A Young girl sat from her lotus garden looking beyond the river for any signs of life. She was known as the lotus girl since she stayed in her garden of lotuses. Her eyes were a cream color and her hair was a light brown. She wore a collared top with a skirt to her mid thighs. No shoes she wore because she was always walking around the garden. when no sign of life was seen her feet meet the ground getting up. The wind gently blew her hair and with every step she took would be the sound of the grass crunching below her feet.
Kneeling before her lotuses she gently took a watering can and started watering her flowers carefully. The sound of the ocean was from the distance of the garden no other sounds but the birds and wind. It was a place of peace for the lotus girl who lived in peace at a cottage. It was a very peaceful place for her and her lotuses.
Just as the sun was setting the the girl started heading back to the cottage and getting ready for bed. She started getting her nightgown on and brushing her hair out putting it into a bun before shutting the lights out and getting in as the moon shinned above the garden through the night. As the night grew long and silent the girl started waking up to noises outside the garden.
After another set of grass being crunched under feet she sat up and carefully walked to the door. She pressed her ear to the door and listened in to the voices that were outside. With caution she looked over to the window seeing flashlights shining through and around as she carefully listened in. It sounded like a few males and a female.
"So this is the garden eh?" The female said looking around the garden
"yes it is so what u think of it? I think its beautiful with all these flowers" A male said looking over the vast garden of neatly grown flowers
"Hey yall get to work we need these to sell to the market" Another male voice said
Her eyes went wide before going angry with a glow of red in her pupils. Another set of bandits that come to take her flowers away without appreciating the beauty of the garden. It made her angry as she grabbed the doorknob swinging her door opened as she swung her arm a gust if wind blowing them far off her lotuses. The group noticed this as they looked over seeing her a few of them thinking she sell for a high price not knowing who they just angered.
"Why are u here for my flowers" She asked looking at them with anger
"uh excuse miss?.." A male began trying to get a name out of her
"My name is of no concern to u now why is it uve come to my garden just to steal my lotuses" She hissed her fists clenching hard
"now u have a wonderful garden we thought we could share the beauty of it by taking some and showing to the world" The male said looking behind her hoping the man behind her could grab her fast
It didnt go as planned as her hand raises up and back as he then flew all the back rolling down the hill and into the water. They were all surprised that happened as they knew thats what happened when they were thrown back by wind. The girl looked at them again as a few backed up while a few stayed where they were.
"Hey now lets talk about this we are here on friendly terms we mean no harm or anything we just want to talk" The female said with a smile
"Theres no need to talk when i know ur intentions" The girl said before blowing softly
The gust of wind picked up as the group were then thrown back farther away this time landing in the ocean as they all rised up coughing. The girl looked over her flowers and gently touched them making sure they were all good and none were taken.
"Who was that?" The male coughed getting water out his face
"Dont know but man does she have wicked powers shes a cutie too if we get her we can sell her" another male said
"oh no were no up for dying did u see how far she threw us?" The female said
"Hey yall remember what that old guy said before we came here?" A male said looking at the group
The girl gently watered her flowers as she walked to her cottage putting the water canteen down. Looking over the shore she walked over to the ledge looking on down at the group as her hair gently blew in the wind. They looked up at her with her pupils glowing a dark red with the moonlight shining down on her light skin and light brown hair.
"Its her he said about her name is Hasu"