
Chapter 1

One lovely evening, I was walking at the park as the day getting dark. I have been wondering all the day long for the death case that have been reported to us last Monday. I, as the detective have a lot in mind for this case or should I say Vampire Detective, mustn't be shocked because of that cause I still can go through out the sun and only have half a plate of food usually. I still have the appetite to eat instead of sucking bloods. I'm also curious but I don't mind anymore. As we talked about the case I've mentioned before, it is quite a new case to us since we only have quite a few evidence for us to solve this case. I decided to checked at where the case took place with one of the lunatic officer, Adrian. He have the face of American and also Korean looking but he is strict as hell. What a psycho he is. Before going there, I've tried to change someone but unfortunately, he was the only one that is free. 'I want to cry blood now' I monologue inside my head , as he was strictly calling my name, "Sarah!".

I'm still in shocked and quickly rush over his spot. "Ask some of them to take this and that," he pointed to certain things. I just nodded as there was a gun shot next to my face. I freeze as I was surprised by that attacked. The second shot hit my right shoulder and I fainted right in the psycho's arm. I smelled blood from my bleeding shoulder as my fangs started to appealing and my eyes turned hazelnut green and red but I closed my eyes and relaxed my mind. He was still in panicked and all I heard from he is ordering people while shouting out loud but what to do I can't even moved as I closed my eyes and mouth to hide my 'true' colour. When I opened my eyes, I can feel that I am 'ME" as human being and not the other 'ME'. I feel that my hand is warmth as it was in spring day but it is 'WINTER'. 'Oh, I see, his hand,' me, talking to myself. I feel something is off with this situation so I started to look around me, it is still the hospital I used to get treatment, same ward but it is different because I can still taste bloods in my fangs. Wait, what do I mean, FANGS, BLOODS?

"Did I kill people or......," I paused and looked at my captain while checking for his pulse breathing rate. He is still breathing but why does he seems pale but then I realized that there is vampire bites on neck. "You bite me dear," he said to me and make his face closer to me and I can feel his warm breathing, short word, I am nervous. I stayed calm and whisper to him "So now you are the same kind as me?" and he just smirk and reply "What do you expect, Sarah?", "Of course! and seen that you already taste my special blood and make me a 'hickey' on my neck, You MUST stay beside me and make sure you move to my condo this Sunday, April 12, 2020" as he make eye contact with me. I just nod. "Also you should understand my words" he said. I didn't really understand what does he mean so I didn't take it seriously as I thought he was playing jokes to me. I really regret it since I have one kind of the same kind as me. I rolled my eyes up and now I understand his word. 'Why did I nod just now?' I monologue inside my head. "You really want to stay here, my baby?" Adrian came in my ward.