

In the board daylight many demon beasts were neatly alined in front of the hut were Lee you were staying

Lee you were surprised while leaning at the window and saw many demon beasts lining accordingly

'What am I? A celebrity ?! To many ah!'

Lee you were so nervous that he can't breathe, he walks out slowly with a complicated face

Every demon beast was patiently waiting for the Lotus Lord to show himself

A boy slowly walks out with a complicated look

As if on cue every demon beast present in front of the hut instantly kowtow and shouted as if greeting a king, even the clan leaders of each high leveled beast clan was not an exception to this

"We greet Lotus Lord, may you guide the Zhen Shian content to its prosperity, may Lotus Lord lived a trillion of years!"

Every demon beast chanted at the same time even the high leveled beast clan, who is arrogant and was well respected by every one

Mid and high-grade level beast can shapeshift and was present with there human form while greeting the Lotus Lord


'The fuck! Why the sudden greeting as if I am a king or something?!'

"Lotus Lord, we the five clans of the heavenly forest, greeted your grace, we are very concerned about your well being, you're grace it is wise for you to come at the Central Cathedral for the purpose of your health and safety "

Shen Zixiao The clan leader of the Red Golden Dragon clan took the chance to immediately speak

" wha-what..... ah.....-ah-ah....."

Lee You shuttered

"Your grace please bear in mind that you, our creator and should be protected at any cause, so please may we escort you directly to the Central Cathedral "

Shen Zixiao spoke with respect and cupped his hand with a bow

"ah.... all of you rise"

Lee you spoke nervously,'what a headache'

"ah...well if its really for my safety ahh.... then I would trouble the great clans"

"It is our honor Lotus lord "

While at the center of the crowd

A group of demon beast, making way at a narrow road and what surface him was a carriage with two white horse

'Well is this Disney world? Ahahahahaaaa... maybe not'

"Lotus Lord, please proceed to the carriage while we escort you to the Central Cathedral"

Shen Zixiao cupped his hand and bow

Lee you was devastated, what could he do? he may be the Lotus Lord, yet his knowledge is not vast, might as well seek shelter while it came knocking at his door

Lee you turned slightly and his gaze landed on Wie fan and spoke lightly

"ah Wie fan can you carry that box with a lotus symbol at its cover, it would be a shame if it will just leave it like that "

Wie fan bowed and went in at the hut, and when she got out carrying a box, it is a go sign for Lee you and went to the carriage

The carriage was luxurious with its golden carvings, it would be considered as tens of tens of thousands of money

Lee, you sat down alone at the carriage, not away nor early, the carriage began to move while trailing behind him, hundreds of hundreds of demon beast will be sighted

Even the 5 great clas, that in there life who always keep their self held high, never would they thought that they would also feel what is a servant to be like

Central Cathedral is where demon beast clans live, it is considered as the city of demon beast, many demon beast lived here, humans have been forbid to enter

Central Cathedral was like a fortress, ruled by the 5 monarchs at the same time, this government was build dated to the late ancient, meaning older than the era of the ancients

Ruled by prosperity and peace, the city developed to its alter most advantage, full of history and culture

The five high leveled demon beast clan work together to ensure its walls, demon beast has the same intelligence as humans, through demon beast were only straightforward, unlike humans who is cunning as hell

Yet the prosperity and peace that this city ensure and preserved, can't be considered eternity

While traveling the carriage had abruptly stopped

A black man with a slender body, with black robes, sharp features clearly like a prince of an empire, with troops all lined together estimated about 1000 personal

We're waiting on a narrow road

Shen Zixian frowned 'of all-day why today!'

As if to provoke, the boy smugly look at them and with a 'tsk' while turning away getting his sword

"Lan Shou, 5th prince of the Lan empire, I would advise you to stay put and not act rashly, or we have no choice but to wage war against the northern kingdom"

A hint of malice was stated on the clan leader's voice

"Ohh? what a pleasant surprise it is, the Red Golden Dragon and the other 4 heavenly beasts was escorting someone? who would it be? "

Mockery was present at his tone, who would guess that the most powerful clan and its leader at most were escorting someone, and was walking! who would not be surprised ah! even the other 5 great clan leader is here such a surprising sight to see

"It is not and will never be your business 5th prince Lan Shou, this matter is from the Central Cathedral and will never concern humans!"

