
Chapter 11: Elizabeth's POV/ Mathew's POV

Jonathan was still addressing us at the front of the table. Everytime he had to move away from Audrey, I noticed both of them tense up. It was like they needed to be in each other's embrace even though they'd only met a few hours ago.

"We need to figure out what made the 5 of us immune to the witches' magic", Jonathan said. "I've asked Elder Anaia to come join us in this meeting. Dad, I know the elders aren't supposed to be this close to pack affairs, but this is the only upperhand we've had over the witches in years."

Alpha Gideon nodded his head and then we heard a knock at the door. Mike stood up to go open it and came back leading Elder Anaia by hand. He sat her next to Alpha Gideon and then came back and sat next to me and gave my hand a tight squeeze.

I'm not sure if I'm attracted to Mike, but I do know that I like being around him. He's funny and I get the feeling that he's supposed to stay by my side. I like him and I just know he likes me too.

"Elder Anaia, thank you very much for making an exception and being here today. We really appreciate it", Jonathan said.

"The pleasure is all mine, young alpha", Elder Anaia said as she responded to him. I haven't been on this side of the pack grounds in so long. I hadn't realised just how much I missed it."

"Elder Anaia, as you know, the pack was just attacked by witches. In the past, the witches have killed our people, kidnapped them, kidnapped our pups and gotten away with it. Today, while fighting the witches, some of us were unaffected by their magic. Their spells had no effect on us. Do you perhaps know why?", Jonathan asked.

"Young alpha, I do not know why the witches' magic did not work on a select few of people", Elder Anaia said.

We all gave a disappointing sigh.

"All I know, young alpha, is that when I held Elizabeth's hand, I saw the moon and I saw the sun. They were standing together, falling into the dark abyss. I have never seen anything that terrifying in my entire life. I couldn't help but start to cry."

Mike looked at me and held my hand again. "What else did you see, Elder Anaia?", Mike said as he leaned forward.

"I didn't see anything else, future beta Mike. But I did hear a voice coming from the abyss. It told me that should this girl and the one she seeks fail, endless pain and suffering would consume the Moon and Sun Godess."

Elder Anaia's words had stunned us all into silence. Jonathan finally broke the silence after a few minutes.

"Is this why you told me I must help her on her quest?"

"Yes, young alpha", ElderAnaia said. "It seems Elizabeth's quest is about more than just finding her friend."

"That doesn't make any sense. Elizabeth is just a human girl. We've been working with her for months and trust me, there's nothing magical about her. Are you sure about this?", Susan said.

"Elizabeth isn't human, Susan", Jonathan said. "Most magical creatures would think she's human but wolves have a better sense of smell than the rest of the magical world. We don't know what she is, but she isn't human."

Everyone was looking at me. I could feel my body getting hotter and I couldn't control it.

"Ouch!", Mike said as he quickly let go of my hand. "Elizabeth, you're hot!"

"Mike buddy, I don't think this is the time for that", I heard Jonathan say.

"No, I mean she's actually getting hot. I can't even touch her right now", Mike said as he took a step away from me.

My breaths were getting quicker and more shallow. I was trying to calm down, but I couldn't. What the hell was Elder Anaia talking about? I'm just here to save Mathew and now she's saying all these really scary things. I'm not trying to be a part of this world. I just want to find Mathew and go back to the real world!

"Mike, you need to take everyone out of here before she burns them to death. Dad and I will try to talk her down", I heard Jonathan shouting.

"Jonathan, I'm not leaving her alone", Mike said.

"She won't be alone, Mike! Dad and I will be with her", I heard Jonathan shouting at Mike. "Now I am commanding you as the future alpha of this pack. Get my luna and everyone out of here!"

I heard hurried footsteps and then I heard the door close.

My ears started ringing and my vision was getting blurry. I was about to explode. I could feel it.

"Elizabeth, listen to my voice!", I heard someone say.

"Elizabeth tell me about Mathew. Uhm, what do you miss most about him? What's his favourite meal? What's the last thing he said to you?"

I started focusing on Mathew and answering the questions I was asked.

"Mathew is my best friend", I said while screaming because of the ringing in my voice and the heat rising in my body. "He says he hates chick flicks, but he always cries when we watch one. Every Saturday, he teaches maths and physics at an orphanage. His favourite meal is dumplings and beef stew, but he only likes it when I cook it. I miss his voice. That's what I miss most about him. The last thing he said to me....I, I can't remember."

I could feel the area around me burning and I could smell the smoke. The ringing in my ears was getting louder.

"Think hard Elizabeth. What's the last thing he said to you?", I heard Jonathan say while he coughed.

"I love you, Elizabeth. Those were Mathew's last words to me", I said while shouting. Then everything went dark.


Mathew's POV

I don't know for how long I was unconscious, but when I woke up, I was no longer chained up. Instead, I was locked in a cell. I could tell by the smell of the place that I was still in the same cave. I was also not alone anymore. There were at least 6 people with me in the cell. Most of them looked like soldiers.

Orion, Orion! You need to talk to me, I shouted at Orion in my head.

There was no answer. I could feel him in my head and I knew he was awake, but he wasn't answering me.

