

2 weeks after the war, peace once again behold the Central Cathedral

Yet that did not mean that the world is peaceful, to be truthful the outside walls of the cathedral was in chaos due to the discovery of the lotus lord arriving at the surface of the Zhen shian continent

Yet Lee you were not even bothered and was modestly cultivating at his dimension in no time, yet to think that in 2 weeks he had been cultivating non-stop is a wild scenario, the clan leaders can only sigh and continue their work as the will of the Lotus lord

Upon the first day of the third week, the peacefulness in Central Cathedral was still there yet Lee you opened his eyes at the spring pond, greeted with the scenery

Lee you slowly stand up and silently walk up and got out in the dimension, and after some preparations he  walk up to the meeting hall greeted with many servants

Upon seeing the Lotus lord many servants who were appointed by Shen zixian to monitor the lotus lord rush out to let the clan leader know about his arrival

Shen zixian quickly left his study upon knowing the news, thus quickly headed to the meeting hall knowing that he would meet him there

Lee you upon seeing Zhen zixian smiled, and ask

"Clan leader Shen no need to bother rushing your self like a madman"

"How could I, your grace, We the demon beast clan have to do our best to serve you completely without hesitation"

"Never mind, ah! I just want to ask if the Central Cathedral has a library that records all magic herbs and anything related to mages?"

"There is your grace, it was still present dated at the ancient times preserve till this day, it was located at the east side of the palace and you are very welcome Lotus lord"

" ah! So that's it thank you! Clan leader Shen... just call me Mr you"

And thus Lee you quickly ran off leaving Shen zixian who is about to bow and head him off but was left by Lee you on mid air


At the east side of the palace, Lee you saw a building with guards in every aspect with its entrance being blocked

Lee you stood out in front of the guards, the guards eyed him and spoke with respect

"This humble guard greet your grace"

The guard copped his hands with a slight bow greeting Lee you with outermost respect

"Can I come in?"

"Yes your grace as long as you can prove us that your really the Lotus lord, this library is very strict and has much valuable knowledge about the Zhen shian continent, I hope your grace understands"

"I understand"

Lee you truly understands, also he is not a unreasonable person, a building who has the books made from the ancient and still preserves nowadays is truly a treasure, only a dumb person would not do that

Thus Lee you spoke lightly


His dark iris change to a pattern of a star with its radiance emitting a purple light

the AMETHYST known as the eye of observation that is a trait or an extra skill were only Lee you can use, the amethyst eyes has 360-degree eyesight with the radios of 5-meter distance

At this distance, he can determine every move of an enemy that help him prepare a counter-attack, this eye also hold many secrets that would unfold later

Upon seeing this the guard bow down and told everyone to open the doors and let the Lotus lord in, thus Lee you cast his eyes back to normal before entering the building


Inside was a huge book collection neatly arrange in every self, with its lavish decor and art it is truly a massive collection of books

With many sections starting from the first self, Lee you look to the sections of magic herbs and read it carefully one by one

The lotus flowers that are inside the dimension was called 'lilac lotus flower' which stated in the book and its drawn picture

Lilac a name of a magic herb, dated in the late ancients was recorded to be extinct, the lilac lotus flower is used to form a magic liquid

Spiritual magic water and magic liquid is two different things, the magic liquid is a form of magic liquid from different types of magic herbs that can have different effects such as to boost your cultivation level, change your face, and also heal internal wounds

Different magic liquids required different magic herbs to form different liquids that have different effects

Magic herbs have 8 ranks the higher the level the more difficult for it to achieve, the highest level is a level 8 magic herb which is equivalent to an almighty leveled mage

Usually, ordinary mages with a mid-grade altitude only have the capability of an epic ranked mage and cannot cultivate further due to high difficulty

There is only one who was recorded to have reached the ranked of an almighty, not a mage but a cultivator, the mage cultivation path is a very difficult path only about 20% of the Zhen shian continent counted as mages, the cultivators have the specific 50% of the population, while the ordinary people will be counted as 30% of the population

The lilac magic herb is a lotus herb with many parts which is the





A magic herb has 4 quantity stock, a quantity stock refers to how many parts that a herb can refine usually there are 1 or 2 in an actual plant yet to have 3 is considered very rare, to have 4 is considered a myth

Rumors had it that a 4 ranked quantity herb only appears at a level 8 herb, so this herb is a level 8, 4 quantity stock high leveled magic herb

A magic herb has 3 quality level mainly the




This refers to the quality of a herb that signifies the cleansing process

The clenching process is a method to remove BLACK TEAL, black teal is an impure substance that resides inside a magic herb, the black teal has some major effects if not removed, if the magic liquid is not cleansed then the magic liquid is a low leveled magic liquid that would cause side effects 