"ohh? why not be it ?, you do know that we, humans have to form a contract with a beast, it is a requirement of every prince of the Lan empire, and just maybe that demon beast at the carriage was an important figure that even the great clans of the Zhen Shian continent, was escorting it personally? "

Lan shou observes every expression that may surface, yet every clan leader remains composed without even twitching its muscles

"What the Lan empire rules and objectives have nothing to do with the Central Cathedral, and furthermost if you point that sword at me, then I have no choice but to conclude war at this instance, so step aside if you wish our relationship will remain and continue to exist"

Shen zixian strongly spoke without hesitation

"You!" Lan shou exclaimed, angered by humiliation

"Huh! Truly worthy of you being called, a person with a Name made with shame!"

A woman on her fifty's with a blue and white robe spoke with mockery

This woman is known as lady Qiu, the clan leader of the Fortune Light butterfly

"Do you take me off a fool! how dare you, a mere beast humiliate me!"

As he spoke he ordered his men to get ready, lady Qiu


"This is an act of war Lan shou!"

Lee you were so nervous that he nearly fainted, of course, who would not, in his previous lifetime on Earth peace is everything! 'It is just too unreliable, tsk this would be a tough fight!'

"By the looks of it, it seems that death is inevitable, We the 5 great demon beast clan will not let anyone of you live, if the news of the arrival of the Lotus Lord leaked, we cannot take risk "

The demon beast clan leaders prepare some stance, yet before the can even attack, a violet flash quickly flash past them

Lan shou was preparing to attack yet before he progressed even further, a sword sharp as the ray of the sun, with gold carvings styling the lotus flower, with jewels shining with honor and illuminating its lavender color

Was stab directly at him, without hesitation, with accuracy and stability, while a strong yet gentle hand was holding its hilt gripping it tightly

A figure with lean physic, broad shoulders, sharp as knife eyebrows, wearing a violet-colored robe and a

Silver tassel crown and completing his look a lotus hairpin plucked inside the tassel

While in the carriage, the lotus sign at Lee you forehead was glowing and was changing in shape

The lotus sign was now an incomplete sign the only thing that was seen is the outermost part of the sign

Lee you saw his forehead glowing, and was in a state of panic, suddenly there was a cultivation manual, who then landed at his feet

The glow stopped and returned to normal, Lee you were so scared at his wit's, he eyed the manual and there was a weird sign in front of the book yet it had a feeling of familiarity, but that did not bother him any longer

Lan shou didn't react on time, by the time Lan shou regained his sense, a mouthful of blood, dripping at his dark robe staining its stylish and well-made fabric

"The one who dares shall be killed, without hesitation"

And Lan shou spit blood at his pale lips, the prince was frightened

As the prince grunted, the unknown stranger then twist the hilt of the sword and stab it deeper

"Ho-how da-dar-dare yo-!"

"Too noisy"

Ending his life, the stranger pulled the hilt from his body freeing it grasps and welded it directly at his head not even batting an eye

Then silence fell

"ahhh, hey you!"

The stranger pointed his sword full of blood, dripping at the ground with the smell of rusting iron

Shen zixian was startled, he then regained his sense and spoke respectfully

"Yes Lotus Demon, what are your instructions?"

Everyone was surprised, the Lotus Demon was a spirit demon who was bound to guide and protect the Lotus Lord, it can only be summoned when the Lotus Lord is in a brick of danger or he can be summoned by Lee you how ever care he want 

Shen zixian had already known this, he is a clan leader and had studied the traits and cultivation process of the Lotus Lord in order for the day to come, if that day would not come then he would simply pass this message for the next generations

"To think that you knew my identity? , you should be a big figure, anyway I would leave the job for you to kill these people leaving no one on sight, to prevent people from knowing the wear boots and the news about the Lotus lord"

The group of demon beast nodded and lead their people to Slater every human to avoid major casualties in the near future

Seeing their master killed, many soldiers already ran as fast as they could in order to survive

The figure walkout at the scene, and headed towards the still shock Lee you

"Master we meet again"

The Lotus Demon spoke with respect

The surprised Lee you eyed him slowly and averted his gaze immediately

"To think that we are still bound together till to this world is not surprising at all"

Lee you spoke with a sad smile

"Your grace it is all in the past now"

"You should never look back if you have nothing to regret, but what if I regretted everything?"


