
The love bet

Scarlet thought she had won a jack pot when Kevin the cold , ruthless and handsome billionaire asked her to be his girlfriend and fiance to be. Falling so deep for him,she never once thought that this was a trap weaved for her. The love bet made by Kevin and his buddies whether he could go after a girl from downtown. But was adamant on winning the bet because no one thought that he could ever go to such extent. The illusion created by Kevin made his buddies to believe that it was true but it was only him who knew how the game would end. On the day of the engagement ceremony, she thought she was going to be the happiest woman on earth winning over the cold billionaire but too bad this was her worst nightmare ever. On that day she got to find out the truth when Kevin stood tall on the podium with several people watching when he said. " I think it's high time this game comes to an end." Gasps and murmurs broke out in the hall not believing what they were hearing. " I think am one of the greatest actors of all times because this game had no flows,the illusion of love created by me was so awesome,by the way scarlet I have never loved you but this was all about a bet. And I wanted to win and show everyone that nothing is impossible to me." Scarlet felt like her whole world was entirely collapsing,her face paled with cletched fists. She couldn't believe that the so called love was a sharm, moreover ashamed and betrayed in front of so many people. He didn't stop from there because when he got wind of her pregnancy,he ordered his men to get rid of the thing in her stomach. They used a sharp stick to carryout the abortion resulting into her death. She felt her soul slipping away from her body but couldn't do anything at all. She died a miserable death all in the name of the bet. The creator of this earth who created Adam and Eve decided to give her a second chance but with two choices. To live her life to the fullest and forgive plus to get all the sinners on earth to repent and seek God like never before or seek revenge destroying whoever was involved in her death but in the end to accompany the king of hell and his followers. What choice do you think she will choose?

DaoistmL9Uhz · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 2: The flash back 2

Thanking Phil,I hold my black polythene bag tightly making my way back home. Squinting at the sky, bleached a pale blue by the sun. Am glad that the heat from the sun maybe able to dry the ground. Humming happily,I bypass a gang of young men who do nothing but to wait till the sunset and rob things. Sometimes I appreciate the bruises on my face because these guys have the tendency of harassing young women. So my ugly face won't entice them.

I can imagine how red her face looks right now since I have taken a lot of time in the market. I prefer to roam around rather than her loud voice when she's reprimanding me. I won't deny it but every time am always in the wrong maybe I deserve that. Nearing the neighborhood,I get to witness a couple quarrelling over a job issue when the lady says. " Alexander am living! Everytime you promise that you're going to get a job but not knowing that the probation period is always three months, after those months expire you come back home,I can nolonger tolerate this kind of life. I married you when I still had my bouncy hair, smooth skin with a big butt but look at me now. Am like a malnourished kid and by the way if you get the job call me so that we negotiate about our marriage but if not, don't bother let me go to Bobby's house and enjoy life like other married women."

" Aisha please don't go,I have already submitted my job application." Alexander tried to explain but his wife just walked away.

After enjoying all the drama on the way,I reached home with slow steps because I knew that I would be reprimanded,but before my escape Mom grabbed my hands and started hitting me right away.

" I wish I had aborted you even before you arrived on this beautiful world." Mom yelled at the top of her lungs her voice echoing in the neighborhood.

Handing her the bag,I strode slowly to the house rubbing my butt which is obviously red now because of the stripes.

" Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, blessed are those who are poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." George a preacher stood in front of the garage with his bible spreading the gospel of God. He was tall , light skinned with brown eyes. Wearing his white t-shirt with a black trouser.

The mechanics didn't bother with him without listening to what he was saying. Suddenly,a man in blue overall strode towards him with animosity in his eyes. He directly punched George saying " I hate how you guys pretend to be holy yet you're full of hypocrisy,evil deeds, don't ever come here again unless you're seeking your own death." George's lips cracked open with blood sipping out of the wound. He picked up his bible and went home in a desolate state.

In heaven.

The angels sang praising songs for the creator who wasn't happy with how his people on earth behaved. Those with riches, beautiful houses,cars and children had stopped seeking him as they were enticed by worldly possessions that could get destroyed any moment. He didn't want to punish his people like how he did to those during Noah's era when he ordered him to build a large Ark to accommodate his family and the creatures that were still faithful to him, destroying all the sinners in the floods.