There is a total of 8 cleansing operations that should be done carefully, cause one mistake and it may lead to destroying the magic liquid that in the process of forming and by that it could become a waste

There are more black teal substance inside a low leveled magic herb with the complete 8 cleansing method, and to be frank it is too difficult yet it also differ to its quality the more top grade magic herbs the lesser the cleansing method

A high-level herb has the 3 cleansing method

A mid-level herb has the 5 cleansing method

A low-level herb has the complete 8 cleansing method

Lee you closed the 9th book with a sign and took another book and silently read it again

To forge a magic liquid you should have 3 important materials needed to make a complete refining magic liquid and that is

Magic herbs

Liquid recipe


A liquid recipe is a recipe were all the steps and distilling, forging and many many more for that magic liquid to form, there are 8 levels for a liquid recipe, same as for the magic herbs

Thus by the help of this, it can also lessen the failure percentage up to 5% for liquid recipe 6 to 8 levels, but for 1 to 4 it is no help at all

The cauldron is a material made for making magic liquid essential for cleansing and forging, it has 3-grade levels




Also, the Cauldron has 8 ranks of craftmanship same as magic herbs, though the cauldron can't affect the grade of a magic liquid, but it can lower the chance rate of the magic liquid

After reading for so long Lee you closed the last book of the herb collection and took a sign

"True, this library is a treasure ah! so if that's it then let us go to the demon beast collection"

As he went to the shelf only his footsteps could be heard Lee you took a look at every book, he had known everything about demon beasts so identifying them would be a great help

As finished walking Lee you thought of something

'What if I would copy every book in here and let Ying mo write to them and I could have also had a wonderful library that I could read every day'

Lee you look around checking if any people were nearby and took a piece of paper and a brush with ink

Slightly draw some seals and spells that it is hard to understand, after finishing the seals then Lee you took a dagger and sliced a little wound at his and press it at the center of the seal

This dagger Is one of his 5 great weapons its is 5th to be exact, one of this dagger's abilities is to seal every knowledge that you wanted to seal thus it could be convenient for him to transfer it to a new book yet its just the surface and not the meat

Well it is considered stealing yet nobody would know that there is a method to steal knowledge in an easy way if there is, this library would be nothing

After pressing his hand at the center seal Lee you then spoke in a light tone as if whispering


Finishing the poem like speels the place shook in a second then returned to normal as if nothing happened

At the center seal the pattern change as if its locked, Lee you smiled and put his dagger back to his dimension

first, he grabbed the paper and closed his eyes, reading every content present Lee you smiled

'Seems there are lots of books hidden here too bad I have the grasp of it'

Then took it away and put it in his dimension, with a phew, then continue to read at the demon beast section


A day has passed after he went out from the library, Lee you starts his day with dishes of soup and fruits from the palace enjoying every bite with a sip of tea that made the manor more peaceful and lovely for Lee you

After eating, Lee you took a bath and change his clothes with its lavishing violet robe and a silver tassel crown with its lotus hairpin

And then took his flute to add a scholar like vibe holding it gently while swaying it tassel pendant in mid-air

Then he took his leave at the pavilion, today Lee you decided to refine a magic liquid, even so he had no interest on making magic liquid he needs to, after all he is a mage, magic herbs are rare to be on a pot of folded soil

Yet to everyone's dismay Lee you only wanted herbs that would make his dimension beautiful and lavish 

So he headed to the meeting hall again yet to his surprise he was faced by the 5 great elders and a smiling Ying mo

"Many greetings to Mr you, we would like to escort Mr. Mo to your manor, yet I think we would delay it now"

Shen zixian cupped his hands following all the person inside the meeting hall and slightly bow down

Lee you only noticed now that the meeting hall has fine designs and architectures, the meeting hall has a total of 6 seats one in the uppermost sit with a lavishing design and the others were at the bottom

Lee you 'oohed' and then meet there gazes and smiled sweetly

"Let's have a meeting now, would you bother?"

"Not in any second, Lotus Lord"

Then Lee you walk up at the higher seat and sated like a new crowned king, the 5 elders were dumbstruck, 'well he is shameless indeed'

The 5 elders did not refute and took their respected seats, while Ying mo was beside at the bottom of the seat were Lee you were seated

"I will announce the return of Ying mo which is my loyal acquaintance and my friend..."

The room was silent that even there breathes were heard

"And..... after that..... I would also announce my departure."