Ling mo, the demon lotus, demon lotus is a guardian and a knight designed to protect and guard the Lotus lord

Ling mo is his acquaintance for a million years, in there past life they were like brothers yet something happened from there past life, yet that was now in the past that can't be bothered

As the two talks, sounds of scream and agony will be heard if one focus to listen, yet those things will never bother the Lotus lord, he had seen many things in his life for the past years and it will not waver him any longer


Central cathedral

In the bustling city of demon beast, through smiles and glee, it was prosperous and it was a sight to see

The Central cathedral has five major places, the north, south, east, west, and the center

The five major places were ruled by different governors, these governors are the five beast clans

North - white gold Phoenix

South - black night serpent

West - fortune light butterfly

East - golden crowned lion

Center - red-golden dragon

The five great clans are very formidable and have the foundation to govern the place, the leader of all demon beast, known as the Red golden dragon clan, they ruled the Central cathedral with peace with the help of the other four clans

In a room were a window facing east where one must see the gazing sun and the beautiful trees, inside the room was a long table with its chairs

Sitting at the topmost seat, Lee you who was facing them with a complicated face, gulping at his own saliva 

One of the clan leaders spoke

"Lotus lord, welcome to the city of Cathedral, we are glad to meet you in our very first time, for I am the leader of the Central cathedral, I would pass the authority without further ado to indicate the pea-- "


Shen zixian halted midway

Lee you instantly paled

'Oh gosh!! What the hell!! Are they crazy!'

"To rule a nation is to be prudent and sacrifice himself for the greater good of the land he had ruled, and those qualifications are not present in my self"

Lee you spoke with authority, even he himself is timid he is still a creator and should appear strong and mighty

"As the Lotus lord, I the first Lotus Lord of this continent shall give you my blessing, to rule and protect this walls and for the future, through death and immortality, through the last member of each clan, still their blood have my blessing"

Blessing, one must know that a blessing is a form of approval, which often happen in marriages and ceremony

Yet the blessing of the Lotus lord is different, it is like a rule designed by the Lotus lord if the Lotus lord bless you to rule this country then every generation of the family of the blessed one will pass its will to rule the land

In other terms, it was like he is been baptized with the will of the Lotus lord and that lock their destiny to only rule this land

And it is called, lotus blessings

All clan leaders were shocked yet as they herd him that they would be about to be blessed, the abruptly stand up that the chairs at their back almost dropped at the floor

With a cupped hand and they bow 360 degree

After they were blessed, a mark suddenly appear at the center of their forehead, the mark was designed like a fire with a color of purple

This mark proves that he was blessed by the Lotus lord, it brings good luck and fortune and guides the barer at his fullest potential, yet this mark also has one major use

It is to identify the next ruler of the land, it would become a trait in there whole lifetime and will determine the new leader

It also signifies death, because once this mark will appear one must know that the person who was blessed will more likely to die in a few years

The people inside the room discussed some major problems like one of the accidents of the 5th prince

And after that, they were all dismissed by Lee you

Lee you were escorted by a maid and was greeted by a courtyard

The courtyard was not big nor small it was just enough to accommodate 5 people

The maid put down the box and the manual at a table and then the maid left

Ying mo who was trailing behind the Lee you ask after the maid left

"Shall we go now you're grace?"