" Your majesty, there's someone praying down there, what should we do?" The angel wearing a white gown with wings asked the creator while bowing her head. " Just increase the burning incense." The creator said while observing the human realm.

" Dear lord you're holy, the mighty warrior,the one who's merciful,may your name be praised. Am before you your humble servant to answer my prayers but while praying her son comes crying,her face turns red almost with smoke coming out of her head. She shouts and uses vulgar language saying

" you stupid kid! Can't you see that am praying."

" Your majesty what should we do about the lady." The angel with burning incense asks.

" Just put the incense down there's no need to hear her prayers." The creator said and went to the river flowing with honey.

" Scarlet what has happened to you ?" Bella asks her sister. " If you want to celebrate and gloat because of my misfortune you can go a head it's not like I care." I replied with a awarm towel to place on my butt.

" hahahaha! So mom has just taught you a lesson moreover you're useless but for once use that small brain of yours and do something productive or else you will end up like our parents." Belle lectured me like am some sort of a child. After few hours, dinner was ready, I lay a small mat on the floor as mom served the dishes. Eating slowly than usual my mind was wondering all over the place at how my life will be in the near future. I had to look for ways to get rid of this situation.

Sometimes I always wish to have been born from a rich family but it's just a wishful thinking because no matter what ,we can't choose the parents but we realize when we're brought into this messy world. There's something that always bothers my mind like if you're a lady and you can't afford taking responsibility for the children you've brought into this world why bother giving birth to more.

It's like having a relationship with a man but when you confess about the pregnancy he could say " why did you mess up " , like it was you alone to create that existing fetus.According to me don't give birth to make the children suffer. Snapping out of my inner turmoil,I realize that am the only one still eating as the others have gone to sleep. Collecting the utensils,I place them in a big saucepan because it was gonna be a long night as the rats get to enjoy the leftovers on the plates. They make a lot of noise that we find it difficult to sleep.

Arranging my small mattress down,I lay down to sleep knowing that my ribs will be like ripped apart because of the rough ground. Amidst the night, thunderbolts were weaving in the sky. The whistle of the strong wind indicating that it was going to rain again.

Finally raindrops started landing heavily on the roofs but the water started flooding in our small house due to the holes in the roofs.

We woke up as the remaining sleep vanished instantly from our eyes as we had to get basins, buckets , rugs and mop until the rain ceases. The rain completely stopped at almost dawn,we couldn't sleep again even if we wanted to because all the mattresses were filled with water. Getting my rusty metallic suitcase,I sat on it with covering myself with the half dry cardigan over my body. Though mom was wearing a woolen sweater she couldn't stop shivering with her teeth shuttering against each other.

People who are rich keep on getting rich and those stricken by poverty remain in the same situation ever. As dawn approached,Belle vanished without telling anyone where she went. I decide to act like a good child and take everything that is wet outside so that they get dried. After accomplishing the chores and the necessary things,I comb my natural hair,apply some oil on the bruises, put on a black skirt showcasing my brown skinned long legs with a pale red brouse. Putting on slippers I set off to the nearby city.

This time round am determined to get a job at any cost even if it means being a house maid, laundry lady to earn money and provide for my family. Whenever I look at my mom's appearance, agony and guilty engulfs my entire body. If it wasn't for my education, they wouldn't have sold all the things we had to provide school fees. Everytime I remember those old days my heart takes off. Right now am determined to pay them for educating me with my sister though she's selfish wanting all the best things for herself.

Without a moments delay,I arrive at the bustling city with various people from all walks of life. People casted me weird gazes but I didn't care if they talked about my outfit with slippers which are meant to be used in bathrooms but I had no option. Though I took after my parents beauty with icy blue eyes with natural long eye lashes ,a pointed nose with cherry lips. I thank the mighty because all the assets are in the right places if not for being malnourished with a sickly complexion,I would pass for a beauty queen like how Phil says.

Panting heavily with beads of sweat on my forehead,I use my brouse since I don't have a handkerchief. My gaze suddenly sees someone familiar.

May the lord bless everyone.

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