Ending his statement the clans burst up in an uproar, after all, he had already known of this outcome so it is no longer a surprise

"Me. you, it is not safe"

"Think it over Mr you"

"Mr you there are after you"

Things like 'Mr you Mr you Mr you' really irritated him, well after all the poor clan leaders were silenced by Ying mo and calmed down

"My purpose is to explore the Zhen shian continent and to know what is the true reason for my summon"

"But Mr. you it would be troublesome if you have encountered many enemies that have malicious intent, it would cause a war between humans and demon beast!"

Shen zixian spoke with worry as if talking to his favored son

"I am not weak"

After the words were stated one after another, the hall was silent even the blowing air could define as noisy

"So? any questions?"

The demon beast clan leaders instantly bow down with their head on the floor with a bang then shouted together with the same tone


"Well then I would announce our departure on the 5th day of the third week, your all dismiss"

Then Lee you went out forgetting his main objective for the day heading directly to his manor with a sweet smile like always


After Lee you were inside the manor, Ying mo who was trailing behind him stoped

Lee you turned around and faced Ying mo with a sweet smile

"have you come up with things that I have to ask you for?"

"Yes master I have"

Ying mo took a jade box with its luxurious designs, this is a dimensional box with its contents

Dimensional box has the same use as a space ring yet it could accommodate ten times space than a space ring/dimensional ring

"Have you bring any magic herbs? Or perhaps a liquid recipe or anything at all?"

"I have not brought anything, my lord"

"Hah! So what did you do spending all the money!"


'Master to tell you the truth it is not your money' Ying mo thought though he did not Express it, afraid to anger Lee you any longer

"So what did you brought from your journey aside this intel ?"

"A treasure map"

"A treasure map? What grade?"

"A legendary treasure map"

Ying mo took the map and showed it to Lee you who is patiently waiting for him to hand it over

After receiving the map, Lee you frowned upon observing it closely it held a resemblance about something

"Is this the first and the last copy?"

"It is the second copy master yet the first copy was destroyed by me"

"Ohh? Good job you've got more smarter"

And Lee you took the map that he found at the hut in his dimension and handed the two maps to let Ying mo observe

"See any resemblance?"

Ying mo after receiving observe it carefully, after a short while he smiled

"It was hidden in the same place but have different locations, where did you find such a priceless treasure master?"

"It not important, the map you handed was a legendary rarity to be exact, although the contents are unknown it is highly possible that the treasure hidden on it is priceless"

Ying mo nodded agreeing to his master's statement

"So we would depart tomorrow it would be a shame to let others take it before us, maybe there are also magic herbs that are located at the map that I could practice in the meantime, that would be great! so do you have other things that you would discuss with me?"

"About that master maybe it could wait tomorrow"

"Well the pleases inform the clan leaders that we would depart tomorrow at 'Zhiyang Zhou village' tomorrow and to prepare any necessary things for our journey and lastly tell them they have my thanks"

After that Lee you disappeared in thin air leaving the helpless Ying mo

'Well, what could I do? After all, I have the most good-natured, powerful yet cunning master'  

Thus leaving the manor and telling the Clan leaders about Lee you's orders


The next day Lee you's silky long black hair weaved in the lively winds with his well-made violet fabric robe fluttering each step that Lee you took heading to the outside gates of the Central Cathedral palace

While the 5 great clan leaders were waiting with their clansmen face full of worry and anxiety

Arriving at the place Lee you look around and saw Ying mo with 3 people behind him trailing where he'd go

Ying mo took the intuitive to greet his master with a proud smile and spoke with a smile that forms crescent moon at his eyes

"Ying mo greeted master for his well being and aspiring title as the Lotus lord"

Ying mo spoke with mockery, he clearly knows that Lee you hate this kind of greeting and it irritates him a lot that he would cough blood 

As if confused the five great clan leaders also took the intuitive to greet there master following their clansmen  

"We greeted the Lotus lord to have a good journey and good luck, may you reign for a hundred and millions of years!" 

Lee you's brows twitch with annoyance and glared Ying mo  'you're dead meat'

"No need for formalities, I would be honored to serve such loyal creation, this excellency was truly right creating you in this beautiful world"

Speaking with dominance and power, the beast was present in the crowd felt the pressure and aura of the Lotus lord

Even Ying mo can't help but shook his breath by the immense pressure thus spoke loudly while kowtowing on the ground

"We are glad by your praise your grace!"

Thus following all the beast present following suit by the chant

"Rise and let's move now"

As if annoyed Lee you spoke to end it quickly, eyeing Ying mo 'you dare slander me you have guts!'