"We should go inside first"

Ying mo nodded and both of them got inside

Inside the building was astounding designs of the late century china houses, the sent of hundred-year-old hundred-year-old sandalwood would be noticed once you entered the house

The house has four parts, the bedroom, a live hot spring , andea room

All materials were present yet it did not bother the two-person

Suddenly, Lee, you shook his hand forming a hand sign and with his eyes closed

When Lee you was forming hand sign, the mark on his forehead glowed

Lee you slowly opened his eyes and was faced by a magnificent palace, the palace has tall buildings with ancient architectures, built above the lake

The transparent jade lake has glowing gemstones and a present of hundred carp fish with glowing scales that add the lights on the palace

They walk further at the bridge in front of them and walk at the entrance that has a board sing written

"Lotus Palace"

And then they entered, at the middle of the courtyard a big man-made lake was left for the different lotus flowers that bloom all year

At the side was also different curt buildings with its bridge supporting the way headed to different sections of the palace

At the front was the palace hall, with different lamps illuminating the whole palace in the dark night

There were only two-person present in the palace and that is Lee you and Ying mo

"To think that it still looks from before is not surprising at all, now Ying mo I want all the records of this world including the magic herbs, demon beasts, magical weapons and the liquid recipe in 5 years, at this time I will be in secluded cultivation, so after you left the dimension just carry all the needed equipment that you will bring in the journey"

"Yes my lord"

"Also I want you to know what is my purpose here if you ever find the truth about my summon, also tell the five great clans that I would be in secluded cultivation, and tell them to prepare their defenses and other military aspects within this 5 years"

"Yes my lord, I will no prepare the necessary things for my journey"

Lee you was facing the scenery of the palace and feels lonely, he turned around facing the half kneeling Ying mo

"Find some acquaintance that can help us and can be trusted"

"....yes my lord" Ying mo spoke with surprise

Well Lee you never trusted anyone except him and that person

"If by chance you saw 'him' please bring him without hesitation"

Sorrow and regret flash both in heir eyes by the word him

"Yes my lord I will do my best"

"If you will set off, don't ask for me, just directly exit the dimension"

"Yes my lord"

Ying mo went to a yard full of equipment and magic liquid preparing for the long adventure 

While Lee you who is standing at the lakeside bridge took a sign and slowly took a step and walk to the central palace

At the front was a throne room full of antic lotus design, but that did not bother Lee you instead Lee you directly walk at the back of the throne and there was a garden

The garden was full of lotus flowers and at the very last part of the garden was a spring full of magic energy that many cultivators would envy

This mini waterfall was called Flower spring , this spring has thick magic energy that mages and cultivator would kill every person that owns it and will take it for there own to bad it was already owned by Lee you

This thick magic energy is the key to cultivation, normally the world is full of magic energy yet there is still places that have thick magic energy that would benefit the user

Because of the thick magic energy, spiritual magic water would be its product, to think that the spiritual magic water would be a waterfalls

The world would be dying for it, one must know that spiritual magic water is like a blessing from the heavens, even a trillion years would not be enough to develop it in a form of a waterfall

And if it is they would never need it then

The spiritual magic water has tree major uses

1 is to evolve the soul

2 is to help a herb to change its grade

3 and lastly to resurrect the dead

As the following bellow, you should understand that the spiritual magic water is a taboo that angers the heavens

Why would they not be angry, to resurrect the dead? It is a heaven-defying act

The souls of a mage and a cultivator is the same, but one must choose a path and that path depends on the person

But to have a high-grade soul is different, there are 3 ranks of a soul

Low leveled soul

Mid leveled soul

High leveled soul

The soul identifies the potential of a person, yet that doesn't include the personality and intelligence

Unlike demon beast that has ranks and cannot proceed to the next level of cultivation if the demon beast was not in that phase

However for cultivators and mages, one must know that even they have mid-level cultivation they still need to go under the phases of ranks

What it means is that they need to start from the bottom, different from the demon beast

There are seven different ranks of a mage and a cultivator, through different in cultivation and standing they have the same ranks









And also different phases, there are 3 phases in each rank

First phase

Mid phase

Peak phase

The higher the rank the more difficult it is, this ranks and phases were similar for mages and cultivators

Lee you who was observing the surroundings slowly walk up to the mini size waterfalls

A pond not big nor small will be sighted, and slowly Lee you walk up to the flower spring and sat in a lotus position and closed his eyes and was now starting to cultivate.