Orion, Orion! You need to tell me why and how you and Raphael father's wolf have the same name. What the hell is going on? Please answer me.

He still refused to answer me.

"Mathew! Mathew is that you?", I suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from someone within deep inside the cell. I recognised the voice the moment I heard it.


"Yes, yes it's me!" Sebastian suddenly came out of a dark corner in the cell and gave me a huge hug.

I looked at him confused.

"Sebastian, what the hell are you doing here?", I asked him.

"Well, long story short, I'm here because I'm helping Elizabeth to find you", he said to me.

"No, she can't come here. They'll kill her!", I said to him.

Hearing what Sebastian said seemed to have grabbed Orion's attention and he was now alert and at the forefront.

"You need to tell me exactly where she is, Sebastian", I said as I grabbed both his shoulders.

"I wouldn't do that, inkling", a deep stern voice said coming from inside the cell. "It's dumb to talk about the location of loved ones when you're in a witch's cell. They might have put a spell on it to make sure they overhear everything you say", an old man said as he stepped out of the darkness. He had dirty grey hair and bright green eyes. I could tell from how thin he was and how torn and dirty his clothes were that, unlike the other people in the cell, he had been here for a very long time.

"You sound like you're speaking from experience, old man", I said.

"I'm actually not that old. I'm only 57 years old, but being imprisoned for 15 years has left me looking like I'm 100 years old", the old man said.

We all gasped.

"Are you telling me we're going to grow old here?", Sebastian said in a panicked voice.

"Oh no! You lot are going to die here. The witches are going to drain your life source and use it to fuel their magic." The old man didn't seem bothered by what he just told us.

"What?", everyone in the cell said together.

"Oh yes. For the past 15 years, I've watched hundreds, if not thousands of magical creatures come in this cave and die here. Most of you will be dead by tomorrow", the man said in a nonchalant voice. He said this like it was a fact that we just couldn't change. It's like he wanted us to give up without even trying to escape.

There were nervous murmurs in the cell. Everyone was previously a bit calm, but now they sounded scared.

"You seem to have survived, old man. How come?", I asked with a loud voice. Everyone started quieting down.

"That's a commanding voice you have there, young wolf. You're an alpha, aren't you? Which pack did they get you from?", the old man asked me.

"You answer my question first, old man. How come you survived all these years?", I asked him.

"I survived because I'm Luciene, beta to the late Werewolf King Ezekiel and brother of the late Werewolf Queen Elaine." His body was omitting a powerful aura and everyone else in the cell started bowing, even Sebastian. I was the only one who remained standing.

The murmurs were starting back up again.

"Why have they kept you alive, Luciene?", I said in a cold tone.

"You're a strong wolf", he said while walking towards me. "I am a royal beta, young wolf. How are you still standing?", he asked me.

I kept quiet and narrowed my eyes at him and just kept quiet. He finally broke the silence between the two of us.

"Well, to answer your question, the witches kept me alive because they are delusional. They think I hid the Werewolf King and Queen's child when they attacked the kingdom 15 years ago."

Before he could go on, one of the other people in the cell interrupted him.

"We thought news of you still being alive were all rumours", one of the men in the cell said. "All these years you've been here? Do you know how many pups, she-wolves and warriors have died at the hands of these witches? And you don't even seem to care. You are a member of the royal family. You were supposed to protect us!"

The man who had said this was shouting and pushing Luciene. The rest of the warriors stood up and they were all rushing towards Luciene, visibly angry.

Sebastian and I were holding them all back, trying to keep them from landing punches on Luciene.

"STOP", I heard Orion speaking through me. They all stopped charging at Luciene.

Everyone was looking at me with shocked faces. "Who the hell are you kid?", Luciene said.

Suddenly the cell doors flew open. Two witches came inside and grabbed Sebastian's hands.

"You! Why does our magic not work on you? You're just human. Why were you strong enough to fight our sisters?", the witches asked him.

Sebastian and everyone else in the cell looked confused. I don't know what Sebastian is, but I know he doesn't smell like other humans. Most of the people who worked with Elizabeth didn't smell like other humans.

"Answer us!", one of the witches shouted.

"I don't know", Sebastian said.

"Well we're going to tear you from limb to limb and find out exactly what it is that makes you so special", one of the witches said.

Before the witches could drag Sebastian out of the cell, I grabbed one of their hands.

"I thought I had a date with you witches", I said with a mocking tone. "I passed out last time because of Freya's boring story about some dead wizard named...what was it again? Rocky? Was that his name?"

The witches turned red in the face. They were furious.

"You disrespectful, mutt!! You'll pay for this. Mother Freya will ensure that you die today. You stay here human. This wolf has a date with death", one of the witches said.

When I got dragged passed the bars of the cell, I noticed that the bars were made from silver and they were laced with wolfsbane. Orion didn't sense any magic coming from the bars or the rest of the cell.

Orion, looks like we're getting out of here tonight, I said to him in my head.

Yes Mathew, but we must find a way to save all those who have also been captured, Orion replied.

They said their magic didn't work on Sebastian. He may be able to help us get everyone out of here, Orion, I said to him.

I could tell that Orion was thinking about this new revelation.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Eli_Stonecreators' thoughts