting "Look at Me"!!!

That dream again, why do I always dream about him? 😥😥😥

I glanced at my phone it's 11:45 pm, a notification popped up on the screen, Joe accepted your friend request.😨😨😨😆😆😆😄😄😄❤❤❤❤ you can say Hi, and write on his timeline.

I froze like a blueberry in a zip lock bag stowed in a freezer, tagged to be opened up after ten years!!!

I screamed in my pillow....

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