After they all took their time to stand Shen zixian took a jade box and handed it to Lee you

"It has the necessary things that you needed in the journey including gold coins, please have a safe trip young master"

"I, thank you for taking care of me clan leader Shen and also the other elders, please be careful clan leader Shen In the time being cause I have no idea why I was summoned in Zhen shian continent, usually there would be instructions, yet this moment there was nothing, that is why I would take a journey to determine its cause, so in the time being I advise you to strengthen the borders of the Central cathedral"

"I will keep that in mind, my lord"

"Well then I would keep going"

Lee you went in at the carriage escorting him to the outside gates of the Central cathedral up to the border of the heavenly Forrest

While Ying mo and the 3 people hit the road and started their journey


inside the carriage Lee you shook his hand outside the curtain to open it that had covered the entrance of the carriage and spoke lightly

"Ying mo lets talk"

Hearing his master's orders Ying mo went inside and sat on a empty seat

"Let's abandon this carriage it attracts to much attention"

"Yes my lord, there are 4 horses present in the carriage I would work for it now"

Lee you nodded and Ying mo went outside and the carriage abruptly stopped

Lee you went out, greeted by the surrounding trees and the chirping birds Lee you hop out at the carriage and set his well made black boots at the ground

Lee you saw the people that Ying mo haven't introduce yet, Lee you observe them carefully

"How about a training to test the tree of you?"

The 3 people who were there back facing Lee you turned around

In the middle was a girl with a blonde hair with a beautiful face that shines upon the world when she smile

While in both sides were two-man with there tan skin tone showing their muscle arm and a sword in their hands, they are both handsome and beautiful with a average look

"We would be honored Young master"

"Well then lets start, Ying mo prepare the horses and no buts"

Ying mo was speechless he wanted to refute but ended to take the idea out

"Here is the first lesson, Teamwork, you are a group of 3 people so you should come to a possibility to defeat me"

"Yes master"

As if on cue the 3 people in front of Lee you were gone in a mile second

'Oh so the 3 of them are cultivators' the 3 attacked Lee you at the same time

'There attacks have no hesitation and have the courage to kill, I see..... I now know why Ying mo selected these people'

"To see such an attack is truly surprising, if one of you manage to point a sword at me I would give you a high leveled weapon as a reward each of you"

The purpose of this training is teamwork and cooperation thus they would be unstoppable

The 3 of them understands what is his intention yet they have a better idea at hand

They attack at the same time, folding his hands with some seal that made the 3 of them stopped in mid-air with surprise expression

"Testing my abilities is a good factor to know my weakness and to developed a plan that could counter-attack the enemy, well trained indeed yet could you point that sword at me?"

Ying mo who was watching the fight was nervous, who would be not nervous? If he disappoints his master he would be a laughing stock

The 3 people were once a bandit that knocks merchant and steals goods yet in a day Ying mo was traveling while encountering them in the road

Ying mo thought that they were just ordinary bandits yet came out that they were skilled at holding a sword, delighted by there flexes and power they fought with force nether each side had the definition of losing

Thus the 3 people were knocked out by Ying mo, yet Ying mo saw light with there ability and made a deal with them, at first they were hesitant yet after seeing his ability they were also surprised thus followed his lead and brought them with him and helped him even know all the treasures and knowledge

Ying mo only hoped that master would appreciate  there talent and skills even they could not defeat  master, well winning is not an option yet defeat is also not an option they could just try

Throwing the 3 backwards and landed on the ground with a thud, not even a second the 3 planned their next move in a mile second

Thus the 3 of them averted their swords back and look at each other before nodding

'Oh? They are all skilled in combat and assassination well let me try then'

After the attacked side by side while the other one was hiding somewhere


His purple eyes glowed with power, Ying mo was surprised 'to use Amethyst means he has acknowledged them'

Lee you smiled while the two men approach with a sword in hand, thus attacked Lee you

Yet Lee you didn't stop their attacks, he just countered them with his dagger, the dagger has lavish art with its black metal and a hilt of a wooden material that emit a faint glow

Each clang took force for the men who were exchanging blows, Lee you can't defend two swords at a time so he took his needle and made contact with the other swords, the girl who was at the tree prepared to attack Lee you, was somewhat hesitating

After some time with power the two men were sent back landing on the ground with a thud, and a groan left the two me

"Bravo! You empress me, creating a distraction while the other is waiting for the right opportunity, and also using my eyes and a dagger but also my needles? Well it is a great achievement!, after we cross this forest I would reward you gratefully"

Lee you left them and head towards Ying mo abd talk with him for a moment, while the girl got down and appeared right beside them

The 3 person was so tired as hell they sat up on the dirty ground with complicated expressions"this new master of ours is truly strong like Brother Ying said winning is not an Option against the Lotus lord"

"I can't agree more"

Thus they continued there journey to Ziyang zhou village 
